Thursday, November 30, 2023

SONG OF SONGS 1:1-4 (2023)


Let him kiss me with the kisses of his mouth!
For your love is better than wine,
your anointing oils are fragrant,
your name is perfume poured out;
therefore the maidens love you.
Draw me after you, let us make haste.
The king has brought me into his chambers.
We will exult and rejoice in you;
we will extol your love more than wine;
rightly do they love you.

---- mine,

I love you and I desire that My love for you draw you deep into the love of My Father in the Holy Spirit. Return My love just as the bride returns the love of her Beloved in the Song of Songs. The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of Love allow His holy and gentle touch to caress your soul and pour into it all the virtues and it will emanate the most pleasing fragrance that will rise up to My throne and fill Me with pleasure and delight. I will fill your heart with the wine of gladness and songs of praise, worship, thanksgiving, and adoration will overflow from your lips whether you are awake or even as you lie on your bed at night pondering on My love as you wait for sleep. I have anointed you in baptism and grafted you to My Body. I have consecrated you and I have confirmed you in the love and power of the Holy Spirit. In the Holy Eucharist, I draw you into divine intimacy - there is no greater intimacy than this in this present life when you receive Me in Holy Communion. We truly become one in spirit, in flesh, and in truth. Let Me lure you ---- my own, take you by the hand, and bring you into Myself where for a while I will make you forget the world - a place where there is only Me and you and where I will lavish My love on you and you will love Me in return adore and worship Me. Bring others to the knowledge of truth as well and you can hasten My final return so where I AM you too will be not just for a moment but eternally.

Wednesday, November 29, 2023

LUKE 1:37 (2023)

LUKE 1:37

 For nothing will be impossible with God.’ 

---- mine,

Believe that nothing will be impossible with Me because it is true and your faith, hope, and love will grow exponentially. God created the whole universe out of nothing just the power of the Eternal Word which issued forth in the Breath of the Spirit. Do not put your trust in men but in Me alone. If you put your faith in anything other than Me you will be anxious, fearful, stressed, and unhappy all the time. I have always answered when you called. I have always heard you. It is I who have made My dwelling place in you so be not afraid ---- my own, even when nothing seems to be going your way nor when you are unable to understand what I am doing in your life or in the life of those you love so dearly - remember I AM GOD and for Me nothing is impossible. Withdraw often into the sanctuary of your soul and there you will find Me waiting for you, longing for you, loving you. I thirst for your love - thirst for Mine.

Tuesday, November 28, 2023

JUDITH 12:14 (2023)

JUDITH 12:14

Judith replied, ‘Who am I to refuse my lord? Whatever pleases him I will do at once, and it will be a joy to me until the day of my death.’ 

---- mine,

If you desire to be happy in this life and abundantly happy in the next then seek always and everywhere to discern My will through the Holy Spirit and do it. If you wish to behold Me face to face eternally then make time often now to enter often into the sanctuary of your soul where I dwell and you will find Me. Turn your thoughts to Me. Talk to Me. Share everything about your life with Me your joys, your troubles, your worries and fears for yourself and for your family and everyone you love. Pray for their conversion and for the conversion of the world. My Father desires that not a single one whom He has entrusted to Me should be lost - so unite with the Father's desire and pray earnestly daily. Remember that time will end and then comes judgment. Prepare yourself, Keep from sullying your wedding garment. I AM with you always. My Holy Spirit is given to you to help you so you do not have to struggle on your own. All the help and the graces you need are yours for the asking. Go to Confession often. Receive Me daily in Holy Communion. Come to the Adoration Chapel and spend time in My Eucharistic Presence and love Me ---- my own, love Me. The world hates Me, they are cold, indifferent, they blaspheme, but I died in order to redeem all mankind.  Pray for the conversion of the world and the peace that the world cannot give will be granted to all nations.

Monday, November 27, 2023

PSALM 42:1-2 (2023)

PSALM 42:1-2

As a deer longs for flowing streams,
so my soul longs for you, O God.
My soul thirsts for God,
for the living God.
When shall I come and behold
the face of God?

