Friday, July 17, 2015



“Catechists required!” This announcement was made on a Friday morning five years ago, after the celebration of Holy Mass; Fr. Tony D’Souza was our parish priest then. I had been praying for a while and asking God to reveal to reveal where and how I could best serve Him. This announcement was His answer. Those interested were to meet Father the next day.

The following day we all gathered as requested in the assigned room, it was full of eager young and not so young men and women. Father asked each one to state briefly why he or she wanted to be a catechist and it was clear from their responses that all were responding to God’s call. It is God who always takes the initiative, He calls, we need to be attentive, respond in faith, and show up, despite our fears of inadequacy, trusting Him to equip us and provide all that we will need. 

Each year had its share of highs and challenges. A total novice, at first I was filled with trepidation. Teaching was never my forte. In my wildest dreams I could never have imagined that someday I would actually teach. Experience has taught me, that no one can fault the Lord for not having a great sense of humor. I was assigned to Class IV where children between the ages of 9-10 are prepared for First Holy Communion. Here I remained for what were to be the five most incredible years of my life.

It would not be an exaggeration to say, that in all the years I have been with the children, I learned a great deal more than they did. My faith was strengthened, I grew in knowledge of the faith and most importantly, I learned how to share that faith. Mingling with children once a week kept me young in spirit giving me a capacity for life and love I never dreamed possible. Each year my heart enlarged to accommodate every child making an approximate total of around 195 children over a period of five years. I have often pondered on the promise and the truth of Psalm 113: 9 “He gives the barren woman a home, making her the joyous mother of children. Praise the Lord!”  As the mother of young adult children with my child bearing years behind me, who would have thought that I would have the joy of children around me, sharing in their laughter, while I in turn was given the privilege to grow in my own passion for the Sacrament of Reconciliation and the Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist as I shared it with them.

I have formed some great friendships with my fellow catechists beginning with Libby who was my mentor and my dear friend from the start. I have learned much from their experience, dedication, and their willingness to always go the extra mile. They have always shared their time and their talents generously. Through this ministry I have become a part of the parish community in a way that would not have been possible were I not involved in the faith formation of her children.

In the Year of Faith, October 11, 2012 to November 24, 2013 our Catechetical Director, Fr. Franco, invited me to collaborate with him and Rowena to write articles for Christimes. This was a most blessed and memorable experience. We met each month to brainstorm and come up with innovative ideas for articles. Amid much laughter and discussions both Rowena and I learned a great deal about the Gospels from Father as well as from our research on Jewish life and traditions in the time of Christ.

In year three Melissa was voted the leader and I the assistant leader of the Communion catechists group affectionately named COMCATS. Here again there was much so much to admire and learn from Melissa’s exceptional leadership qualities. My own leadership skills are practically nonexistent, so being an assistant suited me quite well, and I would have happily gone along being assistant had the Lord not decided it was time to rock my boat.  Hilda called to tell me that Mel had to take a sabbatical, and that the mantle of leadership automatically fell on me. Like Jonah I wanted to run a thousand miles in the opposite direction. While I tried to gently maneuver my way out of it, I was very politely, kindly, and firmly told that according to protocol I had no choice but to acquiesce. I quickly discovered that all my fears were totally unfounded simply because we have an extraordinary team of COMCATS – a perfect blend of experience, enthusiasm, commitment, and above all a great love for God.

As a leader I have received many blessings, chief among them was getting to know Fr. Blany better. All the wonderful things that are said about him are absolutely true. The great love, respect and admiration for our pastor is not misplaced. He teaches by example carrying his many burdens lightly and cheerfully because he is yoked to Christ.

In these last few months as the leader of our group I got to know the rest of the COMCATS in a way that I did not earlier. If the entire First Holy Communion experience this year (as in years past), was handled competently, it was because of the experience and dedication of Agnes, Aquila, Florie, Libby, Linda, and Vincent. To me it was impressive. All I needed to do was assign the duty and it was carried out to perfection. Both Sonia and Sylvia are sweetness, gentleness and charm personified and Rositta, the youngest in the group, handled every assignment given to her like a pro. Once again I must confess there was little for me to do but let each handle the job that they have already done exquisitely all these years.

I am impressed most by the young people who join each year and most especially young parents. They are keen to learn more about their own faith, teach it to others, and more importantly, to teach and guide their own children. Young people today are largely self-absorbed so we need to applaud and affirm these young adults who desire to be leaven, salt, and light in the world.

Sometime the sacrifices may seem great, especially during those rare occasions when we would much rather be doing something else, or being somewhere else, rather than lugging a heavy bag every Friday morning to class. Thankfully, those occasions are rare.

The Lord had a final, wonderful surprise for me. Hilda asked me if I would prepare a teenager to receive her First Holy Communion. I gladly said yes. This young girl was a joy to teach and the experience unlike any other I have known. It was a great privilege to prepare this very receptive soul to receive Jesus into her heart at an age when she is better able to grasp the awesome gift that the Lord makes of Himself to us.

As I close the door on this chapter in my life and get ready for the next, I praise and thank God for all the lives that have touched mine and for every life that I, in turn, was privileged to touch. Each has blessed and enriched my life in many ways and I will be eternally grateful. God bless you. Every time I think of my years as a catechist I will think of each one of you fondly and with a blessing and prayer. Please do the same for me. God bless you.

You can read all my posts on my five year journey as a catechist in the link below.'s%20Journey


  1. Bravo Sis! Great job done in heeding to His call to serve Him in every way! So very proud of you!

  2. God knows His own. He chooses the little and small to do great things. You heeded His call and you have achieved great things in these last five years. Keep up the good work when you are back home and we will pray for your continued success in enriching the lives of our little children in Mumbai through the Faith you have. God bless you and we will keep you and your family in prayer.

  3. God bless you Myra for all your wonderful work in His vineyard. Praying that the good Lord will lead you to many more greener pastures and under His guidance to touch many more hearts and lives. God bless.
