Tuesday, July 31, 2018


 Proverbs 9:5-6

Come, eat and drink 
of the bread and wine, I have prepared.
Give up your foolishness and you will live;
take the straight path to discernment.

----My Own,

You are invited every day to the Banquet to eat and drink of My Flesh and Blood for this is real food and drink. Without this heavenly meal, you will find it hard to resist temptation and you will frequently fall into sin. With the wisdom that is granted you through grace, you will put aside the thoughts that lure you away from Me and into the ways of the world. Narrow is the path and difficult the way that leads to the Kingdom of My Father and few choose to take it. Remain in Me and I will remain in you always.

Monday, July 30, 2018


Psalm 92:14-16

Planted in the house of the Lord, 
they will prosper, in the courts of our God. 
In old age, they will still bear fruit; 
they will stay fresh and green, 
to proclaim that the Lord is upright, 
“He is my Rock,” they say, “he never fails.”

---- Mine,

Do not be troubled, do not be afraid. Believe that I am always with you and with My help, you will bear fruit in every season of your life. I am the Living Water, planted in Me you will stay firmly rooted in Me. I am Your Refuge, You Lord, and Your God. I never fail and My unfailing help is yours. Do not be disturbed. Let nothing rob you of your peace. Be still and know that I AM God and I love you. In Me is forgiveness of all your sins. Trust Me.

Sunday, July 29, 2018


Ezekiel 18:31-32

Free yourselves from all the
offenses you have committed and
get a new heart and a new spirit. 
Why should you die, Israel? 
I do not want the death of anyone, 
word of God, but that you 
be converted and live!

---- Mine,

A pure heart and a clean spirit are what I desire to give you but you must first put away all that is displeasing to Me and unworthy of a child of God. Put on a new garment of purity, goodness, kindness, and love and I will make of you a new creation I will fill you with My Holy Spirit and I will delight in you because you walk in the light of My Word. Let your life reflect My glory always.

Friday, July 27, 2018


Ezekiel 37:26

I shall establish 
a Covenant of peace with them, 
an everlasting Covenant. 
I shall settle them; 
and they will increase; 
and I shall put my Sanctuary
in their midst forever.

---- Mine,

Once again I bring to your mind the Covenant of love and life I have made with you and those you love. Remember, I AM God and I do not change my mind. I am your Yes and your Amen forever. I make My home in your heart. I desire to belong to you completely and I desire that you withhold no part of yourself from Me. I desire to have it all, the good, the bad, the ugly. I will strengthen you. I will heal your wounds. I will bless you all the days of your life. For your part remain in My Love always.

Thursday, July 26, 2018


Psalm 147:13-14

He strengthens the bars of your gates
and blesses your children within you.
He grants peace on your borders
and feeds you with the finest grain.

As always --- Mine I assure you that you and yours belong to Me in time and in eternity.

Partake of the food I make available to you as often as you can, the Eucharist is strength for the journey from this life to the next. And know that I am with you always. Your home is in Me as Mine is in you.

Wednesday, July 25, 2018


Baruch 5:1-2

Jerusalem, put off your garment 
of mourning and unhappiness, 
put on the splendor and glory of God forever. 

Wrap yourself in the mantle of holiness 
that comes from God, put on your head 
the crown of glory of the Eternal One.

---- Mine,

Walk in my ways, follow the path that leads to life. Obey my commandments of love. Have faith and believe that all will be well. All is well. All that you ask for in prayer will be granted. Continue to pray and intercede and strive always after the things that give Me glory. I will be with you always. Am I not your Love, your Spouse, the Bridegroom of your soul? Remember always that you belong to Me and it delights Me to lavish my blessings on you and yours.

Tuesday, July 24, 2018


Jeremiah 29:11-13

For I know what my plans for you are, 
plans to save you and not to harm you, 
plans to give you a future and to give you hope.”
And the Lord says, “When you call on me I will listen. 
You will seek me and find me 
when you search for me with all your heart.”

---- Mine,

The reason you fall so often is because you do not pray enough. You know this and yet you have not made a start. You need grace without which you will find it impossible to obey the promptings of My Spirit. Do you remember what I told My disciples to do just before I ascended to My Father? I asked them to pray and to wait. You too need to pray and to wait with longing for that which I desire to give you. It is not enough for you to acknowledge you are weak you have to take control. You have to will to overcome concupiscence in you; only then will you be able to work with the plenitude of graces you receive when you receive Me in the Eucharist.

Monday, July 23, 2018


Zephaniah 3:15

The Lord has lifted your sentence
and has driven your enemies away.
The Lord, the King of Israel is with you;
do not fear any misfortune.