---- mine,

This is the place that I will bring you - I will grant you your heart's desire which is a hunger and a thirst for Me and for My Word. You will not find rest in anything that this world has to offer you all things are passing I alone am eternal and My Word will give you life. Keep asking, keep seeking with all your heart and soul. The more you hunger and thirst for Me the greater will I shower you with an avalanche of My blessings and graces. Be still and know that I AM God and nothing is impossible for Me. Ask and I will give you all the graces and the riches of My blessing not only to you but to everyone you pray for so earnestly each day. Be still ---- my own, be still, be at peace, I AM here and I will never fail you, I will never disappoint you, for I never forsake My own. Believe in Me and in My Word and you will find rest for your soul.

Sunday, November 26, 2023

MATTHEW 22:11-14 (2023)

MATTHEW 22:11-14

‘But when the king came in to see the guests, he noticed a man there who was not wearing a wedding robe, and he said to him, “Friend, how did you get in here without a wedding robe?” And he was speechless. Then the king said to the attendants, “Bind him hand and foot, and throw him into the outer darkness, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.” For many are called, but few are chosen.’

---- mine,

I have robed you in garments of purity, holiness, and sanctity and I have given you a seat at My table in the presence of My Father. Keep your baptismal robe free of all stain of sin. Wear it always and do not discard it for the trifles that are meaningless and pass away. All things in the world are temporal and will in time give way to what is new and will flourish for a while but nothing is meant to last except your soul. This will live eternally. Watch and pray constantly for as long as you live in the world you are in danger of losing your life to the Enemy. Do not let your guard down for an instant. Do good. Stay close to Me. Let your life be governed by Truth. Be not afraid for you are Mine. You have been purchased by the Blood of the Son of God and the Son of Man. Have courage. Pray for the salvation of those you love without ceasing. Pray and fast. Give alms. Stay humble and trust Me. Have confidence in the power of My Saving Work. I AM WHO AM, SAVES - this is why I came into the world. No one can snatch from Me what is Mine. Be of good cheer for I have overcome the world.

Saturday, November 25, 2023

WISDOM 16:20-21 (2023)

WISDOM 16:20-21

Instead of these things you gave your people food of angels,
and without their toil you supplied them from heaven 
with bread ready to eat,
providing every pleasure and suited to every taste.
For your sustenance manifested your sweetness towards your children;
and the bread, ministering to the desire of the one who took it,
was changed to suit everyone’s liking.

---- mine,

All that is good, all that is lasting, all that is needful for you is contained in the Holy Eucharist, the heavenly manna. It is divine life and it wells up to eternal life in you. Every time you receive this heavenly bread you eat and drink the flesh and blood of the Son of Man. This is what the Father desired that you partake in the life of the Trinity and this is possible only through union and communion with Me in the Holy Eucharist. Without this eternal food, you will have no life in you and you will lack the strength necessary to withstand the ploys and snares of the Enemy. Sustained by the Bread of Angels you can and will defeat the powers of darkness that are constantly aligning against you and seeking to snatch you from Me. Remain close to Me, ---- my own, in the intimacy of Holy Communion. Surrender your whole life, your whole being to Me. Surrender your will completely in order to embrace My will for your life and you will already begin to live the abundant life that you will possess in its fullness My Father's house.

Friday, November 24, 2023

PSALM 119:67, 71 - (2023)

PSALM 119:67, 71

Before I was humbled I went astray, 
but now I keep your word.
It is good for me that I was humbled,
so that I might learn your statutes.

---- mine,

You will admit that this is true of you that when things are going well you become prideful, filled with complacency, tend to boast and preen with self-satisfaction as if all God's blessings were owed to you, or that you were owed all the good things that were given to you as pure gift. When your life was free of sorrow, troubles, and affliction you did not think of  Me, you did not rejoice in My goodness and you failed to praise Me for all the blessings that were granted to you. Instead, you acted as if they were rightfully yours. This is why ---- my own, I have sent you many trials, and afflictions, and you were and are given many great sorrows. They have made you humble and have taught you that you need Me and that without Me you can do nothing. Now you know how weak you are and that human wisdom and human strength count for nothing. It is only after you were.  brought to your knees over again, and even as you continue to shed many tears to this day, you finally understand that with Me with you nothing is impossible. Even as you walk through the deepest, darkest night if you cling to Me you are invincible but apart from Me, you can do nothing. Divine Wisdom and understanding are the fruit of denying yourself, taking up your cross daily, and following Me, there is no other way to attain true joy and freedom in this life and perfect joy in the life to come.

