Thursday, August 31, 2017


Psalm 138:7-8
If I walk in the midst of trouble, you give me life. 
With outstretched arm, you save me 
from the wrath of my foes, 
with your right hand, you deliver me. 
How Yahweh cares for me! 
Your kindness, O Yahweh, endures forever. 
Forsake not the work of your hands.

---- Mine, remember that the road to the Kingdom is narrow and few travel on it. You will have troubles and difficulties on your journey to eternity but as I have assured you over and over again I am with you every step of the way. Even in the midst of trials, difficulty, and sorrow you will know with calm conviction that nothing will shake you, nothing will harm you, no person will prevail over you for My mighty arm is outstretched over you and over all whom you love. I cherish you and care for you I am aware that you need Me and I will keep all My promises to you for I am a faithful God.

Wednesday, August 30, 2017


Sirach 6:37

Meditate on the precepts of the Lord 
and apply yourself unceasingly to his commandments. 
He will strengthen your heart 
and the wisdom you desire will be given to you.

---- Mine, all wisdom comes from God and is revealed to those who desire it. To be wise one must desire it, ask for it, and wait patiently to receive it. Wisdom is discerning My will and knowing that you can do nothing unless I am with you. Grace is granted to you and your will to do what is right, true, good, pleasing, noble, pleasing to My Father is impossible without Me. With Me you can do all things but without Me you can do nothing. To know this is the beginning of wisdom.

Tuesday, August 29, 2017


Psalm 36:8-10

How precious, O God, is your constant love! 
Mortals take refuge in the shadow of your wings.
In your house they find rich food 
and they drink from your spring of delight.
For with you is the fountain of life,
in your light we see light.

---- Mine, you are God's possession and because you are His, He will watch over you and keep you as the apple of His eye. Fear not, be anxious for nothing; for the Lord your God keeps you safe in the shadow of His wings. He feeds you with honey from the rock and with the finest wheat when you eat and drink of the Body and Blood of the Son of God and the Son of Man. The very life of God is granted to you along with His Spirit. Be at peace and lie in the arms of God in perfect tranquility.

Monday, August 28, 2017


Isaiah 27:2-3

 “Praise my fruitful vineyard! 
I, Yahweh, am its keeper;
I water it every moment. 
So that no one will harm it, 
day and night I guard it.”

---- Mine, I am the vine and you are the branches, the vineyard is owned by My Father; He is the vine-dresser. Any branch that does not bear fruit He prunes cutting off those that do not bear fruit. The Holy Spirit is granted to all so You may put roots deep into Me and thus receive My life of grace. No one will dare to destroy what belongs to My Father and so joined to Me you are safe. United to Me you will bear fruit that will last for my glory for the glory of God.

Sunday, August 27, 2017


Matthew 17:5C & 7

"This is my Son, the Beloved, my Chosen One.
Listen to him."

Jesus came, touched them and said,
"Stand up, do not be afraid."

----Mine, to lead a fulfilled and joyous life take heed of My Father's words and act on it. It is My Father's will that all know Him and His Son, who became incarnate of the Virgin in order to become the instrument of shame that bore the sins, sorrows and suffering of the world. It is I, the only Son, the Beloved, the Chosen One of the eternal Father, the Living God, who has redeemed the world. By My stripes the world is healed. This is why My Father commands you to listen to Me and follow Me. Do not be afraid of your inability to do what is good, right and praiseworthy without My help. Stand up! I will strengthen you, I will give you all that is needed. I who love you will take you by the hand and lead you all the way to My Father's house.

Saturday, August 26, 2017


Sirach 40:26b-27

You cannot suffer loss when you
fear the Lord, with it you have all the
support you need. 
The fear of the Lord is like a garden
of blessings; it clothes a person

better than any glory.

---- Mine, fear of God is born of the awareness of who God is. I AM and because I am who am, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, Triune God, you and all that is are. Without Me there is nothing. The fear of the Lord whose nature is transcendent love is the beginning of wisdom. Fear God because you love Me, the Father and the Spirit and because to wound us  would make you unhappy. You are loved by Your Creator, redeemed by your Savior and sanctified by the Holy Spirit. Come before Me in trembling and awe because I have loved you with an everlasting love. 

You live because I love you, uphold you sustain you, ad give you life. Should I take away My Breath, the Holy Spirit you will cease to be. To fear the Lord is to recognize who God is and in doing so you receive all that God desires to give all who believe  in Him in spirit and truth.

Friday, August 25, 2017


John 20:15, 16 & 18

Jesus said to her, “Woman, why are you weeping? 
Who are you looking for?”
Jesus said to her, “Mary!
 “I have seen the Lord, and this is what he said to me.” 

Why are you weeping ---- Mine? Why are are you looking for that which gives life among the things that can only cause death? As long as you do all you will find is sorrow, discouragement and loss leading to the spiritual death of your soul. Lift up your head, look at Me and recognize Me in all  the daily circumstances of your life; for just as I promised, I am with you. My voice calls out to you constantly by name but in order to hear Me you have to truly listen. Quiet all the other sounds and voices that clamor for your attention and distract you. One thing alone is needed a loving, willing, listening heart. Once you have heard Me share the joy you have received with a wounded and hurting world.

