Tuesday, March 31, 2015


---- Mine, 

When My Father created man He gave him a most precious gift - free will. Angels had to make a once for all choice for God or against Him not so man for to him is given the opportunity as long as he lives, to exercise his free will either to obey God or not. Many freely choose to sin and sin gravely to their eternal self- destruction My Father sought to make redemption possible for all if they so desired this is why He sent me into the world. By taking on the sins of all men and paying the price which is death, God's justice was satisfied, death is defeated and new life in Me available to all who believe. 

I came to die so you could live.

Monday, March 30, 2015


---- Mine, 
What do I keep reminding you of 
over and over again? 
Why are you worried, 
why all the stress, 
why so much anxious thought, 
why are you of so little faith? 
I keep telling you to trust Me 
why do you not take Me at My word? 
You have asked and I have assured you 
that anything you ask of My Father in My Name 
He will give it to you. 
Wait on the perfect timing of the Lord 
who will give you all that your heart desires.

Sunday, March 29, 2015


---- Mine, 
Those who trust in Me 
will soar on eagle's wings 
to intimate union with the Most High. 
Why worry about things you cannot change? 
Why be stressed and anxious? 
Have I not told you that I love you 
and that you can trust in Me?
Anyone who puts his trust in men 
will be disappointed but I never fail. 
Believe and you will see the power 
of God acting in your favor.

Saturday, March 28, 2015


---- Mine, 
Be aware of My Presence in you. 
It gets very lonely when you do not turn to Me 
and talk to Me. 
Involve Me in everything that you do 
or desire to do. 
Talk things over with Me 
so I can help you in making the right decision. 
Make Me an integral part of your life.

Thursday, March 26, 2015


---- Mine,
do you know what pleases Me most? 
When you align your will to Mine, 
when you seek the true, good, noble 
and beautiful always, 
when you strain your whole being to pleasing Me, 
this seeking, this desire this love delights Me. 
How few truly seek to do My will. 

Wednesday, March 25, 2015


---- Mine, 
Why are you anxious and troubled 
about things of no consequence? 
Why do you forget that you have God 
for a Friend, Brother, Father and Helper? 
Why are you of such little faith? 
You dishonor Me when you do not trust Me 
despite your knowledge and experience of My Love.
 Let go of all the things that keep you 
from truly exulting in My infinite love for you.

Tuesday, March 24, 2015


---- Mine, 
Stay in Me. 
Rooted in My Word 
you will have wisdom to teach, 
refute, console and comfort. 
My Word is Spirit and life. 
Just as I repose in the Father 
I invite you to repose in Me 
and you will receive strength 
for your soul.

Monday, March 23, 2015


---- Mine, 
I am with you always. 
Only sin can separate us. 
I love you with an everlasting love, 
you are Mine.
Be still and know that I your God 
am with you and in you. 
Remain in My love.

Sunday, March 22, 2015


---- Mine, 
Rest in Me. 
Relax and let go of all that troubles you 
or is making you anxious. 
Breathe in My Presence. 
You are alive,make it count. 
Never has it be said that those who trusted in Me 
have been disappointed. 
Trust Me!

Saturday, March 21, 2015


---- Mine, 
Be still! Open your heart, your mind 
and your soul to receive all I desire to give you. 
Remain in My love on earth 
and you will remain eternally in My love in heaven. 
In my Father's house there are many mansions 
in it is prepared a place for you 
so where I am you too can be. 
Desire Me above all things. 
Place all your faith, hope and trust in Me 
and you will never be ashamed.

Friday, March 20, 2015


---- My Own, 
Love is all you need to know 
for to love is to have wisdom and knowledge, 
patience and joy. 
When you love, you are called to draw deep 
from the well of virtue. 
Love knows how to give all, to suffer all, 
to endure all for the sake of the beloved. 
To live in love is to live in Me - in God.

Thursday, March 19, 2015


---- My Own, 
how much do you love Me? 
The depth and strength of your love 
is measured by the quality of your service. 
How well do you serve? 
When you answer the call to serve 
do you do so promptly or do you drag your feet 
and look for excuses? 
Not everyone who says to Me Lord, Lord 
will enter the Kingdom of heaven 
except the ones who do the will of My Father. 
If  you love Me 
you will serve me faithfully and well.

Wednesday, March 18, 2015


---- My Own, 
I delight in you. 
I delight in dwelling in you 
when you receive Me in Holy Communion. 
Your love for Me pleases Me. 
Your adoration of Me 
before My Eucharistic Presence fills Me with joy. 
My faithful few console Me 
for there are many 
who though they know me are indifferent 
and care not that I love them so much 
I laid down My life to save theirs. 
Continue to be obedient, 
humble, loving and faithful always.

