Tuesday, December 31, 2024

ISAIAH 38:16-17 (2024)

ISAIAH 38:16-17

O Lord, give me back my health 
and give me back my life!
My anguish has turned to peace; 
you have retrieved my life from the pit of corruption; 
you have cast all my sins behind you.

---- mine,

I have given you and your loved ones their health and restored them to holiness of life. I, the God of peace, have turned your sorrow into joy and your troubles, fears, and anxieties into peace and tranquility. I have forgiven your sins and I have saved you and your loved ones from eternal destruction because you are all Mine and because I have made a covenant of love with you. I have forgiven all your sins and will no longer remember them. All that I have promised you I will do for I AM God and I always keep My Word.

Monday, December 30, 2024

PSALM 23:1 (2024)

PSALM 23:1

The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want.

---- mine,

I AM the Good Shepherd I know my own and my own know Me. I know your name. I call you by your name. You are Mine in time and in eternity. It is I who lead you, guide you, and direct you. I provide all you need to live a life holy and pleasing to My Father. I have breathed My Holy Spirit in you so you can choose to do all that pleases My Father. I AM the Good Shepherd, I laid down My life for you and for the world. All who belong to Me want for nothing for I satisfy every need. Come to Me, speak to Me, confide in Me, rest in Me, and I will give you peace that passes human understanding. Abide in Me and I will abide in you - all who abide in Me will live. I AM the Lord your God nothing is too difficult for Me to do. Ask and you will receive blessings and salvation for those you love. Nothing pleases Me more than to seek and save the lost. Have confidence, pray without ceasing, and have confidence that all you ask of Me in prayer I will you.

Sunday, December 29, 2024



“I am with you.” 

---- mine,

Doubt no longer but believe that I AM about to do something new in your life and in the lives of those you love. I AM God and I AM with you and with your loved ones. Do not let your heart be disturbed, anxious, or afraid. I AM God and I keep My Word. I AM The Alpha and the Omega, I AM the Eternal Word of God. I AM the 'Yes' and the 'Amen' of God. Believe in Me, have faith and you will see the power of faith at work. Faith has the power to move mountains that you thought were too strong to be cast down. Pray, hope, and do not worry but be attentive and wait in joyful expectation for the great and marvelous things I AM about to do. I AM God and I AM with you in time and in eternity. Be not afraid ---- my own I have overcome the world.

Saturday, December 28, 2024

JEREMIAH 17:14 (2024)


Heal me, O Lord, and I shall be healed;
save me, and I shall be saved;
for you are my praise.

---- mine,

I Am your healer, provider, Lord, God, Master, Savior, Messiah, Your King, your only hope. I AM the Holy One, the Living Word, the Eternal Word of God. I AM the Anointed. I AM the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world. Trust Me to provide for all your spiritual and temporal needs. Trust Me to heal, save, bless, forgive, restore, and make fruitful every good and holy deed pleasing in the sight of My Father. I AM the Way, the Truth, and the Life. I AM the door and the gate there is no other. No one can come to the Father except through Me. Unless you believe in Me and that the Father sent Me to become the Scapegoat and atoning Sacrifice in expiation for the sins of the world, you cannot be saved. Abide in Me, be fruitful through Me, and live. Apart from Me, you will perish.  Believe in Me and you and your family will be saved.

Friday, December 27, 2024

JOB 11:16-19 (2024)

 JOB 11:16-19

You will forget your misery; 
you will remember it as waters that have passed away.
And your life will be brighter than the noonday;
its darkness will be like the morning.
And you will have confidence, because there is hope;
you will be protected and take your rest in safety.
You will lie down, and no one will make you afraid;
many will entreat your favour.

---- mine,

Never forget that you belong to Me and no one can snatch you from My hand. I AM your God and because I am yours and you are Mine you will always be under My mighty protection. No harm will come to you or yours. You belong to Me. You walk under My shadow. I keep you nestled under My wings close to My beating heart, which loves you with a love that is beyond anything you can ever fathom. I AM God and I laid down my life for you. I have purchased you with My Blood. I have washed you clean in the waters of baptism. I have poured living water into your soul. Be not afraid You are sealed in My Love, in My Holy Spirit, in the love of God that is everlasting. Be not afraid or anxious and when you do, remember to whom you belong and raise your head, face your fears with confidence knowing to whom you belong. I have made a covenant of love with you that can never be broken. Be still and know that I AM God and that you belong to Me in time and in eternity.