Thursday, November 23, 2023

MARK 10:51-52 (2023)

MARK 10:51-52

Then Jesus said to him, ‘What do you want me to do for you?’ The blind man said to him, ‘My teacher, let me see again.’ Jesus said to him, ‘Go; your faith has made you well.’ Immediately he regained his sight and followed him on the way.

---- mine,

What do you want me to do for you? Ask Me anything and I will give it to you. Have I not made you co-heir with Me to My Father's Kingdom? Have I not made you an adopted daughter of My Father? Are you not a member of My Body, the Church I founded and established? Have I not given you My Mother as your own? Are not all the saints in heaven your sisters and brothers? Have I not given you the whole hosts of angels in heaven to watch over and protect you and have I not appointed a special agent to yours alone as you journey through this valley of tears? ---- my own, I have given you all that you need and so much more. What gift will you make to Me in return?

Beloved Jesus, I am yours all yours, all I have is yours, do with me what you will.

Wednesday, November 22, 2023

SONG OF SONGS 2:13-14 (2023)


The fig tree puts forth its figs,
   and the vines are in blossom;
   they give forth fragrance.
Arise, my love, my fair one,
   and come away.
O my dove, in the clefts of the rock,
   in the covert of the cliff,
let me see your face,
   let me hear your voice;
for your voice is sweet,
   and your face is lovely.

---- mine,

All you need to live a life pleasing to God is already given to you in the Sacraments. Your life is filled with the life of the Holy Spirit and the fruits and gifts of the Spirit are visible which is pleasing to Me. As your love for Me grows so will your love for Truth, Goodness, and Beauty grow as will your desire for the Holy Spirit to lead you, guide you, and instruct you. I desire you to belong to Me wholly and without reserve. I desire you to come away with Me often and remain alone with Me in the sanctuary of your heart. I wait for you. I long for you. It gives Me great joy when you turn to Me constantly during the day, acknowledge My presence, and tell Me how much you love Me. Tell Me everything. I love the sound of your voice. It gives Me much pleasure when you share everything with Me not just your sorrows and troubles but the things that make you happy. I am delighted when you are grateful and you acknowledge My blessings on you and your family. Talk to Me often ---- my own. Do not get so lost in your troubles and sorrows that you forget that I AM with you and I AM your ever-present help ready willing, and able to perform miracles if only you ask Me. Do not forget that I AM with you always. I will never leave you for you are irrevocably Mine not just in time but also in eternity. Remain in My love.

Tuesday, November 21, 2023

PSALM 147:13, 14 & PSALM 149:4 (2023)

PSALM 147:13, 14  &  PSALM 149:4

For he strengthens the bars of your gates; 
he blesses your children within you.
He sends out his command to the earth;
his word runs swiftly.

For the Lord takes pleasure in his people;
he adorns the humble with victory.

---- my own,

Pay close attention to what I say to you today. I will strengthen you. I hear all your prayers. I have answered you and will continue to answer you. I will bless all whom you ask me to bless. I AM the Eternal Word of My Father and His Word will not return to Him without fulfilling all that My Father desires. Stay little, remain humble, strive to be holy, strive to keep My commandments. Let love for Me and love for your neighbor illumine your way. Stay close to My Mother whom I have given you as your Mother as well. Fear nothing. All is well for God is good all the time. I have won the victory and My triumph is yours too. Be of good cheer, ---- mine, I have overcome the world. 

Monday, November 20, 2023

MICAH 2:12-13 (2023)

MICAH 2:12-13

I will surely gather all of you, O Jacob, 
I will gather the survivors of Israel;
I will set them together
like sheep in a fold,
like a flock in its pasture;
it will resound with people.
The one who breaks out will go up before them;
they will break through and pass the gate,
going out by it.
Their king will pass on before them,
the Lord at their head.

