Thursday, May 31, 2018


Isaiah 4:5B-6

For the glory of the Lord will be a 
canopy and a pavilion for all, 
a shade from the scorching heat by day, 
a refuge from the storm and rain.

---- Mine,

Once again I assure you that in Me you will find refuge, comfort, and protection from the wiles of the enemy. I will keep you in My shade, in the shadow of the Most High. Trust in Me with all your heart and I will grant you all that your heart desires. Ask for anything and I will grant it to you for nothing delights us more than that you grow in holiness slowly but surely every day. Commend yourself to Me and be at peace.

Wednesday, May 30, 2018


Song of Songs 1:2-4

Shower me with kisses of your mouth:
your love is more delicious than wine.
Your oil smells sweeter than any perfume,
your name spreads out like balm;
no wonder the maidens long for you.
Lure me to you, let us fly!
Bring me, O king, into your room,
and be our joy, our excitement.
We will praise your caresses more than wine,

how rightly are you loved.

---- Mine,

Love Me as I ought to be loved - do not offer Me, Your God, a shallow, wishy-washy type of love unworthy of the name. Strive to love Me as I love you. The kind of love that sets aside self and lives only for the Beloved. I desire to be at the center of your life, your thoughts, your dreams your aspirations. I want you to begin your day with thoughts of Me and end it with thoughts of Me and all the time in between I want to be ever-present in your mind, heart, soul, and being so that all you do, every breath you breathe is prompted, is absorbed, is taken up with thoughts of Me and Me alone. 

Love Me completely, love Me exclusively, put your love for Me above and before all else. Love Me passionately, love me with every ounce of your being. Let our whole life be but a response to the love you bear Me. Love Me as I love you. Love lays down its life for the beloved. When life gets too much for you ---- Mine, be still and know I am with You always - we are one just as the Father and I are one.

Tuesday, May 29, 2018


Jeremiah 32:39-41

"I will have them think and act in
another way, so that they may always fear
me, for their own good and the good of their children. 
I will forge an eternal Covenant with
them by which I shall never cease to do
them good; and I shall place my fear in
their heart so that they may never turn
away from me. I shall rejoice in doing them good;
and I shall plant them securely in this land with
all my heart and soul.”

---- Mine,

For as long as it is necessary, so long will I assure you until you are completely convinced, that I am Your God and all the desires of your heart for yourself and your family will be granted. Those you love will know My Name, they will have a holy fear of Me, I will be their God as I am Your God, and the Covenant I have made with you I have made with them as well. The future that I have planned for you is a future that includes them too. They shall live and prosper as you have lived and prospered, I will reveal Myself to them as I did to you. Be not afraid little one, it pleases My Father and yours to give each of you a share in the inheritance that is Mine.

Be still and know that I AM GOD.

Monday, May 28, 2018


Jeremiah 33:3

 “Call me and I shall answer. 
I will reveal to you great and

mysterious things you have not known.”

---- My Own,

You have got to believe with a deep, unshakable faith that every promise I make, every word I utter, is true. I am God, not man; at My Word, the foundations of the world were laid. The Word uttered by the Father caused all that is to be and without it there was nothing. 

The Spirit is always present where the Father and I are present. Just as the Spirit of God hovered over the void and infused by the power of love, animated the Word, just as the Spirit of the Love of the Father for the Son and the Spirit of Love of the Son for the Father causes  light in darkness, so I ask you to believe the word I have given you this day. Absorb it into the very marrow of your spirit. It will be to your advantage to believe for faith when acted upon comes alive, faith is visible by its fruit. 

You have called the Holy Trinity today and the Holy Trinity has answered. Believe and claim, believe and act. You must now take the next step boldly and with courage.

Sunday, May 27, 2018


Esther 5:6C, 7:2B

“What is your petition?
Speak up and it will be given. What is
your request? Even half of my kingdom
is yours for the asking.”

“Whatever your petition is, queen Esther, it shall
be granted. Whatever request you
make shall be fulfilled, even if it were

half of my kingdom.”

---- Mine, 

Do not doubt; this is why I desire to assure you over and over again that the Kingdom of Heaven belongs to all whom I desire to give it to. And I desire to give it to you. Be anxious for nothing, for I the Lord your God am with you. I assure you that before the prayer escapes your lips; before the sigh is released, I have granted you all that your heart desires not only for you but those you love. 