Thursday, December 26, 2024

Matthew 21:22 (2024)

Matthew 21:22

‘Whatever you ask for in prayer with faith, you will receive.’

---- mine,

Does My Word do to today answer to all your doubts, worries, anxieties, fears, sadness, and hopelessness? You must take Me at My Word. You know who I AM. You know that I AM The Eternal Word of God and I AM always the 'Yes' and 'Amen' of My Father. How much longer are you going to make yourself miserable over your fears that your children have lost their way and are headed down paths that lead to eternal death? As long as you pray, fast, cry, plead, and shed tears over them and continue to pray hope, and stop all the useless worrying I WILL HEAR AND I WILL ANSWER. There can be no mistaking what MY Word assures you today - 'Whatever you ask for in prayer with faith - YOU WILL RECEIVE'. LIFT UP YOUR HEAD. DRY YOUR EYES- THEIR SALVATION IS AT HAND!

Tuesday, December 24, 2024

WISDOM 11:23-26 (2024)

 WISDOM 11:23-26

But because you are almighty, you are merciful to all; you overlook sins and give your children time to repent. You love everything that exists and hate nothing that you have made; had you hated anything, you would not have formed it. How could anything endure if you did not will it? And how could anything last that you had not willed? You have compassion on all because all is yours, O Lord, lover of life.

---- mine,

My Word is for you food, drink, and comfort. It is where you must go often and be nourished, here in My Word your burdens will find ease, and you will find rest for your soul. Come to Me often and here in My Word, you will always find me present and waiting eagerly to provide all you need. You will find Me if you will seek Me with all your heart. I AM Emmanuel, God with you. I AM all you need in this life and if you make Me your all-in-all while you are here on earth you will someday behold Me face to face and we will be One united in love eternally. Fear nothing, ---- my own, Satan preys on fear, anxiety, doubt, and worry, do not give the devil an opportunity to fill your mind with any negative thoughts or fears. Know that I have created you in love because the whole world and everything in it was created by Love, in love, and for Love. Fear not My hand is powerful and it will save everyone for whom you plead before Me unceasingly. The victory is Mine, all glory is Mine, I have triumphed and all who belong to Me share in my victory my glory, and My triumph.

Monday, December 23, 2024

JONAH 2:5-7 (2024)

JONAH 2:5-7

The waters closed in over me; the deep surrounded me;
weeds were wrapped around my head
at the roots of the mountains.
I went down to the land
whose bars closed upon me forever;
yet you brought up my life from the Pit,
O Lord my God.
As my life was ebbing away,
I remembered the Lord;
and my prayer came to you,
into your holy temple.

---- Mine,

I know that there are times when you think that you will not live to see your prayers answered. You desire to see your loved ones saved from the deep pit of destruction. At this hour, it appears that they are drowning in deep waters there is no escape and they are lost forever. But as you are aware I have assured you and keep reassuring you that this is not so. As you advance in years and each day brings you nearer to the end of your mortal existence, you wonder if you will ever experience the joy of seeing those you love so tenderly and for whose salvation you pray and worry about so piteously will ever be reconciled to Me while you are yet alive to see it.  So once again I want you to be convinced of this, ---- my own, Your prayers always reach Me. I hear you and I will save. I AM Yeshua, Jesus, the God who saves. Do not let your heart be sad, discouraged, troubled, or afraid. I know you believe in Me, believe also in My Father's love for you and your loved ones for you belong to Him and He desires that every one of His children be saved. Be of good cheer I have overcome the world.

Sunday, December 22, 2024

MATTHEW 6:6 (2024)


But whenever you pray, 
go into your room and shut the door 
and pray to your Father who is in secret; 
and your Father who sees in secret 
will reward you.

---- mine,

Pray constantly. Let your heart converse with Me always. Know that I AM with you. As often as I have said it before, I now say again, My ear is pressed against your lips. I hear all that is left unsaid in your heart. I hear every sigh. I have collected all your tears. I know your heart is breaking but I know this as well - the Father also desires that those you love be saved. This is why He sent Me into the world not to condemn it but to redeem and save it. My sacrifice will not be in vain too great a price was paid for the salvation of those who are Mine, those called by My Name, those who have been grafted into My Body. I assure you they will live again They will not be cut off from the Vine. They will bear fruit in time good fruit, and heaven will rejoice and you will praise and thank Me for all that I have assured you I will do is done and your heart will exult. Be of good cheer ---- my own, I have conquered the world.