---- Mine,

Be not afraid of anything or anyone there is no power other than My Own that can influence you for you belong to Me. You have given yourself to Me to do with as I will. Pray always, think of Me constantly, call on Me when you need help. Place all your hope and trust in me for Ihave made a Covenant of Love with you. Lift up your head and walk with the confidence that belongs to the children of the Most High. Know that I am with You always until the  end of the world. 

Sunday, July 22, 2018


Psalm 46:11

Be still, know that I am God.
I am exalted among the nations,
exalted over the earth!

---- Mine,

It is in silence, in a quiet and tranquil spirit, that you will most easily know Me; know that I  am with you, in you, available to you. I who am God exalted over all the earth and all the nations,  am the same God who wants to make a home and refuge in your heart just as you have a home and a refuge in Mine. Do not be afraid to approach Me. I am constantly stooped over you, my ear is inclined to the sound of your voice, I hear every sigh, I hear the unspoken word and I answer, 'Be not afraid' I  Am God and you belong to  God.                

Friday, July 20, 2018


Song of Songs 1:2-4

Shower me with kisses of your mouth: 
your love is more delicious than wine. 
Your oil smells sweeter than any perfume, 
your name spreads out like balm; 
no wonder the maidens long for you. 
Lure me to you, let us fly! 
Bring me, O king, into your room, 
and be our joy, our excitement. 
We will praise your caresses more than wine, 
how rightly are you loved.

---- Mine,

Love Me with all your heart, all your soul, all your strength and all your might, Put nothing and no one before Me. I AM who am the same yesterday, today, and always and I love you with an everlasting love. You are Mine.

Thursday, July 19, 2018


Judith 12:14

Who am I to go against the wishes of my Lord?
All that pleases him I will hasten to do
and that will be for me a joy until the day of my death.

---- Mine,

Seek to do My will and My Father's will always. Be led by My Holy Spirit He will channel the grace required to do it. To do My Father's will while on earth was food and drink to Me. Let it be so for you as well. In this is true joy, peace, and serenity. 

Wednesday, July 18, 2018


Baruch 5:1-2, 5-6

 Jerusalem, put off your garment of mourning and unhappiness, put on the splendor and glory of God forever. 

Wrap yourself in the mantle of holiness that comes from God, put on your head the crown of glory of the Eternal One. 

Rise up, Jerusalem, stand on the heights. Look towards the east and see your children gathered together from the setting of the sun to its rising, by the voice of the Holy One, rejoicing because God has remembered them. 

They left you on foot, taken away by the enemy. God will lead them back, carried gloriously like royal princes. 

---- Mine,

Trust Me in all things. Trust My Word. All things are  possible for those who believe.

Tuesday, July 17, 2018


Matthew 13:31

Heaven and earth will pass away,
but my words will not pass away.

Take heart, ---- Mine,

I stand by every one of the promises I have made to you whatever those promises may be; for I have made an everlasting Covenant of Love with you. You on your part must watch and pray lest you be led into temptation. Let your heart and your spirit remain vigilant lest you come under attack when you are least aware and succumb. Watch and pray.

Monday, July 16, 2018


Proverbs 30:5

Every word of God is true,
he is a shield in whom man can find refuge.

Trust Me ---- Mine, to keep My Word. I AM God and I AM the same yesterday, today, and forever. Keep My Word ever before you as a lamp to your feet and a light to your path. 

Sunday, July 15, 2018


Matthew 19:26

For humans it is impossible, 
but for God all things are possible.

---- Mine,

Hold the words I have spoken today closed to your heart. What is impossible for you is always possible for Me. This is why I have said ask and you will receive, seek and you will find, knock and the door will be opened to you. No one who has ever asked My Father for any good thing will be denied it.

Friday, July 13, 2018


Mark 6:50C

Courage! It's me;
don't be afraid.

You have courage ---- Mine when you know that every one of My promises is true. When you believe that My Covenant is an everlasting Covenant. When you are aware without a shadow of a doubt, no matter how the circumstances may look, that I am God and that I will never leave you or abandon you. When you know that I have espoused you to Me. I AM GOD and I am God for you - unchanging, the same yesterday, today, and forever.

Thursday, July 12, 2018


Ezekiel 37:26-27

I shall establish a Covenant of peace with them, 
an everlasting Covenant. 
I shall settle them; and they will increase; 
and I shall put my Sanctuary in their midst forever. 
I shall make my home at their side; 
I shall be their God and they will be my people.

---- Mine,

You asked Me to once again give you a word of comfort, a word that will strengthen you and give you hope, and so once again I assure you that I have made an everlasting Covenant with you and yours. A Covenant that will endure. Once more I say to you, I make My home with you. I assure you that I will live with you always. My protection will remain with you and I will be forever Your God and your Lord claiming you and every member of your family for My Own. 