Be not afraid my little nothing, it pleases both the Father and Me to give you a full measure of the Holy Spirit, He will come upon you and remain with you always. Believe and do not doubt and everything you ask for in prayer will be given to you.

Saturday, May 26, 2018


Baruch 5:5-6

Rise up, Jerusalem, stand on the
heights. Look towards the east and see
your children gathered together from the
setting of the sun to its rising, by the voice
of the Holy One, rejoicing because God
has remembered them. 
They left you on foot, taken away by the enemy. 
God will lead them back, carried
gloriously like royal princes.

---- Mine,

Have no fear for those you love. I will with be them and they will remain in Me. Do not be anxious or troubled about anything for I the Lord your God assure you this day, that when they walk through the dark valley, I will be their Shepherd. I will lead them to streams of living water and I will feed them on the finest wheat and the sweetest honey. Trust Me, trust My Word, for I am God and not man. Rejoice and be glad always for I am with you in time and in eternity.  You are Mine.

Friday, May 25, 2018


2 Maccabees 1:2A, 3-4

May he give you all a heart to worship him
and to fulfill his will with generosity
and a well-disposed spirit. May he
incline your hearts to listen to his law
and precepts and give you peace.
May he hear your prayers and be
reconciled with you, and not abandon

you in time of misfortune. 

---- Mine,

Stay close to Me and I will remain close to you. I will hear you every time you call and I will hasten to answer you. Stay in My Love. Avoid evil and do good. Be faithful to My Covenant of love that I have made with you and with those you love. I assure you that I am the eternal God, the eternal King and I have chosen you for my own inheritance. Be not troubled or anxious about anything but with prayer, supplications, and thanksgiving, make all your needs known to Me. I, the God fo love, will bless you and yours with every grace and blessing in the heavenly places. Believe and be at peace.

Thursday, May 24, 2018


Isaiah 66:2b

...what I am looking for is the one who
is meek and contrite of heart,
who trembles at my word.

---- Mine,

The delight of My Father's heart is one who knows, who is aware of their own unworthiness, but whose heart is overwhelmed by His love, His generosity, His patience, His forbearance and who is in awe of the Eternal, Incarnate Word. It is easy to say Lord, Lord, it is far more difficult to lay down your life in the service of your Lord quietly, without drawing attention to yourself. 

Fools make a great clamor desiring to draw the gaze of every eye to them.  But you, ----  Mine, look at Me, fix your gaze on Me and your face will be radiant with joy. Be not afraid; I came to reconcile sinners to Myself not the righteous. I am the Lord your God there is no other.

Wednesday, May 23, 2018


Psalm 73:23-26

I am always with you;
you hold my right hand;
you guide me on the way you chose;
and your glory brings me along.
I have no one in heaven but you;
on earth, I desire nothing but you.
My flesh and my heart waste away
for you, O God; O my rock,
you are mine forever.

---- Mine,

Hold on to the words of the psalmist for they are true. Yes, you are always with Me. I keep You close to My side, I hold your right hand and you have a place of refuge in My Heart that is reserved for you alone. It is My Spirit within you that leads you, guides you, encourages you, consoles you, speaks to you, talks to you. Be attentive, for you will only hear Him in silence. Be still and be aware of His Presence in you. 

Detach yourself from the things of the world and attach yourself ever more closely to the things that are eternal. Yearn for Me and for My Spirit. Thirst for My Love. Hunger for My Flesh and Blood which is real food and real drink. Do not allow sin to part you from Me. Cling to Me ever more closely every day. I am the Rock upon which you are called to build an everlasting foundation.

Tuesday, May 22, 2018


Psalm 55:23

Place your burden on the Lord,
and he will sustain you,
for he never allows the upright to fall.

---- Mine,

I will never leave you nor will I forsake you for I have claimed you for Myself in time and in eternity. Be still and know that I the Lord am your God and I love you. Fear not, be anxious about nothing, I am with you always.

Monday, May 21, 2018


Sirach 25:1-2

Happy the husband of a good
wife, the number of his days
will be doubled. A woman of character
is her husband’s joy, he will live in
peace all the years of his life. 
A good wife is the best of gifts,
reserved for those who fear the Lord;
rich or poor, he will have a serene

heart and a happy face.

