Friday, May 1, 2015


Today 01 May 2015, 138 children from the Parish of St. Therese, Salmiya, Kuwait, received First Holy Communion. Fr. Franco Pereira sdb the Catechectical Director for the Apostolic Vicariate of Northern Arabia along with our beloved parish priest Fr. Blany Pinto sdb and Fr. Lionel Braganza sdb principal of IEAS con-celebrated the Holy Mass.

The church was filled with the families of our little ones and there was a tangible feeling of excitement and joy that emanated from the children and their loved ones. The Communion catechists were like a group of mother hens clucking around their chicks absorbed in ensuring that the children had their cords tied properly around their waists, wiping off the lipstick and rouge from the faces of some little girls whose moms could not resist painting their lips and coloring their cheeks despite being requested not to, urging their charges to be quiet and composed without much success. 

Finally, all were standing in their assigned places in the procession in the courtyard but of course to expect them to be still was as foolish as hoping to pin a wave on the beach.  A few minutes before they could enter the church our Fr. Blany asked the little ones to close their eyes, join their hands and pray for their parents, family members, teachers etc. A group of more angelic looking children would have been hard to find at that moment and I am sure heaven smiled.

The children entered the church to the beautiful sound of the choir of children singing a very appropriate song, "Power to the Children" inspired by Matthew 18:16. The words, music and videography are by Fr. Peter Gonsalves, SDB which you can listen to it here

Fr. Franco the main celebrant began the Holy Mass by saying that it was indeed a day of great joy for both the parents and their children who would approach the altar for the first time to receive Jesus.  He told the children they would now have a new best friend in Jesus who would remain with them always. On this special day in their lives he asked them to pray for their parents, godparents, priests, teachers and all who had prepared them for this day.

In his homily Fr. Franco reflected on the Gospel selected for the occasion, the Miracle of the Five Loaves and Two Fish and the important lessons the Apostles learned from living with Jesus which was reflected in their own lives and the lives of the early Christians. The core message of the homily was sharing which Father presented lucidly in four points asking the children to remember them and put them into practice.

1. Share the little you have and Jesus will multiply it. Share your life with Jesus and He will bless you. You are called to be bearers of Jesus to others like Mother Mary who after receiving Jesus in her womb took Him to others.

2. Today, after you receive Jesus in Holy Communion He will enter your life and take complete possession of you. Hold him close to your heart always and remember that He will love you always.

3. Once you receive Jesus become Jesus to others. We receive Jesus so we can give Jesus to others. Try not to be selfish but compassionate. Be giving like Jesus who gave constantly right up to the Cross.

4. To become like Jesus remember this catchphrase: In any situation ask yourself, ‘What would Jesus do.” This will help you to become like Jesus and you will do everything well and in the best possible way.

Once you receive Jesus you are called to be like our Blessed Mother take Jesus with you everywhere you go. Never forget your First Holy Communion Day. You have longed for this day and now that you have received Jesus receive Him always. Do not miss Holy Mass on Sundays, feast days and solemn days of obligation of the Church. Remember to fast for one hour before receiving Jesus.

Addressing the parents and Godparents Fr. Franco asked them to remind their children of the message they heard in the Word of God and the little instructions he had just given. He reminded them that it was important not only to pray for their children but to pray with them as this will encourage them. He asked them to talk to their children about Jesus. Encourage them to receive Jesus often in this way they as parents will be faithful to the promises they made when they brought their children to the Church to be baptized. He asked them to keep alive the joy of the honeymoon with Jesus so it will last all the days of their life.  

Summing up the Gospel message Father asked the children to pray to Jesus always, share their lives with others, to do good always and to always carry Jesus with them wherever they go. 

These children are the future of Your Church. I thank You Beloved for the grace to answer Your call to become a catechist. In some small way, I pray that we have had an influence for good in their lives and that they have come to know and love You more because of the instruction given to them by us catechists. May they continue to be faithful in all their religious observances.  As they grow in wisdom and grace, continue to be their best Friend all the days of their lives.  

Our prayer for our spiritual children is that they receive the Bread of Life frequently and being nourished by Jesus they may grow close to Him. May this day be the first step in a life-long relationship with Christ in the Eucharist. May the Lord give them a great hunger for this spiritual food and through this heavenly manna may He strengthen them in faith, hope and love. 

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