Thursday, August 24, 2017


Luke 16:10

Whoever can be trusted in little things 
can also be trusted in great ones; 
whoever is dishonest in slight  matters 
will also be dishonest in greater ones.

---- Mine, no one with the least bit of common sense would entrust anything of value or put  a person who is lazy, foolish, and deceitful in a position of trust whether it be of his property or those who work for him. It is easy to take the measure of people by the way they handle themselves when they are given responsibilities. Take heed of what My Word reveals to you this day and you will discern whether God has trusted you or not. To those who are faithful God will give much more but those who hide their light under a basket,, or bury the talent; God will take away even the little they have. 

Wednesday, August 23, 2017


Matthew 28:19-20

Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations. Baptize them in the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teach them to observe all that I have commanded you. I am with you always, even to the end of the world.” 

---- Mine, by virtue of your baptism you are my disciple and your mission is clear. As a member of My Body you have been chosen by My Father, called by My Name, empowered with all you need to teach and evangelise through My Holy Spirit. And finally you have My assurance that I am with you always so you have My mighty protection over you always. You are never alone for I walk with you, I live in you, I move in you and My Spirit keeps you alive with My life and My joy enabling you to share that life and joy with everyone you encounter each day so they too desire to have what you have received freely, without measure and without charge.  

Tuesday, August 22, 2017


Matthew 9:21-22

............“If I only touch his cloak I will be healed.”  
Jesus turned, saw her and said, “Courage, my daughter, your faith has saved you.” And from that moment, the woman was cured.

---- My Own My gaze is always on you to heal and to bless, to watch over and protect, to keep safe from the wiles of the Enemy. You are exceedingly precious to Me for you are Mine. I have purchased you at the cost of My life and to the shedding of every drop of My Blood. Do not be anxious for anything but in every circumstance of your life pray with faith knowing that it pleases My Father to grant His little ones all they ask of Him with confidence. Ask for a childlike spirit in prayer and it will given to you for it is to such as these that the Kingdom of Heaven belongs.

Monday, August 21, 2017


Psalm 20:4-5

May he remember all our oblations
and look favorably on your burnt offerings.
May he grant you your heart's desires
and fulfill all your plans.

---- My Own, every act of love done to another I receive and consider as done to Myself. I find it most pleasing that you consider it a joy to give to My anointed from what is you own portion and could be used for yourself. To give and not count the giving burdensome but  joyful is what I ask; no one likes a reluctant giver. Give as you have received and it will come back to you in full measure, shaken together and running over. No one gives as generously as I do. Be blessed and remain in Me always.

Sunday, August 20, 2017


Zephaniah 3:15

The Lord has lifted your sentence
and had driven your enemies away.
The Lord, the King of Israel is with you;
do not fear any misfortune.

---- Mine, you are My sheep, you belong to My fold. Believe that you are marked with the sign of those who are redeemed. Walk in the confidence of a child of the Most High. You have no need to be afraid for I am with you and will remain with you always.  No harm shall come to you and to those who are yours this is My Covenant with you and it shall never come to an end. Have confidence, ---- My own , it pleases Me to give you the Kingdom.

Saturday, August 19, 2017


Psalm 57:11

For your love reaches to the heavens,
and your faithfulness, to the clouds.

---- Mine, My love for you is infinite as is My faithfulness. Do not doubt but believe for it is by faith that you can and will move mountains. Do not be discouraged at what people say or do remember I am in control. When you believe My power is at work in your favor; those who place all their hope and trust in Me will find in Me a faithful Friend and Brother. I AM the Lord your God and I have made a solemn covenant with you to watch over you and yours faithfully. Have courage! I have overcome the world.

Monday, August 14, 2017


 Psalm 81:6-8

“Open wide your mouth and I will fill it, 
I relieved your shoulder from burden; 
I freed your hands. 
You called in distress, and I saved you; 
unseen, I answered you..... "

---- Mine, Reflect on My promises. My Word is true. Do you not still understand how much I love you how I have cared for you always. Your life is one of ease and comfort, filled with so much that is denied to many. Make a greater effort to choose the things that bring life and to spend the time you are given more fruitfully than you are doing at present.  Stop making excuses for yourself and render unto Me all that true love demands.

Saturday, August 12, 2017


Tobit 13:6

If you turn back to him with all your heart and soul,
and live justly before him,
then he will turn back to you
and will no longer hide his face from you.

---- Mine, it's been a while and I Your Lord and Your God have missed you. Be faithful in prayer, in love, in good works prompted by love. Do not be discouraged; remember that it is I who have called you from darkness into My own marvelous light and I have saved and redeemed you. All sin is abhorrent to Me for sin separates us, also always bear in mind that nothing unclean can come before Me. Every hour of every day you are called to choose between life and death, it calls for an exercise of your will, there are times you choose death. Stay alert be on your guard for although My grace is always available to you your Enemy the devil  is waiting to devour you. Call on My Name constantly for I AM One who saves.