O my dove, in the clefts of the rock,
in the covert of the cliff,
let me see your face,
let me hear your voice;
for your voice is sweet,
and your face is lovely.
---- mine,
I love you and I thirst for your love. The world turns its face from it rejects Me, the world is cold and hard-hearted. So few love Me, few are willing to believe in Me, hope in Me, and place all their trust in Me. Few understand how gladly I gave up everything to redeem the world. Few understand all that I, the Son of God, suffered and what it cost Me to take on Myself the sins of the world. But you, ---- my own, you desire to love Me as I ought to be loved and even this poor, pitiful desire of yours pleases Me because so few desire it. I delight in your voice, I delight in your praises, I delight in your contemplation, and meditation of My love, I delight in the love you have for My Mother who suffered so much and still suffers because she sees how little her children love Me to whom they owe everything, especially their salvation. Ask and I will give you in full measure, My Holy Spirit, so you may love Me as you ought. Strive with your whole being to love Me and little by little, as you make a genuine act of your will to surrender your life to Me, you will discover the capacity of your heart growing and expanding to love Me daily more and more. Be not afraid nor be anxious or sad about anything but in a things come to Me lay your head on My breast and surrender all to Me.