Saturday, December 21, 2024

EZEKIEL 39:25-29 (2024)

EZEKIEL 39:25-29

Therefore, thus says the Lord God: Now I will restore the fortunes of Jacob, and have mercy on the whole house of Israel; and I will be jealous for my holy name. They shall forget their shame, and all the treachery they have practised against me, when they live securely in their land with no one to make them afraid, when I have brought them back from the peoples and gathered them from their enemies’ lands, and through them have displayed my holiness in the sight of many nations. Then they shall know that I am the Lord their God because I sent them into exile among the nations, and then gathered them into their own land. I will leave none of them behind; and I will never again hide my face from them, when I pour out my spirit upon the house of Israel, says the Lord God.

---- mine,

Once again, ---- my own, I am assuring you again as I have done these past days, that your children will come home to Me, abide with Me, and never be separated from Me again. I will lead them, I will guide them, I will take their hand in My own and I will gently draw them back to the place that they until now have rejected. I have heard your prayers. I have watched you weep. I know your heart is broken because they have strayed from the path that leads to life, light, truth, goodness, beauty, and eternal peace and joy in My love. But I assure you once more be not afraid. Do not allow your thoughts to disturb you or make you anxious. I AM God and I keep My promises. I desire that they come home to Me. The Father desires that all those who are Mine shall never be taken from Me - they are Mine. As members of My Body through Baptism, they will return from the place of exile where they have so long wandered in ways that lead to darkness, sadness, and a restless spirit. Raise your head, dry your eyes, lift up your hands in praise and thanksgiving for I the Lord your God, the Good Shepherd will bring your loved ones back to the flock where they will lie down in green pastures, drink deeply of the streams of living water never to roam in the wilderness again. 

Friday, December 20, 2024

SONG OF SONGS 3:1-4 (2024)


Upon my bed at night
I sought him whom my soul loves;
I sought him, but found him not;
I called him, but he gave no answer.
‘I will rise now and go about the city,
in the streets and in the squares;
I will seek him whom my soul loves.’
I sought him, but found him not.
The sentinels found me,
as they went about in the city.
‘Have you seen him whom my soul loves?’
Scarcely had I passed them,
when I found him whom my soul loves.
I held him, and would not let him go
until I brought him into my mother’s house,
and into the chamber of her that conceived me.

----- mine,

You come to Me before dawn day after day, faithfully. You seek Me with hunger in your soul. I know you love Me but it is not as I desire you to love Me. You do not love Me as I love you. Your love does not bear the sweet fragrance of complete and total surrender to My will. Rarely do you give up the things that your flesh craves, often just out of habit but you give in without the least struggle. You make excuses for your little weaknesses giving into them without even a token resistance. Love worthy of the name worthy is the greatest of all the virtues for it is the essence of God. True love seeks not to please itself but lives to please the beloved and you call Me your Beloved, if this were true you would love Me with a love that hungers, thirsts, and pants for Me, and nothing would satisfy these longings except being union with Me. If you seek Me with the passionate desire of the divine lover who seeks and desires an eternal union, if you are prepared to give up everything to be all in all to Me, if you consider no sacrifice too great, no desire stronger than the desire to never be parted from Me even if means the loss of the whole world and everything in it, then having found Me you will find all that your heart as ever desired and we will be one just as My Father and I are one and your joy will be complete. 

Wednesday, December 18, 2024

MATTHEW 14:27-31 (2024)

MATTHEW 14:27-31

But immediately Jesus spoke to them and said, ‘Take heart, it is I; do not be afraid.’
Peter answered him, ‘Lord, if it is you, command me to come to you on the water.’ He said, ‘Come.’ So Peter got out of the boat, started walking on the water, and came towards Jesus. But when he noticed the strong wind, he became frightened, and beginning to sink, he cried out, ‘Lord, save me!’ Jesus immediately reached out his hand and caught him, saying to him, ‘You of little faith, why did you doubt?’