---- mine,

The world today looks to you like it is on the brink of self-implosion and total destruction. Evil holds sway and violence, vile hatred for all that is true, good, and beautiful is so widespread the world seems like a place of utter desolation for those who love Me and are holding fast to the truth. Scandals in the Church are creating division among the priests, bishops, and My flock. This is the hour before dawn when it is darkest - have courage, hold on firmly to your faith, I AM alive and I AM with My people, the sheep of My flock. Hold on to My assurance to remain with My Church until the end of the age and that the gates of hell shall never prevail against her. Remain alert. Stay awake. Watch and pray unceasingly for the Lord Your God, Your Deliverer and Helper, the Good Shepherd, and the King of King will not lose what is My own. Keep the faith for I have conquered - victory is Mine and the foe is vanquished. Be not afraid Your God is at hand and I have overcome and crushed the Enemy. Peace, be still for the God of all comfort is with you. I AM ONE WHO SAVES. 

Sunday, November 19, 2023

SIRACH 39:33-35 (2023)

SIRACH 39:33-35

All the works of the Lord are good,
   and he will supply every need in its time.
No one can say, ‘This is not as good as that’,
   for everything proves good in its appointed time.
So now sing praise with all your heart and voice,
   and bless the name of the Lord.

---- mine,

God is good and God is love and this is why all you receive from God is good. Testing times are necessary if it were not you would not be given the trials that strengthen your faith, hope, and love for Me. Praise God in all circumstances for all things work for the good of those who love Me, those who accept the gifts as well as the cross. Looking back at your life can you not see how necessary it was for you to be tried and tested as gold and silver in order to be purified? You know that it is through the times of suffering, loss, grief, and tribulation that grace has brought you through all of the testing times stronger and with greater resilience to endure the trials that all who love Me must face periodically. Praise God always. Raise your heart and mind to Me every waking moment. Let My Name be on your lips, in your heart, and allow My Holy Spirit to fill your soul with joy and gladness even though you walk through the dark night in this valley of tears. Be of good cheer ---- my own for while weeping lasts only through the night enduring joy will be yours in the morning.

Saturday, November 18, 2023

BARUCH 4:30 (2023)


Take courage, O Jerusalem,
for the one who named you will comfort you.

---- mine,

I have called you by name, you are mine. I AM with you, I hear you and I answer you. Take courage for the Lord your God who is near to the brokenhearted will comfort you. I will dry your tears and console you. I will heal the wounds of all those for whom you pray earnestly every day. Be still and know that I AM GOD and I never forsake those who are Mine, those who are called by My Name. I AM THE LORD YOUR GOD, IS ANYTHING TOO DIFFICULT FOR ME?

Friday, November 17, 2023

MARK 14:36 (2023)

MARK 14:36

Jesus said, ‘Abba, Father, for you all things are possible; remove this cup from me; yet, not what I want, but what you want.’ 

---- mine,

This is a prayer you must will yourself to pray when you are experiencing heartbreaking sorrow when you are grief-stricken and have no one to turn to. In dire distress when all seems hopeless when there is no one in sight who is able or willing to help you turn to your heavenly Father, lift your gaze to Him and pray the prayer that I prayed in My agony. Let Him know what you desire. Ask Him to take away the cup of suffering from your lips. Cry out to Him and plead with Him to let the cup pass you by and then add - yet, not what I want, but what You want. Even if you are afraid to pray it. Even if the words stick in your throat because you lack the courage to pray it - pray it anyway and My Father will send angels to comfort you, to assist you, to answer you just as He sent an angel to comfort Me. Never forget ---- my own, that God, the Creator is your Abba, the Holy Spirit is your Comforter, Helper, Paraclete and He will unite you in love to the Father and to Me. And I, ---- my very own, am your Beloved, your Spouse, your Brother, your Redeemer, your Savior, and your Friend. Keep your gaze on Me and trust in Me and in My Word and I will bring you safely through the dark valley into the Kingdom of My Father. Do not be anxious about anything but pray constantly and hope even when all seems hopeless because God is your Father and with God, you are more than a conqueror.

Thursday, November 16, 2023

SONG OF SONGS 2:4 (2023)


He brought me to the banqueting house,
   and his intention towards me was love.