---- Mine,

As each of your sons and your daughter leaves home understand this, your first vocation is that of being a good wife. This is your first calling from which every other calling will and must flow. Ask and it will be given you, seek and you will find, knock as often as you need to and understand that divine help and grace is available in abundance. Too often the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak; train yourself to respond promptly to the gentle leading of the Holy Spirit. Joy must be present in the hearts of all those around you no matter what the circumstances and I will be with you as I have promised always. You are never alone.

Saturday, May 19, 2018


Psalm 17:7-8

For you do wonders for your faithful,
you save those fleeing from the enemy
as they seek refuge at your right hand.
Keep me as the apple of your eye;

under the shadow of your wings hide me...

---- Mine,

I understand your sorrow hold on to My promises to remain with you and with those closest to your heart. Be still and know that I am God and that I love you. I will keep you and yours as the apple of My eye and you will all shelter under the shadow of My wings. You are Mine.

Friday, May 18, 2018


Ezekiel 37:26-27

I shall establish a Covenant of peace
with them, an everlasting Covenant. I shall
settle them; and they will increase; and I
shall put my Sanctuary in their midst forever.
I shall make my home at their side;

I shall be their God and they will be my people.

---- Mine,

For as often as you need to be reminded that I am yours and you are Mine I will do so. Every promise I have ever made to you I will keep. My Covenant of Love is an everlasting one it is made by My Father to you, it is I who am the Father's Covenant of Love with you. My Holy Spirit will remind you over and over again that you and yours are Mine in time and in eternity.

Wednesday, May 16, 2018


Daniel 6:26

“For he is the living God, 
and forever he endures; 
his kingdom will not be crushed,
his dominion will never cease.

He rescues and he delivers; 
he performs signs and wonders 
both in heaven and on earth. 
And he came to Daniel’s rescue 
saving him from the lions’ tooth and claw.”

---- Mine, 

I am with you, in you, and I fight your battles for you. Be still and know that I am God and not man. I keep My Word. As for you, trust Me and watch My Power at work in you. Do not be troubled or anxious about anything, but always and in every circumstance give thanks and praise, for God, your God lives and reigns in you now and forever. Be strengthened in My Love, be strengthened in My Spirit. You are marked and sealed for Me, --- Mine and for no other; remain in My love.

Tuesday, May 15, 2018


Baruch 5:1-2

Jerusalem, put off your garment of
mourning and unhappiness, put on the
splendor and glory of God forever. 
Wrap yourself in the mantle of holiness
that comes from God, put on your head

the crown of glory of the Eternal One.

---- Mine,

You were created for joy. You were created to give glory to God. You were created with a destiny, an eternal destiny. Put on the glory of the Eternal One. Be at peace for God, your God is with you to comfort you, to walk with you, to take you by the hand and lead you, to wipe away your tears, to turn your mourning into laughter and your sorrow in joy. Strive after holiness and purity of heart put away the things that could come between the God of love and you. 

Err on the side of love and goodness, kindness and tenderness. Do not dwell on the things that sadden you, rather focus on the plans that God has for you and those you love, plans to give each of you a future and a hope.  Trust Me my little nothing, it pleases me to love you extravagantly You are Mine now and always. 

Monday, May 14, 2018


Proverbs 9:5, 6B

“Come, eat and drink
of the bread and wine, I have prepared. 

....take the straight path of discernment.”

---- Mine,

There is a divine remedy for all that will ever ail you - My Body and Blood in the Eucharist. Come to Me. Approach Me in this banquet of love and I will give you real food and real drink which will well up to eternal life and eternal joy in you. Do not be discouraged, do not be sad, accept all that happens to you every day of your life from moment to moment as a gift from My Father. All is well and all manner of thing is well because I, the Lord your God, am with you always. 

Contemplate My Word, read it, constantly and let My Word find a home in you and come alive in you, then you will find your gaze caught up in Mine and you will know true peace; the peace that the world cannot give. All I have is yours, it has pleased Us to give you the Kingdom. Rejoice always, pray constantly, give thanks without ceasing in all the circumstances in your life, for this is the will of the Father concerning you.

