Monday, April 22, 2013


Baruch 5:1-9
1 Jerusalem, put off your garment of mourning and unhappiness,
put on the splendor and glory of God forever.
2 Wrap yourself in the mantle of holiness 

that comes from God,
put on your head the crown of glory 

of the Eternal One.
3 For God will show your splendor 

to every being under Heaven.
4 He will call your name forever,
“Peace in Justice” and “Glory in the Fear of the Lord.”
5 Rise up, Jerusalem, stand on the heights.
Look towards the East and 

see your children gathered together
from the setting of the sun to its rising,
by the voice of the Holy One,
rejoicing because God has remembered them.
6 They left you on foot, taken away by the enemy.
God will lead them back,
carried gloriously like royal princes.
7 For God has resolved to bring low every high mountain
and the everlasting hills,
to fill up the valleys and level out the ground,
in order that Israel may walk in safety 

under the Glory of God.
8 Even the forests and the fragrant trees
will give shade to Israel at God’s command.
9 For God will lead Israel with joy 

by the light of his Glory,
escorting them with his mercy and justice.


 Job 19:25-27
25 For I know that my Redeemer lives,

and he, the last, will take his stand on earth

26 I will be there behind my skin,

and in my flesh I shall see God.

27 With my own eyes I shall see him –

I and not another. How my heart yearns!

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