---- mine,

I want you to know today that My love for you is intentional, it is infinite, it is personal, and it covers you from the top of your head to the soles of your feet. You are mine. I paid the ransom that liberated you. I have taken you by the hand and I will lead you through all the deep dark valleys, and the plains, through the heights of the mountains, and through the rockiest terrain and I will not let go of you nor of those whom you pray for daily with deep sighing and many tears until I bring you to the place that has been prepared for you before I laid the foundations of the world. Have this confidence in My love for you that I will never leave you, I will never forsake you, I have carved your name on the palm of My hand. Be not afraid for fear paralyses and it reveals a lack of faith in Me who loves you with an everlasting love. I lead you each day to the banqueting table and I feed you with My Flesh and I give you My Blood as drink and this supernatural food wells up to eternal life in you. Be not afraid ---- My own. Be not afraid.

Wednesday, November 15, 2023

ECCLESIASTICUS 43:29-33 (2023)


Awesome is the Lord and very great,
   and marvellous is his power.
Glorify the Lord and exalt him as much as you can,
   for he surpasses even that.
When you exalt him, summon all your strength,
   and do not grow weary, for you cannot praise him enough.

---- mine,

Do not get so caught up in negative emotions each time you are faced with a trial or difficulty that you forget what it means to be a child of God and heir to the Kingdom of Heaven. Trials troubles, sickness, and everything else that causes you to lose your peace and serenity and makes you unhappy and discontented are real obstacles to faith. Do not turn your gaze inward on yourself rather look upward to Me, the God of all consolation and love. Remember all things without except work for good for those who love God. All your past experiences of Me must increase your faith because you know that I have never left you, I have never forsaken you and I never will. As long as you are in the world ---- mine, you will face trials of every kind, and each time you must meet these challenges with joyful praise and expectant faith, confident that the God of all consolation will come to you and comfort you until the trial has passed. In this world you cannot expect to be truly happy for true happiness will only be yours in the life that is to come united with God and with the angels and saints in heaven. Be of good cheer, ---- my own, I have triumphed over the world and My victory is yours as well.

Tuesday, November 14, 2023

Psalm 30:5 (2023)

 Psalm 30:5

For his anger is but for a moment;
   his favour is for a lifetime.
Weeping may linger for the night,
   but joy comes with the morning.

---- mine,

This is what I want you to know, to understand, and to believe. Transgressions will always be punished. There are always consequences for sinful deeds so you ought not to be surprised, or disheartened, or lose hope when your suffering is a direct consequence of sin. You must be worried if you sin without compunction feeling neither guilt nor sorrow for then you have given yourself over to the hand of the enemy. But you have experienced the joy that comes from repentance and forgiveness of all your sins in the Sacrament of Reconciliation. In this life, ---- mine, you must expect sorrow, tears, loss, and suffering, and having endured every cross that is laid on you with faith and trust in My mercy you will know the joy that comes from seeking My will in all things and accepting the will of God in all things. Trust Me. Have faith even when all is dark around you and joy will come eventually and through it all know that I AM with you always. My love sustains you, strengthens you, and will remain with you always.

Monday, November 13, 2023

MARK 14:38 (2023)

MARK 14:38

Keep awake and pray that you may not come into the time of trial; the spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak.’ 

---- mine,

Stay alert be aware of the dangers that lurk around you, and be vigilant for when temptation creeps on you, often without thinking you give in. Stay awake and pray lest having fallen over and over again you will lack the will necessary to rise up again and start anew. Trials, tribulations, and sorrows make you aware of your need of Me, My help, My Spirit, My grace. You cling to Me and pray when you realize how weak you are and apart from Me you can do nothing. But when the time of trials passes you are prone to more easily fall back into old ways. You lose your fervent love for Me and your awareness of your need for Me and your dependence on Me. Your flesh is truly very weak, ---- my own, this is why you need to pray constantly so when times of trial come you will be strong in the strength of the Spirit of God and you will overcome the snares that the devil is constantly laying out to trap you. Pray constantly but be of good cheer I have overcome the world.

Sunday, November 12, 2023

PSALM 17:6-8 (2023)

PSALM 17:6-8

I call upon you, for you will answer me, O God;
incline your ear to me, hear my words.
Wondrously show your steadfast love,
O saviour of those who seek refuge
from their adversaries at your right hand.
Guard me as the apple of the eye;
hide me in the shadow of your wings.