Sunday, May 13, 2018


  Ezekiel 11:18, 19

I will give you a new heart;
I will put a new spirit in you.

They shall be my people
and I will be their God.

---- Mine,

I will renew My Covenant with you every day and I will assure you for as long and as often as you need Me to, that you are Mine.

As each day unfolds you will know that I keep My promises and your heart will rejoice and be glad. For My part, I desire that you remain in My love keep your gaze fixed on Me. Allow My Spirit to direct your steps . Give heed to His inspirations. I assure you ---- Mine, that all is well and all will be well  Remain in My love.

Friday, May 11, 2018


Ezekiel 16:60, 62, 63B

But I will remember my Covenant with you in
the days of your youth, and, 
make in your favor, an eternal Covenant. 
For I will uphold my Covenant with you; 
and you will know that I am God, 
I have pardoned you for all you have done,”
word of God.

---- Mine,

Look back and recall your earliest memories. How have I always dealt with you? Have I not taken you by the hand from the very beginning and walked with you always? Have you not, at every stage of your life, been surrounded by love, care, comfort, and joy? Have you not always enjoyed the gift of friendship, and laughter, and has not peace been present in your soul? I have been faithful always even when you have not. I have walked with you always even when you deliberately desired to stray. I wooed you back doing whatever is necessary to heal and restore your relationship with Me. Do not be anxious about anything I assure you that My Covenant extends not only to you but to all your children always. This is the Word of God. Trust Me!

Thursday, May 10, 2018


Psalm 112:1-2

Blessed is the one who fears the Lord,
who greatly delights in his commands.
His children will be powerful on earth;

the upright’s offspring will be blessed.

---- Mine,

Trust in Me always and I, in turn, assure you that I will be with you.  All you need to do is think of Me and you will find Me. I am your comfort and your consolation. I am your hope and your delight. When you walk with Me you walk in the company of the Son of God and are surrounded by My angels. You will not stumble and you shall not fall for I the Lord your God will uphold you I will steady you. I will carry you on the wings of the eagle and I will take you to a place of rest where I will be your hiding place. 

Be not afraid my little nothing, it pleases My Father to pour upon you and yours rich graces and blessings in time and in eternity.

Wednesday, May 9, 2018


Isaiah 27:2

Praise my fruitful vineyard! 
I, the Lord, am its keeper;
I water it every moment. 
So that no one will harm it,
day and night I guard it.

Remember ---- Mine, apart from Me you can do nothing but in Me and through Me all things are possible. As long as you are one with Me My life will keep you alive and will make you fruitful. Any tree that does not bear fruit will be cut down and thrown into the flames that never go out. Remain in Me and let My Word find a home in you. No harm will come to You for it is I who watch over constantly. Be not afraid for I am with you always. You are Mine.

Tuesday, May 8, 2018


Matthew 21:22

Whatever you ask for in prayer
full of faith, you will receive.

---- Mine,

I want you to truly understand the assurance that I have given you this day. It is My promise to you not only for this present moment but always. There is no limit to what you can ask Me to grant you anytime you approach Me in prayer. Ask for what you need with the confidence of a child I will not deny you, it will be yours There is no qualification to My promise. Pray with confidence always, and as you ask so it shall be because you have believed not only in Me but in the one who sent Me. Be not afraid my little nothing, it pleases My Father to give you the Kingdom.

Monday, May 7, 2018


Matthew 14:25-27

At daybreak, Jesus came to them,
walking on the sea. 
When they saw him walking on the sea, 
they were terrified, thinking that it was a ghost. 
And they cried out in fear. 
But at once, Jesus said to them, 
“Courage! Don’t be afraid. It’s me!”

---- Mine,

Courage! It is I! Do not be afraid no matter how high the waves or how strong the winds I am with you. No storm no matter how bad has the power to knock you off course because I the Lord Your God am with you. Cling to Me. Trust Me. No harm will come to those whom I have claimed for Myself. 

Sunday, May 6, 2018


Ezekiel 16:8E

I made a covenant with you with an oath 
- word of the Lord - 
and you were mine.