---- mine,

'Take heart, it is I; do not be afraid.' If you listen, if you pay attention, if you desire to hear Me speak, quiet your heart after you make your petitions known to Me. Quiet your heart and you will hear Me say to you, always, 'Take heart, it is I; do not be afraid.' Do not fear the storms of life these are part of human existence. How you face difficulties in your life determines whether you are a child of God or a child of the world. Be bold. Ask with confidence. Ask and you will receive all that those you love need in this life and what they need to prepare them for eternal life and I will give it. I AM an extravagant God so do not hold back but ask boldly even for what you deem impossible for I AM the God of the impossible. In all things with prayer, praise, and thanksgiving make all your needs known to Me. Keep your gaze fixed on Me not on the waves and they will neither overwhelm nor swallow you. The winds will not toss you about, you will not drown. But should you, like Peter, notice the elements battling against you, and like him, you become afraid and find yourself sinking, cry out as he did, then like him cry out, ‘Lord, save me!’ And I will reach out to you, take your hand, and draw you close to My Sacred Heart and you will hear me say to you gently, tenderly, lovingly, O ---- mine, you of little faith, why did you doubt?’

Tuesday, December 17, 2024

NEHEMIAH 13:2 (2024)


On that day they read from the book of Moses in the hearing of the people; and in it was found written that no Ammonite or Moabite should ever enter the assembly of God, 
because they did not meet the Israelites with bread and water, but hired Balaam against them to curse them—yet our God turned the curse into a blessing.

---- mine,

Know this and know it well anyone who raises their hand against those called by My Name will feel the heat of My anger. Those who refuse to treat you and yours graciously because you are Mine, will be treated in like manner. Your loved ones and you will receive your bread and water in due season for My favor rests on you. I have given you shelter under My wings, in My Body, and within My Sacred Heart. All those who bless you I will bless. Fear nothing, ---- my own, but remain faithful Pray constantly, make all your needs known to Me and I, the Lord your God who always hears you will, at a time of My choosing, and in the manner I deem best, will open the gates of heaven and shower on you every grace and blessing that your heart desires I AM God - I always keep My promises.

Monday, December 16, 2024

SIRACH 34:18-20 (2024)

SIRACH 34:17-20

Happy is the soul that fears the Lord!
To whom does he look? And who is his support?
The eyes of the Lord are on those who love him,
a mighty shield and strong support,
a shelter from scorching wind and a shade from noonday sun,
a guard against stumbling and a help against falling.
He lifts up the soul and makes the eyes sparkle;
he gives health and life and blessing.

---- mine,

Pay attention to these words and know that for you they are true. I AM your blessing not just for you but for your family as well. Continue to keep your gaze on Me, continue to trust Me, continue to count on Me to be your help, your strength, your Deliverer, your Redeemer, your Savior, your Lord, and your God, there is no other. Keep your whole being focused on Me and My love for you. I am your shelter in the midst of the storm. I am your safe harbor when the winds buffet you about. Come to Me, rest in Me, and find a home in My Sacred Heart. I will enfold you and those you love; no harm shall touch you. I AM the Lord your God. I AM the Eternal Word of the Father. I AM always the Yes and Amen of God. Fear nothing and remain in My love.

Sunday, December 15, 2024

TOBIT 13:4, 6-7 (2024)

TOBIT 13:4, 6-7

4 He now shows you his greatness. 
Exalt him before all the living, 
because he is our God and Lord, our Father forever.
6 If you turn back to him with all your heart and soul, 
and live justly before him, then he will turn back to you 
and will no longer hide his face from you. 
7 See what he has done for you and return him thanks aloud. 
Bless the Lord who alone is just and praise the King of ages.

---- mine,

Never forget what I have done for you and those you love from the moment you each were conceived. I have a plan for your lives, plans that will prosper you and not destroy you. I AM God and I love you. Fear nothing. Be anxious about nothing but in all things praise, honor, glorify, and exalt My Name. I AM GOD there is no other, I AM your Father, your Brother, your Sanctifier and I will not hide My Face from you or from those you love. I will accompany you and those you love. I will take you by the hand and lead you as a mother takes her child in her hand. I will watch over you tenderly as a mother watches over her babies. Recall all My blessings to you, cast your memory as far back as you can remember, and be assured beyond the shadow of a doubt that I will never fail you, never leave you, never forsake you. You are Mine now and forever. 

Saturday, December 14, 2024

ISAIAH 61:10 (2024)

 ISAIAH 61:10

I will greatly rejoice in the Lord,
   my whole being shall exult in my God;
for he has clothed me with the garments of salvation,
   he has covered me with the robe of righteousness,
as a bridegroom decks himself with a garland,
   and as a bride adorns herself with her jewels.

