Wednesday, May 31, 2017


John 8:12

I am the light of the world; the one who follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have light and life.

---- Mine, I AM  and because I AM anyone who believes in Me and follows Me will walk in the light of truth. One who lives in sin and in the world gropes in the darkness and will stumble, falter, and fall but the one who walk with Me, follows Me, is led by Me, will walk in  the light as bright as the noon day sun for in Me there is no darkness. The world is in darkness because it is in sin; it rejects simple and eternal truths. Be guided by the truth and it will be as a lamp at your feet.  Anyone who believes in Me will be imbued with My Light and My Life no matter how thick the darkness that covers the world. I am the Truth all who believes in Me will live.

Tuesday, May 30, 2017


Psalm 107:9

He quenches the thirst of the soul
and satisfies the hunger of the heart.

---- Mine, do you recall the time when I stood in the temple and I invited all who were thirsty to come to me and drink? I assured them as I assure you today that if you drink of the life giving water that flows from My side, streams of living water will gush from from you too, welling up to eternal life.  Water gushing forth from the rock when Moses struck it is a symbol of the living waters of baptism as well as the outpouring of My Holy Spirit. Today I invite you once more to quench your thirsty soul and feed your hungry heart with water that will not run out and food that will satisfy. The food given to God's people in the desert, manna, prefigures the Bread of Life, the new manna, the Eucharist, without which your soul would perish as you journey from this life to the next. Take eat and drink of what I give freely it costs you nothing and you receive the fullness of life and of grace that will enable you to be perfect as My Father in heaven is perfect.

Monday, May 29, 2017


John 21;15, 16, 17

"Do you love me more than these?
Do you love Me?
Do you love Me?"

---- Mine, every day I tell you how much I love you; today I ask you if you love Me? How well do you love Me? Is it the the kind of love that does not count the cost or are there limits to your love for Me? How willing are you to sacrifice and suffer for love of Me? Are you wiling to lay down your life for Me and for My sake, because I ask it, for another?  

Today ---- Mine, I invite you to a deeper love, a greater commitment, a love that is capable of being forgetful of self. Only in giving can you receive, only in dying will you be born to eternal life. Love deeply, love truly, love unconditionally, seeking nothing for yourself but only the happiness of the other and you will know joy that is not of the world but of heaven.

Sunday, May 28, 2017


Psalm 36:8-10

How precious, O God, is your constant love! 
Mortals take refuge in the shadow of your wings.
In your house they find rich food 
and they  drink  from your  spring of delight.

For with you is the fountain of life, 
in your light we see light.

---- My Own, once again, as always, I assure you of My constant, unchanging, never ending love for you. I have made a place of refuge in My Sacred Heart. I invite you to feast at the Eucharistic banquet, there You eat My Body and drink My Blood; both rich food and drink that well up within you to eternal life. I have taken you from darkness to light and I have given you a place of honor with My friends. No longer do I call you My servant for a servant is not privileged to sit with his master and share the intimate bonds of everlasting friendship, rather I call you My sister, My delight, My friend, My very own in time and in eternity. 

Saturday, May 27, 2017


Revelations 1:17-18

..........He touched me with his right hand and said, “Do not be afraid. It is I, the First and the Last. I am the living one; I was dead and now I am alive for ever and ever; and mine are the keys of death and the netherworld.

---- Mine, My own, I love you with an everlasting love and I claim you for Myself eternally. I have taken your hand in Mine, I have touched and healed you in every way that you can and needed to be healed. I have removed your sins from you, I have forgiven you, I have cast your sins behind My back and I remember them no more. What I ask of you this day and every day is to listen  to Me, understand what it is  I say to you, all I ask of you, and do it! Do it! Only when your will is aligned to Mine will you know lasting joy. Pray constantly and do not lose heart for I the Lord am Your God am with you forever. I anoint you with My Holy Spirit and I claim you for Myself, for My own.

Friday, May 26, 2017


 Hebrews 2:16

Jesus came to take by the hand 
not the angels but the human race.

---- My own, yes, the Father sent Me into the world to take the hand of every man woman and child. Am I not your Brother, Your Friend, Your Spouse will I not hasten to your side every time you call My Name? Does not My Name mean one who saves? Am I not called Emmanuel God who is with you in time and in eternity? Do not be troubled do not be anxious about anything - look at the birds in the air, the flower in the field, the sparrow you can hear chirping outside your window; does not God look after them all though they are here today and gone tomorrow? How much more then does God your Father, the Holy Spirit your Helper, and I the Bridegroom of your Soul, care for you who are ours in time and in eternity. Never forget My precious, that you are worth more than many sparrows.

Thursday, May 25, 2017


Psalm 147:11

The Lord delights in those who fear him
and expect him to care for them.