--- Mine,

Do not be anxious, do not be sad, do not be discouraged. I have sworn an oath and I will never forget it. You belong to Me in time and in eternity. I will watch over you and I will extend My mantle of protection over you and those you love. For your part do not forget that you must strive to always live as My bride, as one who belongs to Me completely, and is under My covenantal love and protection. Keep your gaze on Me in the midst of the storm and I will bring you and yours safely to harbor.

Saturday, May 5, 2018


Amos 5:14

Seek good and not evil,
that you may live;
and so the Lord, the God of hosts, 
will be with you,
just as you have said.

---- Mine,

Once again I reassure you that I am with you just as you believe and know to be true, and not only, I but My Father and the Holy Spirit as well, walk with you. There is always a condition, which is, that you must strive diligently to choose always and in every instance, the right, the true, and the good. Turn away from temptation, resist it. Ask for grace for you are aware that you are weak and often you have given way. Read, meditate, and choose only those pastimes that will lead you onward and enable you to progress on the path to holiness. You have been exhorted to be holy just as your Father in heaven in holy. It is a lifelong commitment that is possible only with grace. Pray constantly, receive the Sacraments often, be aware of My Presence in and with you, and lean on Me always. I assure you, if you do this, you will be safe until the day I come for you.

Friday, May 4, 2018


Ezekiel 17:22-23

At the top of the cedar, 
I will take one of its uppermost branches, 
a tender twig, and plant it.
On a lofty, massive mountain, on a high
mountain of Israel, I will plant it. 
It will produce branches and bear fruit 
and become a magnificent cedar. 
Birds of all kinds will nest in it 
and find shelter in its branches.

---- Mine,

While these verses speak of the Church that I have established, I wish you also to understand that as your children leave you they too will be like this tender twig that I will plant in a new place. I will watch over them. I will guard and protect them. I will ensure that they grow strong and that they are fruitful. I will use them to shelter others in them. I the Lord have spoken. All I have said will come to pass. You can trust Me as always, I never fail to bless those who are Mine. For your sake, I will bless all whom you bless and they will remain safe in the shadow of My love.

Thursday, May 3, 2018


Psalm 3:4-7

But you are my shield, O Lord,
my glory; you lift up my head.
Aloud I cry to the Lord,
and from his holy Hill, he answers me.
If I lie down to sleep,
again I awake, for the Lord supports me;

no fear of the thousands standing against me.

---- Mine,

All I have ever said to you in the past I repeat once again today. My powerful protection is your shield. You are counted among the children of God so walk tall, lift up your head, be not afraid. I have heard you and I will answer you. When you lie down to sleep I watch over you, when you wake up I am beside you. 

Do not be anxious about anything. Trust Me. Have I not assured you time and time again that you belong to Me? No evil will approach you to harm you. My Father has counted every hair of your head; you are precious in His sight and in Mine. I will be with you now and always. Fear nothing for the power of the Most High will keep you and all whom you love safe in the shadow of His wings.

Wednesday, May 2, 2018


Psalm 38:10

All my longing, O Lord, is known to you;
my sighing is not hidden from you.

---- My Own,

From the rising of the sun to its setting I  have My eyes on you, I watch over you, My mighty protection covers you, and all whom you love. I am aware of every thought, every word, every desire, all the prayers you make aloud and in silence. I know you through and through. Nothing about you is hidden from Me.  Come to Me, run to Me, hide in Me, make My heart your refuge. Seek Me in all things, find your joy, comfort, and fullness in Me and I, in turn, shall keep you, protect you, walk with you, live in you, bless you, and remain with you always. Be not afraid I am your comfort.  Rest in Me and in My love.

Tuesday, May 1, 2018


Isaiah 60:21

For my part, this is my Covenant with
them, says the Lord. My spirit which I have
poured out on you, and my words which I
have put in your mouth, will never leave
you, nor your children, nor your children’s
children forever and ever.

---- Mine,

A Covenant between God and His people is one that I will never dissolve. I stand by My Word for I am the same yesterday, today, and forever. I am the Yes and I Am the Amen of My Father. When He sent Me into the world to make My dwelling place among the children of men, He sent Me as one like you, subject to all the trials and temptations that are faced by those in the flesh. I have shown you that it is possible to rise above the weaknesses of the flesh with the help of My Spirit. Pray constantly and the God of all consolation will remain with you always and not only with you but with those you hold closest to your heart.