Sunday, September 27, 2015


---- My Own, 
Ask and you will receive. 
Seek and you will find. 
Knock and the door will be opened to you 
for whoever asks receives, whoever seeks finds 
and I will open the door to whoever knocks. 
There is no god like your God who loves you so much
 that He died for you.

Friday, September 25, 2015


-- My Own, 
Remember no sin, no matter how grave, 
is beyond my ability to pardon and forgive. 
All you need to do is run to Me 
with a contrite and repentant heart 
and I will restore to you all you had forfeited through sin. 
I will heal all your wounds 
and cleanse you from all your sins 
each time you come to Me. 
Remain in My Love.

Wednesday, September 23, 2015


---- My Own, I am God. 
Let this truth fill you with confidence. 
Is anything too difficult for Me? 
Trust Me! 
Remember, you are a daughter of the King. 
Ask and you will receive, seek and you will find, 
knock and the door will be opened to you. 
No prayer you make to Me will ever go unanswered. 
I love you. You belong to Me. 
You are Mine.

Friday, September 11, 2015


---- My Own, 
Peace is My gift to you. 
Enter into it and find your rest. 
Why do you permit yourself to be buffeted 
by every little trouble and emotion? 
Unless a seed falls into the ground and dies 
it remains but a grain of seed but if it dies 
then it can spring to new life in the Spirit. 
Die to yourself, to your desires, your wants, 
your will,
and allow My Holy Spirit 
to do a new work in you.

Thursday, September 10, 2015


---- My Own, 
I did not flinch from Judas’ kiss 
because I knew what his betrayal would cost him. 
Despite the fact that he lived in close association 
with Me for three years and was My apostle and disciple,
he was unable to rise above the flesh.  
There are those to whom far fewer graces are given 
but who use them so well,
and they hunger and thirst for more.
There are others to whom every privilege 
is granted but who squander all for what is passing. 
My Father gives what He wills to each, 
and each soul will determine whether or not 
it will permit itself to be drawn 
into intimate union with Me.

Wednesday, September 9, 2015


Rest  in Me ---- My Own,
Turn your gaze to the Cross 
and see the price I paid for your redemption. 
Forgive from the heart all who have done you wrong 
for in the measure you forgive you will be forgiven. 
Let go of all resentment and hurt bearing in mind always 
how greatly I love you. 
You are Mine.

Tuesday, September 8, 2015


Enter into My silence ---- My Own, 
and there find rest for your soul. 
Consider your life as it is right now. 
Look at all the things that you think are trials 
weighing you down, and in them see My blessing. 
Your strength comes from your knowledge of the truth. 
Don’t let anyone or anything 
rob you of Your peace 
which is My gift to you.

Monday, September 7, 2015


---- My Own, 
Remember that anyone who calls out to Me 
will be saved. 
I am the Alpha and the Omega, 
the beginning and the end, 
I am first, last and forever. 
The fullness of wisdom and knowledge repose in Me 
– listen to Me and learn from Me 
for I am meek and humble of heart.

Sunday, September 6, 2015


---- My Own, 
I am God. 
Know this in every fiber of your being. 
Is anything too difficult for Me? 
I created all that is, was and ever shall be by uttering One Word. 
The Eternal Word. 
He who reposes in Me is also given to you. 
Enter into His peace and His rest 
and you will find rest for your soul.

Saturday, September 5, 2015


---- My Own, 
Pay attention, give heed to My words, 
listen to what I have to say to you. 
All things are possible to those who believe. 
Faith, hope and love are the virtues that will help you 
navigate through the perils of life. 
Faith in Me, hope of eternal joy with Me, 
and love for Me, My Father and the Holy Spirit 
above and before all else 
and love for those you encounter each day. 
Do this and you will have life in abundance 
– My life.

Friday, September 4, 2015


---- My Own, 
You are grafted on to My Body and My life flows through You. 
My peace is yours, freely given to you always. 
Ask and you will receive every grace 
and spiritual blessing in the heavenly places 
for it delights My Father 
to give you all that you ask for in My Name. 
Ask for My Holy Spirit and you will receive 
a superabundance of His life and love 
pressed down, shaken together, and running over. 
Be not afraid you are Mine.

Thursday, September 3, 2015


---- My Own, 
There is  a place in My heart that is exclusively your own. 
You can enter there at any time and rest. 
Here you will find strength for your soul. 
Do not be discouraged or dismayed but be of good cheer, 
smile, I have overcome the world.

Wednesday, September 2, 2015


---- My Own, 
Peace is My gift to you. 
I do not give it as the world does. 
My peace is eternal it flows like a river 
but you can dam and obstruct its flow through sin. 
Let everything go - all hurt, all resentment 
keep your focus on Me 
and I will carry you safely 
until your journey's end.

Tuesday, September 1, 2015


---- My Own, 
I am God. 
Is anything too difficult for Me? 
Is there any situation that is beyond My power to control? 
Trust Me! Receive My peace. 
I, the Lord Your God, am with you now and  forever. 
You are Mine. 
Cast  aside fear, where there is love there is no place for fear.