Tuesday, October 15, 2024

SONG OF SONGS 3:4 (2024)


Scarcely had I passed them,
   when I found him whom my soul loves.
I held him, and would not let him go
   until I brought him into my mother’s house,
   and into the chamber of her that conceived me.

---- mine,

Leave the world behind. Leave all that troubles you and disturbs your soul behind. Come away into the silent secret recesses of your heart that place where I AM enthroned and no one has access to but I. This place that you reserve for your God alone and no other. But do not leave Me there alone. Come to Me frequently. I long to have you keep me company. Do not get so lost in the troubles, pleasures, and pastimes of the world, so absorbed in them that you forget that I AM waiting for you, longing for you, hoping that you will remember that I AM here alone. You call Me the Bridegroom of your soul, Spouse, Redeemer, Savior, and Friend, and yes, I AM all these things but what I desire above all is your company. So many in the world have forgotten Me, do not know Me, ignore Me, and are indifferent to Me. Do not be like those who remember Me only when they seek favors and turn away from Me once they receive what they have pleaded for, fasted and prayed for, shed copious tears to receive but having received what they so ardently desired they return to the world, to their old ways, and forget Me until the next time they need a favor. Do not be like them, ---- my own. Stay with Me. Delight in Me. Ask and you will receive all even to the half of My Kingdom and remain in My as I desire to remain in yours.

Monday, October 14, 2024

SIRACH 51:10-12 (2024)

SIRACH 51:10-12

I called on the Lord, the Father of my Lord:
“Do not forsake me in the day of my affliction, 
when I am helpless against arrogant enemies; 
I will praise your name continually 
and sing to you my thanksgiving.” 
And my prayer was heard; 
you saved me from destruction 
and delivered me from an evil plight. 
That is why I will give you thanks and praise 
and bless the name of the Lord.

---- mine,

Every prayer you raise to My Father in My Name He will hear and answer. I will never leave you, I will never forsake you, I will never abandon those that are My own. Ask and you will receive every grace and blessing in the heavenly places needful for your salvation, and to help you in your journey from this life to the next. All My promises will be realized in due season. Seek always the Kingdom of heaven and every good and perfect gift will be yours. I do not desire that those who belong to Me live as orphans you are not. God Himself is Your Father, I AM your Brother, Friend, and Spouse and I have given you My Holy Spirit so you will never have to struggle on your own to live a holy life. He will provide all that is needful for you to choose the will of God in all things and live life in its fullness. Stay close to Me. Keep your hand in Mine. Stay close to the flock and I will lead you in the way that leads to verdant, refreshing pastures and streams of living water. Pray constantly, give thanks always, and in all circumstances, do not say this is good and that is not, all things work for the good of those who love Me, those who are called by Me, those who remain in Me. Be not afraid    ---- my own, it pleases My Father to give you and your loved ones the Kingdom of God. Have faith! Believe! Be at peace!