---- Mine, when you look to Me for strength, help, and guidance I hasten to you and provide all you ask for and more. The fear of the Lord makes it possible to  never lose the reverence and awe that are due to Him. When you raise your eyes to gaze at the Face of God and you confess that you are nothing, you are a sinner, and that you deserve nothing; when your heart is moved by My faithfulness, My mercy and the constancy of My love which is not  dependent on anything you do but given to you freely, I delight in granting you every grace, blessing, favor, and help because you come to me with the expectant faith of a child trusting Me to supply all your needs.

Wednesday, May 24, 2017


 Job 19:25-27

For I know that my Redeemer lives,
and he, the last, will take his stand on earth
I will be there behind my skin,
and in my flesh I shall see God.
With my own eyes I shall see him –
I and not another. How my heart yearns!

---- Mine,ever since God created the world it was always His intention to have a special relationship with human persons. Free will, that great gift, was granted only because God wants you to love Him freely with no coercion. Yes, He commands that He is loved above and before all for it is only in loving God as you ought, that you can best be the person that you are created to be. Your love for Me, for My Father, and for the Holy Spirit is necessary for you  to grow and flourish, to live without fear, because you know that you are greatly loved and so you respond to that love with all the fervor of your soul. What makes your life even sweeter is that someday, when your earthly comes to an end, you will come into My Presence, You will see God, and you will share the fullness of joy as you behold Him as He is.  You will be one with  Me and through Me you will be one with My Father. All the longing and all the hunger of your soul will be satisfied.

Tuesday, May 23, 2017


Proverbs 3:5-6

Trust in Yahweh with all your heart; do not rely on your own insight. Let his presence pervade all your ways and he will protect your foot  from the snare.

---- Mine, put all your faith, hope, and trust in Me and you will never be disappointed. The Wisdom of God is greater than the wisdom of humans rely on Me. Consider well what I desire and then do what you know I will for you in every circumstance of your life. Fear God not people for the mighty hand of the Living God is upon you. Do not be discouraged or downhearted; know that all things work for your good because I am able to draw the best from every situation. Be at peace knowing that I am always in control

Monday, May 22, 2017


Psalm 131:2

I have quieted and stilled my soul
like a weaned child on it's mother's lap;
like a contented child is my soul.

---- Mine, trust in Me and I will give you all that your heart desires. With Me you shall want for nothing. All that the Father has given Me is Mine and I give it to anyone I choose. Nothing delights Me more than your faith that believes that I alone can satisfy every longing of your soul. Come to Me and find in Me the fulfillment of all your desires.

Saturday, May 20, 2017


Psalm 27: 4-5

One thing I ask of the Lord, one thing I seek –
that I may dwell in his house all the days of my life,
to gaze at his jewel and to visit his sanctuary.
For he will keep me safe in his shelter
in times of misfortune;
he will hide me beneath his roof,

and set me high upon a rock. 

---- Mine, My gaze is fixed on you it is unwavering, I watch over you lovingly and I love looking at you. It delights Me immensely when you gaze back at Me with love, trust, confidence, faith, and hope knowing that I am your Lord and that without Me you can do nothing. The more you gaze at Me, the more you spend time in My Presence in Eucharistic adoration, the more often you receive Me, the more will you become like Me. This is the will of My Father that you and I are one just as He and I are one. He desires you to be united with Him and this is possible only if you are united to Me. It is from Me alone you receive strength, I alone can protect you from all evil. I desire to be your refuge, your stronghold, your mighty protector. I desire to keep you safe in the midst of the storm. I desire to give you peace in the midst of chaos, I desire to give you a future and a hope in this constantly changing world. I want you to know with with certainty that you are Mine, all Mine and I want to be all in all to you. Love Me!

Friday, May 19, 2017


Psalm 18:36-37

You give me your shield for protection,
your right hand upholds me,
and your help makes me great.
You enlarge the space before me,

my step will not falter.

---- My Own, I give you My shield for protection, My right hand upholds you and My help makes you great. I enlarge the space before you so your foot will not falter and stumble nor will you fall. For I hold you safe. My grace surrounds you as an impenetrable shield and protects you from the snares, the traps that evil sets out for you. I lift you up. I give you a seat of honor among those that belong to Me. Think for a moment, contemplate all that I say to you this day.  I am your Protector who never sleeps but keeps watch over you night an day. I do not grow weary, I do not sleep. Come to Me when you are weary and the world gets too much for you and find in Me your rest. Be strengthened by Me. Be refreshed by Me and you will once again be able to put out into the deep to help with the great catch that I am about to haul in.

Thursday, May 18, 2017


 Matthew 13:16

But blessed are your eyes because they see and your ears because they hear.  

---- My Own, the eyes and ears of the world have grown dull, hard, insensitive, cold and uncomprehending of the divine vision and of divine wisdom. The world is a joyless place where innocence is lost and wonder and awe for the true, the good, the pure, and the beautiful is impossible for the children of the age. But to you and to those who whose feet have not strayed from the path because they are led by My Spirit, to you and to them I say you are blessed, because you see and seeing you believe. You are blessed because when you hear you understand  the secrets of the Kingdom of God. Stay childlike for on those who are humble My favor rests.