Tuesday, March 17, 2015


---- Mine, 
I am the Lion of Judah 
and your Protector. 
With Me you are invincible. 
My Spirit is with you. 
My Life is in you. 
Believe! Believe! Believe! 
Nothing is impossible 
to those who believe. 

Monday, March 16, 2015


---- My Own,
Why are you anxious? 
Why are you troubled? 
Why are you dismayed? 
Have I not always answered you? 
Am I not always with you? 
Do you not belong to Me? 
Why won't you trust Me?

Saturday, March 14, 2015


---- Mine,
I who am God drank willingly 
and obediently to its dregs 
the cup of humility that was held to My lips. 
You too must exercise the virtue of humility 
each time an opportunity to do so 
is presented to you. 
Humility is the hallmark of the truly great 
it builds up it does not tear down.

Friday, March 13, 2015


---- Mine, be still. 
Be quiet. Look at Me and love Me. 
Keep My Word. 
Obey My command to love God with your whole being 
and your neighbor as yourself. 
Who is your neighbor? 
Anyone and everyone you meet each day 
beginning with your family. 
Trust Me always! I am with you always.

Thursday, March 12, 2015


---- My Own, 
I am here, 
can you not feel the peace flooding your soul 
- that's Me. 
My peace is My gift to you. 
Despite all the trouble and the heartache 
you will always have My peace. 
Be still and drink deep of My Love. 
I am yours My beloved 
and you are Mine. 
Remain in My Love.

Wednesday, March 11, 2015


---- Mine, 
do you know how much I love you? 
I delight in granting you all you need, 
all you ask of Me 
especially when they are in accordance 
with the will of God. 
I love to see you joyful 
because I have given you something 
you asked for. 
I delight in your gratitude and praise. 
I am glad you do not take my blessing, 
my grace and my gifts for granted. 
Nothing please Me more than a loving, 
obedient and humble heart.

Sunday, March 8, 2015


---- Mine,
Do not let your heart be troubled or afraid 
Trust Me! 
Am  I not God? 
Do I not love you? 
Have I not been your most trusted Friend always? 
Believe that in My power you can do all things. 
Do not put your trust in anyone 
or anything but Me alone. 
I am your God 
and you belong to Me!

Saturday, March 7, 2015


If you are faithful ---- mine, 
I am even more faithful. 
Fulfill your duties as wife, mother, sister 
and member of My Body in the Church 
and I will bless you 
as I have always blessed you, 
raining blessing upon blessing 
on you.

Friday, March 6, 2015


Do you love Me? 
If you do how much do you love Me? 
How well do love Me? 
How faithful is your love? 
Are you only a fair weather friend? 
Do you only love Me when things go well for you 
and doubt Me when life gets messy? 
Answer Me! 
How well and how much do you love Me?

Thursday, March 5, 2015


---- Mine,
Hope when you see no reason to hope. 
Love when you see no reason to love. 
Give even when your heart isn't in it. 
Serve despite your reluctance to do so. 
Discipline yourself 
in order to overcome temptation. 
Every grace and blessing will be granted you 
just for the asking. 
All I have is yours too. 
I give much because I love much. 
Remain in My love.

Wednesday, March 4, 2015


just as the rain falls from heaven 
and softens the earth 
so do My blessings fall on those 
with loving, kind, gentle 
and generous hearts. 
If you walk in My shadow 
I will be your safe, 
I will protect you from heat 
and cold. 
No danger will come to you. 
With Me you are safe.

Tuesday, March 3, 2015


---- Mine, 
if you seek Me you will find Me. 
I long to reveal Myself to those who love Me.
I long for intimacy 
and union with those who belong to Me. 
If you have true desire for Me I will not deny you. 
Do not think of Me as distant, 
I am stern only with the haughty who have no need of Me but to those who love Me 
I am tender, loving, gentle and kind. 
Did you not ask Me for a star in a cloudy sky 
and did I not grant it to you? 
Nothing you ask is too great 
or too insignificant for Me. 
Because you ask it, I grant it.
Continue to console Me with your love.

Monday, March 2, 2015


---- Mine, 
thank God for life, 
for your senses, 
for being able to hear the pigeons coo and the sparrows chirp. 
Be grateful for every 
breath you breathe. 
Be grateful that you belong to Me. 
A grateful heart and a cheerful spirit are priceless gifts. 
Thank God everyday for them.