Friday, October 30, 2015


---- My Own,
Remember that you are dust 
and unto dust you will return. 
Recall all the hours in the day you spend
pandering to the flesh and succumbing 
to the desires of the senses of 
your corruptible body which will decay. 
Harness your will so it follows the inspirations of My Spirit. 
Your soul is housed in your body
 and someday your immortal soul will leave it 
to go to the place determined 
by what you did and what you did not do 
choosing  eternal death 
rather than eternal life for your soul. 

Thursday, October 29, 2015


---- Mine, 
Keep this truth ever before you. 
There is nothing, absolutely nothing, 
that can separate you from Me. 
No power can destroy the saving work 
that I have accomplished on the Cross. 
You belong to Me irrevocably. 
However, you and you alone have the power 
to choose sin and death over Me and life. 
Your free will alone can separate us 
if this is what you choose. 
You alone can choose life or death. 
Choose life!

Wednesday, October 28, 2015


---- My Own, 
Do not let fear and doubt overwhelm you – 
do your part and trust me to do Mine. 
I have promised to be with you always. 
You are not alone. 
Use the gifts I have given you 
and have confidence in yourself. 
Glorify Me and all will be well with you.

Monday, October 26, 2015


---- My Own, 
Before you were conceived I knew you. 
I called you by your name. You are Mine. 
My Father has plans for you and if you are faithful 
they will lead you from this life to eternity. 
In My Father’s house there are many mansions 
and I have prepared a place for you 
so where I am you too will be. 
Remain in My love. 
What does it profit a man if he gains the world 
but loses his soul? 
Strive to be holy and perfect 
especially when it requires you to die to yourself.

Sunday, October 25, 2015


---- My Own,
Like Martha you are worried and distracted about many things. 
I give you the same advice I gave her. 
Be like Mary and choose the better part. 
I invite you to sit at My feet and listen to Me. 
It is better to have a loving heart than a critical spirit.

Saturday, October 24, 2015


--- My Own, 
You belong to Me. You are Mine. 
God loves you. If you truly understood what it means 
to have God love you as I do, 
your whole life would be transformed. 
You know it in your head 
but you have not fully realized it in your heart. 
If you did then your life and your will 
would be truly aligned to Mine. 
Think about this. Meditate on it. Pray about it. 
Ask for this grace 
and when you begin to embrace suffering 
without complaining 
you will begin to understand.