Wednesday, May 17, 2017


Song of Songs 8:6-7

Set me as a seal on your heart,
set me as a seal on your arm.
For love is strong as death;
its jealousy lasting as the power of death,
it burns like a blazing fire,
it blazes like a mighty flame.
No flood can extinguish love
nor river submerge it.
If a man were to buy love
with all the wealth of his house,

contempt is all he would purchase.

---- Mine, you are greatly loved. No mortal love can compare to the love that I have for you. What is human love compared with Mine for you? I, the Son of the Living God, the Second Person of the Holy Trinity, declare this day as I have done so often in the past that I desire that you return My love with all the fervor of your soul. I want your heart to be sealed in My love. I desire to be so wholly loved and desired by you that there is room for no other love but the love that you bear for Me. I desire that you love Me with an all consuming love that sets your soul ablaze with its very ardor. Love Me --- Mine, for the world has a short memory, it is cold and indifferent, and many are ignorant of the terrible price that was so gladly and willingly paid by Me for their redemption. The world chases the tawdry, the ephemeral the finite, they spend their lives chasing a mirage and in the end all they have is emptiness and darkness when they could have lived a life of magnificent gladness filled with munificent blessings yet all the have in the end is a living death when all the while they could have had for a Lover the God of Life, the God of Love as their Own. Stay with Me, console Me, Love Me with every breath you breath with every heartbeat, with every pulse beat waking and sleeping declare to the heavens and the earth that you are Mine and I will declare before My Father in heaven that I am your in time and eternally.

Tuesday, May 16, 2017


Psalm 73:23-25

Yet I am always with you;
you hold my right hand,
you guide me on the way you chose
and your Glory brings me along.
I have no one in heaven but you;

on earth I desire nothing but you.

---- Mine, I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life. When you choose to walk with Me you choose life, when You listen to My Word, accept and obey it, you are blessed greatly for nothing pleases My Father more than cheerful obedience to His Eternal Word. I take you by the hand day after day and I permit you a share in My glory each time you receive Me in the Eucharist. Know this and believe, it if you desire Me, if you hunger and thirst for Me, if you cry out with all the fervor of your soul to be filled by Me, then I will make haste and I will fill your soul with My life and love for to all who desire Me are granted all they desire and even more that they desire.

Monday, May 15, 2017


Sirach 6:37

Meditate on the precepts of the Lord and apply yourself unceasingly to his commandments. He will strengthen your heart and the wisdom you desire will be given to you.

---- Mine, all you ask for is yours when you listen to My Word and abide by it. To mediate on the Law of Love, to ponder  and contemplate it all the while keeping it in your heart as My Mother did, will enable you to grow in wisdom. It will strengthen you against temptation and guard you against the false direction of the Enemy. When you abide in Me and My Word abides in you' there will be an abundance of good fruit for you will be fed and kept alive by the sap in the vine that has its roots deeply embedded in My Heart. You will never be disappointed for I, Your Lord and Your God, will be Your Teacher, Your Master, Your Guide, Your Deliverer and Your Spouse, Brother and Friend. 

Sunday, May 14, 2017


Ezekiel 39:29

Never again shall I hide my face from them because I shall pour out my Spirit on Israel – word of Yahweh.

---- Mine, once again I remind you of My Covenant of love with you and with those who belong to you. I assure you that I will never lift My hand of protection that rests on you and yours. This is what I desire, that you are faithful. Pray constantly, Be watchful be alert for the enemy is around as well; ready to take advantage of you when you are least aware, when you are at your weakest, when you stray from the path that leads to life. Be not afraid My little nothing, it pleases My Father to give you a share in His Kingdom and to make you co-heir with Me. Be not afraid, you are Mine in time and in eternity.

Friday, May 12, 2017


Ezekiel 37:26-27

I shall establish a covenant of peace with them, an everlasting covenant. I shall settle them and they will increase and I shall put my sanctuary in their midst forever.   I shall make my home at their side; I shall be their God and they will be my people. 

---- Mine, this covenant that I have made with you earlier and often, I renew once more. You are irrevocably Mine. From the rising of the sun to it's setting praise the Lord who Himself walks with you. I have chosen you and yours as My very own, your children and children's children and their descendants will be faithful to Me and I will bless them to the thousandth generation. Fear not ---- My Own, it pleases My Father to give you the Kingdom and I gladly share it with you as my co-heir. Continue to grow in love, in humility, and obedience. Walk in the light of My Love, live in My shade under My wings, find in Me your refuge for I am your Protector and I do not sleep but watch of all who belong to me as a shepherd watches over his flock. I am the Good Shepherd and My sheep will not know hunger, thirst, or want for I Myself will lead them to green pastures beside cool waters and I will protect them from the enemy. Be Mine!