Tuesday, April 30, 2019


Psalm 115:9

O Israel, trust in the Lord;
he is your help and your shield!

---- Mine,

Trust Me, I AM the God who saves. Be still and rest in Me and let My peace fill your soul. Do what is right and leave everything else to Me. Am I not God and do I not love you? Trust Me!

Monday, April 29, 2019


Psalm 18:40

You give me strength for the battle;
you subdue my adversaries beneath me.

---- Mine,

Trust Me when I say that I AM with you always. Be not afraid I will fight all your battles for you if you will let Me. Bring Me all your difficulties, challenges, and trials. You do not have to feel alone or overwhelmed; walk with Me, pick up your cross each day and follow Me and I will provide you with all that you need to be faithful. I will give you strength enough for every task you have to accomplish until your journey's end.

Sunday, April 28, 2019


Wisdom 3:9

Those who trust in him will penetrate the truth, 
those who are faithful will live with him in love, 
for his grace and mercy are for his chosen ones.

---- Mine,

Today is Divine Mercy Sunday. My Mercy is poured out upon the whole world and those who desire it may receive it in abundance. Do not doubt for a moment that you belong to Me. I have chosen you before the foundations of the world were laid to be Mine. Live in faith. Be faithful to My Word. Walk in the Light of Truth and you will have My Life, My Love, and My Mercy in abundance. My grace and My mercy flow from My Heart which thirsts for your love. 

Saturday, April 27, 2019


Jeremiah 20:7

Lord, you have seduced me
and I let myself be seduced.
You have taken me by force and prevailed.

---- Mine,

The sweet surrender of a soul to Me in all things is the greatest height of union with Me that a soul can aspire to. Give yourself wholly to Me and let Me do as I will with you in all things. Ask for this grace and expect in faith to receive it for nothing is more pleasing to the Father, the Holy Spirit and to Me than the joyful surrender of a soul to the will of God.

Friday, April 26, 2019


Wisdom 16:26

The children you love learned that it is not crops of whatever kind which nourish humankind, but your word that sustains those who trust you.

---- Mine,

Keep My Word in your heart, ponder upon it, let it deepen your faith and strengthen your resolve to turn away from the things that bring death not life. You must take the first step grace will do the rest I assure you. Trust Me.

Thursday, April 25, 2019


Psalm 37:4

Make the Lord your delight
and he will grant your heart's desire.

---- Mine,

If you delight in Me and My Word, if you surrender your will and yield your life to Me, then I will come to you and make My home in you. Your heart will be My dwelling place and you will know true joy for I will be the Source from where it will spring. Be not afraid. Trust Me in all things and your joy will be complete.

Wednesday, April 24, 2019


Psalm 130:6-7

My soul expects Yahweh more than 
watchmen, the dawn.

O Israel, hope in Yahweh, 
for with him, is unfailing love 
and with him full deliverance.

---- Mine,

I will satisfy all the longings of your heart. Remember, if I AM for you no one can be against you. I AM the Lord your God, there is no other. In Me, you are safe all the days of your life.