---- mine,

Fear nothing. I keep telling you this over and over again and yet you continue to allow your faith to crumble in times of testing. When the occasion arises to overcome your anxieties, and doubts with faith in Me knowing that in the past I have never left you and have brought you through victoriously through every challenge, yet your faith is like a flickering wick. Once again, and as often as you need in your weakness to be reassured, I say to you, that I AM your refuge, your stronghold, your deliverer. I guard you as the apple of My eye and I shelter and hide you under My wings. No harm shall come to you, no evil shall touch you. When you call I will answer. I always hear you for I AM closer to you than your breath. Have faith ---- my own, you are Mine now and forever and no one and nothing can snatch you from Me. No one can take from Me what My Father has given Me - you are mine.

Saturday, November 11, 2023

MARK 7:27 (2023)

MARK 7:27

Jesus said to her, ‘Let the children be fed first, for it is not fair to take the children’s food and throw it to the dogs.’ 

---- mine,

Know this with certainty you are mine, you belong to Me and you belong to the family of the children of God. You are counted among those who are fed first and your food and your drink are assured simply because My Abba is your Abba. You are invited daily to feast at the Lord's Supper, to eat My Flesh and drink My Blood. My Life courses through you. My Holy Spirit lives in you. I walk with you. I carry your burdens. You are yoked to Me. There is never an instant when I AM apart from you. Have faith, ---- my own and believe that all things are possible because I AM and nothing is too difficult for Me. Trust in Me. Have faith. Believe.

Friday, November 10, 2023

MARK 2:14 (2023)

MARK 2:14

As Jesus was walking along, he saw Levi son of Alphaeus sitting at the tax booth, and he said to him, ‘Follow me.’ And he got up and followed him. 

---- mine,

Every human soul receives this invitation, 'Follow me.' What has been your response to My call thus far? How closely and faithfully have you followed Me since you first said 'yes' to My invitation to be My disciple? Through the years when you had to face testing times, you have come running to Me, falling on your knees you have clung to Me and pleaded for relief, comfort, courage, and strength and you have received all you asked for and more. However, when the time of trial passed you reverted to your old, sinful ways of indifference, and spiritual lethargy. Is this time any different? How fervent is your love for Me? How sincere is your desire to follow Me even when you have no way of knowing whether or not I will hear and answer your prayers for healing in every area of your life and the lives of those you love and pray for fervently each day? Is your love for Me like the dew on the grass that vanishes in the sunlight? Follow Me with all the fervor of your being for as long as length of days are granted to you and I assure you that no matter how heavy the burdens that I lay on your shoulders if you remain steadfast in faith and love, you will always find Me yoked with you every step of the way from here to eternity

Thursday, November 9, 2023

ZECHARIAH 13:9 (2023)


And I will put this third into the fire,
   refine them as one refines silver,
   and test them as gold is tested.
They will call on my name,
   and I will answer them.
I will say, ‘They are my people’;
   and they will say, ‘The Lord is our God.’

---- mine,

Without suffering you have no way of knowing whether or not you have the courage to withstand the enemy. Without joyful acceptance of suffering you will lack a robust faith that believes in Me and has boundless hope in the One who alone can save. Do not let your trust in Me die when the times of testing are upon you. Be prepared to endure trials as gold and silver are tested in the furnace and refined. I know your strengths and your limitations but you can know the truth about yourself only through times of great testing. Will you call My Name when your foot is slipping? When it seems that I do not hear your cries will you continue to have faith? Are you prepared to believe even when it appears that what you feared would happen actually does happen? If you have faith the size of a mustard seed you will see the power of the hand of God move mountains for you. I AM your God and you belong to Me and the reward for endurance in faith is peace. In the face of trials remember that I have the power to work all things for good for those who love Me. 

Wednesday, November 8, 2023

RUTH 3:9 (2023)

RUTH 3:9

He said, ‘Who are you?’ 
And she answered, 
‘I am Ruth, your servant; 
spread your cloak over your servant, 
for you are next-of-kin.’
---- mine,

I do not ask who you are for I know you. I know you are Mine. I have called you by your name and I have laid down My Life for you so you may live. I cover you with My cloak of protection for you belong to Me. You are my sister, my bride, for  I have redeemed you from sin and from the clutches of the enemy. My Father is your Father, the God you worship is My Dad and your Dad. I have poured My Holy Spirit on you and He makes your body His sanctuary, His dwelling place. Fear nothing, ---- mine, for I AM with you always until I call you home to Myself to remain with Me in bliss together with My Dad and the Holy Spirit in the company of My Mother and yours and all the angels and saints in heaven. Do not be anxious about anything but with prayer and supplication make all your needs known to Me for I AM God, nothing is too difficult for Me. Pray constantly and remain always in My love.