---- mine,

The time for joy and exultation is almost upon you and your family. The day is fast approaching when I will fulfill all my promises to you and to all whom you are praying for unceasingly. I will heal and bless. I will restore and make whole, I will cleanse and purify your hearts, your lips, your mouths, and your whole beings, and will be filled with the joy of the Lord. You will cry out to God with songs of joy, thanksgiving, and praise.

 Rejoice! rejoice! ---- my own for the Lord your God is coming and I will bring with Me an abundance of blessings. By the power of My Holy Spirit, I will cover each of you in virtue and grace and I will bind you to Me with cords of love that will never be broken. Watch out! Be alert! Stay awake! Be attentive! The day of the Lord is at hand. I AM God and I keep My Word.

Friday, December 13, 2024

RUTH 3:9, 11 (2024)

RUTH 3:9, 11

He said, ‘Who are you?’ And she answered,
‘I am Ruth, your servant; 
spread your cloak over your servant, 
for you are next-of-kin.’ 
And now, my daughter, do not be afraid; 
I will do for you all that you ask, 
for all the assembly of my people know 
that you are a worthy woman.

---- mine,

I know you by name, you are Mine in time and eternity. You are my friend, my daughter, my spouse I delight in you. Yes, I am your kin and your next of kin because I AM your brother. I have redeemed you, I have saved you, I have delivered you, and I have broken the chains that enslaved you. I have set you free to love Me, praise Me, worship Me, and adore Me. I AM God and I love you with an unending, everlasting love. Fear nothing, ---- my own, it pleases My Father to give you and your loved ones a share in My inheritance and My Kingdom. Remain in my love. Continue to pray without ceasing as you are doing and trust that in My providence, at a time of My choosing, I will give you all that your heart longs for. Be not afraid it pleases Me to make you and your loved ones co-heirs with Me in the Kingdom of God. 

Thursday, December 12, 2024

PSALM 103:8-10, 12

PSALM 103:8-10, 12

The Lord is merciful and gracious,
slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love.
He will not always accuse,
nor will he keep his anger forever.
He does not deal with us according to our sins,
nor repay us according to our iniquities.
as far as the east is from the west,
so far he removes our transgressions from us.

---- mine,

Even though your sins are as scarlet I will wash them whiter than wool I will do this for you because I love you because I hear your prayers, your sighs, I have seen your tears I have wiped them often from your eyes, and My Heart is moved with pity and compassion. I AM the Lord your God, I AM the Alpha and the Omega, by my wounds, you and all you pray for are healed. I assure you that a day will come, the day and the hour will be of My choosing when I will say, 'Now is the time of your salvation, today is the day I will heal, forgive, restore, make whole. This is the day I save. Today is the day I remove your sins, your iniquities, your transgressions from you and I will welcome you once again as members of the family of God.' Fear nothing, ---- my own, it pleases My Father to give you and those you love the Kingdom of Heaven. By the power of My right hand and holy arm, I assure you that all that I have said, I will do I WILL DO.

Wednesday, December 11, 2024

ESTHER 14:3-4 (2024)

ESTHER 14:3-4

She prayed to the Lord God of Israel, and said: 
‘O my Lord, you only are our king; 
help me, who am alone and have no helper but you, 
for my danger is in my hand.

---- mine,

Pray to Me constantly just as you are doing now, trust Me. Acknowledge that your help comes from Me alone there is no other. I AM God and I assure you My Hand is never too short to save, help, or heal and make whole. I AM God, ---- my own, and I assure you that you are not alone neither are those you pray for, plead for, cry out to Me for by their name. I hear you, I always hear you, and as always I assure you once more that in the end, My Hand will rescue, My hand will save, My hand will restore and you and your loved ones will praise My Name and the Name of My Father and the Holy Spirit for all that God, your God Father, Son, and Holy Spirit have done for you and for them. Be still and know that I AM God there is no other and I love you. Never forget that I love you. I will help you, ---- my own, I will help you and you will glorify My Name. Be of good cheer I have overcome the world. 

Saturday, December 7, 2024

PSALM 107:29-31 (2024)

PSALM 107:29-31

He stilled the storm to a gentle breeze 
and hushed the billows, to silent waves. 
How glad they were! 
He brought them safe and sound 
to the port where they were bound. 
Let them thank Yahweh for his love 
and wondrous deeds for humans.