Wednesday, July 11, 2018


Psalm 89:35

I will be true to my promises
and not break my covenant.

---- Mine,

Every promises I have ever made, every oath I have ever sworn, every covenant I have made with you and those you love, you can trust Me to keep and to honor. Be not afraid I go with you and I will remain with you and those you love always. Walk with confidence in your step, faith in your heart, and a song of praise on your lips for you know beyond a shadow of a doubt that God, your God, is faithful and He loves you.

Tuesday, July 10, 2018


Psalm 147:11, 13-14

The Lord delights in those who fear him
and expect him to care for them.

For he strengthens the bars of your gates
and blesses your children within you.

He grants peace on your borders
and feeds you with the finest grain.

---- Mine,

It pleases Me to give you the Kingdom. 

Monday, July 9, 2018


Matthew 18:11
The Son of Man came to save the lost.

Jeremiah 38:20B
Listen to what the Lord says to you through me; it will be well with you and you will live.

---- Mine,

All is well because I am with you now and forever. Know that I, the Lord your God, am your Rock, your Redeemer, and your Savior. With Me, you have nothing to fear for in Me you are victorious. Believe, and peace will flow to you and from you for peace is My gift to you. Be not anxious, do not worry, do not fear. I have overcome the world.

Sunday, July 8, 2018


Psalm 18:29

Lord, you give light to my lamp.
O my God, you brighten my darkness.

---- Mine,

Be still and know that I am God. Keep this thought before you through the day and let my peace, my calm my joy, and my spirit enter into your heart, your mind, and your life.

Friday, July 6, 2018


Malachi 3:20A

On the other hand, 
the sun of justice will shine 
upon you who respect my name 
and bring health in its rays.

---- Mine,

Come before My Presence in the tabernacle, in the Adoration Chapel, prostrate before Me when you receive Me in the Holy Eucharist where I am in you really and truly and completely. Come into My Presence any time in silence and I Am with you; My Face shines upon you for I AM the Sun of Justice and the Son of Justice. In the healing light and rays of My Presence, you are made whole in My wholeness, holy in My holiness, perfect in My perfection as I surround you, fill you, and encompass you in Me.  Remain in Me as I remain in you always.

Thursday, July 5, 2018


Psalm 12:7-8A

The promises of the Lord are sure and lasting—
silver refined in the furnace seven times 
and freed from dross. 
Hold us, O Lord, in your keeping; 
protect us always. 

---- Mine,

I am the YES and the AMEN of My Father. Is anything too difficult for Me? As I have assured you so often in the past so it shall be. I AM the Lord your God and it is I who have assured you over and over again that I am with you and with those who are nearest, dearest, and closest to your heart. Trust Me. I am the God of love who never fails those who place all their faith, hope, and trust in Me.

Wednesday, July 4, 2018


Matthew 17:20

 “Because you have little faith. I say to you: 
if only you had faith the size of a mustard seed, 
you could tell that mountain to move 
from here to there, and the mountain would obey. 
Nothing would be impossible for you." 

---- Mine,

Great faith and great love have the power to move both heaven and earth. If a mustard sized faith can move mountains this is what great faith can do. To believe all that I have said because it is I who say it, makes all things possible. Do not worry, do not be anxious, do not be troubled about anything; but stay rooted and grounded in Me and you will find that with Me nothing will be impossible for you. If you have love you will possess faith and hope as well for the greatest of all the virtues is love. If faith has the power to move mountains love has the power to move both heaven and earth.

Tuesday, July 3, 2018


2 Chronicles 16:9

The Lord keeps close watch 
over the whole world 
to give strength to those who are
devoted to him wholeheartedly.

---- Mine,

I watch over the whole world because I have been given Lordship over the whole world by My Father. The world and all in it is Mine and I watch over all that belongs to Me. All is well because I AM your Protector, your Healer, your Lord and your God.

Sunday, July 1, 2018


Song of Songs 4:12

You are a garden enclosed,
my sister, my bride;
a spring enclosed, a sealed fountain.

---- Mine,

I want you to belong to Me exclusively. I want all of you - your whole heart, your whole soul, your whole spirit, your whole body. Love Me above and before all else. I want all of you and I will not tolerate any part of you to be separated from Me. You are Mine wholly, completely, exclusively. I want to command certain that no matter what it is I ask of you it will be granted Me without a moment's hesitation no matter what that command or demand may be. I will reveal My will to you and you, in turn, will always and in all circumstances say 'yes'. Why? Because you are Mine.