Tuesday, November 7, 2023

ROMANS 8:15-17 (2023)

ROMANS 8:15-17

For you did not receive a spirit of slavery to fall back into fear, but you have received a spirit of adoption. When we cry, ‘Abba! Father!’ it is that very Spirit bearing witness with our spirit that we are children of God, and if children, then heirs, heirs of God and joint heirs with Christ—if, in fact, we suffer with him so that we may also be glorified with him. 

---- my own,

Do not give fear a foothold in your life, do not let fear dominate you; if you do you will become a slave to it and to every negative emotion. Where the Spirit is there is life, joy, peace, and above all faith in the goodness and mercy of God and the power of the Resurrection. Why do you allow every obstacle to become a stumbling block? Each time you give in to fear you allow yourself to be overcome with anxiety sadness and fear. Don't you know by now that suffering is part of the human experience in the world which is a valley of tears in the world where sin abounds and sickness, sorrow, and death are part of the human experience but only for a time. Be of good cheer, ---- mine, for I have conquered and triumphed over the world, the flesh, and I have crushed the Enemy.

Monday, November 6, 2023

PSALM 86:16-17 (2023)

PSALM 86:16-17

Turn to me and be gracious to me; 
give your strength to your servant;
save the child of your serving maid.
Show me a sign of your favour,
so that those who hate me may see it and be put to shame,
because you, Lord, have helped me and comforted me.

---- mine,

You are irrevocably mine, trust in Me even as you walk through the dark valley for I AM with you. I walk with you and I have your hand firmly in mine. Do not let fear overwhelm you and cast a shadow over your life. In this life, you will have sorrow, tribulations, and difficulties because you are my disciple. You are a handmaid of the Handmaid of the Lord, and she too intercedes for you with Me as I intercede for you with My Father unceasingly. Have confidence in Me and take comfort in the power of My Love for you.

Sunday, November 5, 2023

ZEPHANIAH 3:14-15 (2023)


Sing aloud, O daughter Zion;
   shout, O Israel!
Rejoice and exult with all your heart,
   O daughter Jerusalem!
The Lord has taken away the judgments against you,
   he has turned away your enemies.
The king of Israel, the Lord, is in your midst;
   you shall fear disaster no more.

---- mine,

As I have promised you and assured you over and over again this last year I have heard all your prayers and I the Lord your God have wiped away all your tears. You will rejoice and your heart will be filled with exultant praise and the marvels that I have done for you. The time for mourning is at an end. The time for sadness and mourning is over, watch for the new thing that I AM doing for you as I heap blessings on all those you have been praying for night and day. I the Lord your God am with you. I AM always with you and I will raise up and heal in heart, mind, soul, body, and spirit restoring to complete health each member of your family and together you will rejoice and praise me with joyful songs of thanksgiving. As I have said so it will be - trust Me! You and your family shall live in the shadow and shelter of the Most High today and forever and no one and nothing shall snatch you from Me.

Saturday, November 4, 2023

LEVITICUS 26:11-12 (2023)

LEVITICUS 26:11-12
I will place my dwelling in your midst,
 and I shall not abhor you.
And I will walk among you, and will be your God, 
and you shall be my people.

---- mine,

I keep my promises and I will keep every one of the promises I have made not just yourself but all those whom you love and for whom you pray daily with many sighs and tears. Be not afraid, ---- my own, just as you are mine so too are they and God desires the salvation of all His little ones. Do not be discouraged but pray with faith, confident that in the end the love of God and the power of God will prevail over the Enemy. The victory is won. Satan is vanquished. Love has triumphed over death, over hate, and over evil. Be still and know that I AM God and that I make My dwelling place in the sanctuary of your heart. If you seek Me you will find Me for I desire to be found. I make My home in you. Be not afraid, you are Mine and I assure you that none of My own will be lost. Love has conquered. Death is vanquished. God reigns. 