---- mine,

I AM always with you, I Am always beside you calming the storms that arise and quelling the waves, calming the wind, and commanding the elements to be still. Fear nothing ---- my own.  Fear, worry, and anxiety are useless all you need is faith in My Word the greater your faith the more powerfully I can work mighty miracles in your life and in the lives of those you plead for night and day. Give thanks always and in all circumstances. Do not judge anything as good or bad but accept all from My hands. All things work for good, for I can draw good from even the most distressing circumstances. Be at peace and know that I AM God and that nothing is impossible for Me. Be of good cheer ---- my own, salvation is at hand. Watch for the wonderful new things that I AM about to do. I AM God there is no other.

Friday, December 6, 2024

PSALM 17:6, 8 (2024)

PSALM 17:6, 8

I call upon you, for you will answer me, O God;
incline your ear to me, hear my words.
Guard me as the apple of the eye;
hide me in the shadow of your wings.

---- mine,

Morning after morning you come to Me and spend time with Me. You read My Word, you contemplate and meditate on it, and allow it to speak to you. My Word consoles, strengthens, and encourages you and it pleases Me that you trust in My unfailing help for you and those you love. As you grow older and your time will eventually come to an end you keep your gaze on Me and on the things that are eternal. It pleases me that You bring all your troubles to Me and even though you are invited to wait in some instances you have done so without giving up. You have understood that I answer every prayer and cry for help and that I have not once forgotten or forsaken you and those you pray and plead for. In the end, ---- my own, when I deem the time to be right, I will answer those prayers that you pray with many sighs tears, and a sad, broken, and heavy heart. You and your loved ones are the apple of My eye and I will shelter you under My wings and I will be your refuge in the storm and I will bring each one of you to safe harbor. Be still and know that I AM God and I Keep My Word.

Thursday, December 5, 2024

MATTHEW 19:26 (2024)


Jesus looked at them and answered,
“For human beings it is impossible, 
but for God all things are possible.”

---- mine,

Never lose heart. No matter how impossible your prayers of petition seem to you pray them anyway I know how best to answer. Approach Me with childlike faith and confidence, nothing pleases Me or My Father more than a childlike simplicity and trust in God. Do not lose heart no matter how grim the circumstances may seem, for I AM constantly at work for good. In all things give praise and thanksgiving and trust My love for you. Not one of whom the Father has entrusted to Me will be lost, hold on to this truth.  No matter how long it takes or how wrong everything seems to be going, no matter how hopeless it may seem in the end I will bring great good from every troubling situation. Be of good cheer I have overcome the world. 
Peace! Be still!

Wednesday, December 4, 2024

PSALM 138:8 (2024)

PSALM 138:8

How the Lord cares for me!
Your kindness, O Lord, endures forever.
Forsake not the work of your hands.

---- mine,

Understand well that I, the Lord your God, have loved you with an all-encompassing and enduring love. You are always before Me. My gaze is always resting on you. I am aware of every breath you breathe, every heartbeat, every pulse beat. I know your thoughts I am aware of your fears, and I know all your strengths and weaknesses. I know you desire to love Me greatly but you often fall short. I know you do not make the kind of effort necessary to grow consistently in virtue. You are self-indulgent. Grace is available to you in abundance but you do not always use it, it lies dormant in you. It is up to you, ---- my own, to decide whether or not you wish to align your will more closely to My will and to live your life in a manner that is always pleasing to Me. Only you can decide how much you are willing to overcome the natural concupiscence that is the lot of all creatures and strive always to choose the things that bring life in its fullness. Only in the measure that you give will you receive - pressed down, shaken together, and running over but do you wish to receive all that I desire to give? Are you prepared to make the sacrifices that a life in the Spirit entails? It is up to you. Ask and you will receive, seek and you will find, knock and the door will be opened to you.

Tuesday, December 3, 2024

EZEKIEL 37:26-27 (2024)

EZEKIEL 37:26-27

I shall establish a covenant of peace with them, an everlasting covenant. I shall settle them and they will increase and I will put my sanctuary in their midst forever. I shall make My home at their side; I shall be their God and they will be my people.