Friday, November 3, 2023

HEBREWS 12:10b-13 (2023)

HEBREWS 12:10b-13

God disciplines us for our good, in order that we may share his holiness. Now, discipline always seems painful rather than pleasant at the time, but later it yields the peaceful fruit of righteousness to those who have been trained by it.

Therefore lift your drooping hands and strengthen your weak knees, and make straight paths for your feet, so that what is lame may not be put out of joint, but rather be healed.

---- mine,

The more you are in the flesh the more will you chafe under trials and suffering and you will profit little from them. The nearer a soul draws to Me the more the soul lies quiescent knowing that chastisement is necessary to root out imperfections. Growing in holiness entails purification in the fiery furnace of trials and tribulations. All growth requires death to self in order to be born again to new life. So pray and ask for the grace constantly to say always and in every difficult situation, 'May Your will be done.' Only when you have surrendered completely to the will of the Father will you find enduring peace and rest for your soul and you will receive the answer to your prayers. You will either be healed or you will be given all the graces necessary to endure every trial with faith knowing that all things work for good for those that love Me. 

Thursday, November 2, 2023

HOSEA 14:5-7 (2023)

HOSEA 14:5-7

I will be like the dew to Israel;
   he shall blossom like the lily,
   he shall strike root like the forests of Lebanon.
His shoots shall spread out;
   his beauty shall be like the olive tree,
   and his fragrance like that of Lebanon.
They shall again live beneath my shadow,
   they shall flourish as a garden;
they shall blossom like the vine,
   their fragrance shall be like the wine of Lebanon.

---- mine,

I hear your prayer and your sighs, I have seen and collected all your tears, I know your heart aches and breaks for the sins of those you love who have wandered far from Me. Listen to what I say to you today - take heart, be consoled, continue to pray for their salvation unceasingly as you are doing now, and believe in My Word which I  have given you today:
My love for them is like dew restoring and refreshing their souls which will blossom once again. They will once more be rooted firmly in my Holy Spirit and they will not depart from the way of righteousness leading to life. Their tears of repentance and contrition along with their prayers will rise up as a pleasing fragrance to God, My Father and they will live again in My love and My peace and in the joy of the Holy Spirit and I will forgive them their trespasses. Virtue will flourish and blossom in their lives and their lives will be as sweet-smelling incense and wine and a delight to both God and to those around them. Pray earnestly, and hope with all your heart for My Word is true.

Wednesday, November 1, 2023

SONG OF SOLOMON 1:1-4 (2023)


Let him kiss me with the kisses of his mouth!
For your love is better than wine,
   your anointing oils are fragrant,
your name is perfume poured out;
   therefore the maidens love you.
Draw me after you, let us make haste.
   The king has brought me into his chambers.
We will exult and rejoice in you;
   we will extol your love more than wine;
   rightly do they love you.

---- mine,

I have called you as I have called every man, woman, and child to rejoice and feast at the Wedding Banquet of the Lamb. I have anointed you and consecrated you with holy oil and made you a kingdom of priests and a holy nation with the rest of God's family. My Spirit makes your heart His Sanctuary of love. He makes it possible for your love to be filled with the fragrance of the virtues which He lavishes on all who love Me and acknowledge Me as their Savior, their King, and their Sovereign Lord. Come to Me, ---- mine, visit Me often in the Blessed Sacrament, just as you do every day. I am always glad when you come to see Me. I draw you into the bridal chamber when You receive Me daily in the Holy Eucharist as well as when you visit Me each evening. I exult and rejoice over your daily earnest striving to live in My Presence and offer up everything for My glory and in atonement for your sins and the sins of the world. Your praises resound with the rest of all My faithful people as well as all those who have gone before you and are now eternally in My Presence. All the saints now live in exultant joy in My Father's house. Continue to pray, hope, and do not be anxious or troubled about anything just trust God and trust in Me. In My Father's house are many mansions - I have gone ahead of you and I have prepared a place for you and for everyone you love and pray for so faithfully each day. Do not be afraid, I Am your Beloved and you are mine. Trust Me and believe in My Word and in My love.