---- mine,

I know you sometimes struggle to believe that My promises for your loved ones will be fulfilled. You are impatient you want to see your children happy now, you long for them to return to the Sacraments make a good holy Confession, and come home to Me never to depart from Me again. I desire the same thing and I can and will make it happen. But you are required to wait patiently in faith and filled with hope and confidence that all that I have assured you concerning them will come to pass at a time of My choosing in the manner that I choose. Be still and know that I AM God and no one can snatch from Me what is Mine. Every baptized person is a child of God and He makes His home in them, the Holy Spirit abides in them, and I establish My reign and rule of love over them. Have faith, pray, hope, and do not be anxious about anything for I have overcome the world.

Monday, December 2, 2024

LUKE 18:7 (2024)

LUKE 18:7

And will not God grant justice to his chosen ones 
who cry to him day and night? 
Will he delay long in helping them?

---- mine,

This is My answer to your daily cry for help for your loved ones, I have heard you every time you raised your heart, mind, and voice day and night pleading unceasingly for the salvation of those you love so dearly. Do you not know that I desire their salvation even more than you do? I came so they may be saved and receive My life in abundance. I AM the God of peace and justice, I AM the God of mercy and tenderness. I AM the Lord who is slow to anger and rich in mercy. ---- my own, be consoled, have faith be comforted. I AM the God who saves Continue to pray in faith, wait eagerly in hope, and be confident of My saving love. I AM God and all that I have promised you I will do, I WILL DO. By the power of My Word and the strength of My arm, I will raise, lift, heal, save, and restore.

Sunday, December 1, 2024

ESTHER 15:9-12, 5:3 (2024)

ESTHER 15:9-12, 5:3

9 “What is it, Esther?” he said. “I am your brother. Take heart. 10 You will not die, because our decree applies only to ordinary people. 11 Come, speak to me.” 12 He raised the golden scepter, touched her neck with it, then embraced her saying, “Speak to me.”

3 The king asked, “What is it, queen Esther? Tell me what you wish. Even if it is half of my kingdom, I will give it to you.”

---- mine,

You are grafted to Me, My Spirit is alive in you. You are redeemed by My Blood, you are washed clean by the Water that flowed from My pierced side. You belong to Me irrevocably for I have loved you with a love beyond all telling. I laid down My life for you, I paid the price for your iniquity, and I have prepared a place for you with Me where you will remain with Me eternally. Fear nothing, it pleases My Father to grant to His children all that I ask Him on their behalf. You are a daughter of the Most High and espoused to Me. I AM the Bridegroom of your soul and you are my own little one, weak, imperfect, sinful, prone to falling often, helpless this is why I shall never leave you never forsake you. My lips are pressed against your ear I hear every sigh I know the words that your lips do not speak but weigh heavily on your heart. I hear your heart. Be not afraid ---- my own, it delights My Father, My Spirit and I to give you and those you love a share in My inheritance. I AM yours and you are Mine rejoice and be glad.

Saturday, November 30, 2024

LUKE 21:33 (2024)

LUKE 21:33

Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will not pass away.

---- mine,

I AM the Eternal Word, I AM the Living Word, I AM the only Word of the Father. I AM He in whom and through whom God created all things for His glory and pleasure. All that lives gives glory to the Father through Me His Son in the power of the Spirit of the God of love. All that God said He will do will come to pass for in Me God's Word is always yes and amen. 
---- my own, remember that God is always at work, He does not slumber even in the silence when all is quiet and the world is asleep God is working to bring all things under His rule. Fear nothing but trust in His love.  Believe! have faith! the night will end dawn will arrive. As surely as day follows night the sun will rise and all sorrow and darkness will end. He will wipe away your tears and you will rejoice and praise God for His faithfulness to you. Be not afraid! all I have said I will do - the Word of the Lord.

Friday, November 29, 2024

ISAIAH 60:19-20 (2024)

ISAIAH 60:19-20

The sun shall no longer be
your light by day,
nor for brightness shall the moon
give light to you by night;
but the Lord will be your everlasting light,
and your God will be your glory.
Your sun shall no more go down,
or your moon withdraw itself;
for the Lord will be your everlasting light,
and your days of mourning shall be ended.

---- mine,

Be consoled, rejoice, do not be anxious or fearful. Pay attention and take heart at what I say to you today - I AM the light of the world and I AM the Light that illumines your life and dispels all the darkness and gloom that has seeped into your spirit for so long. Be of good cheer ---- my own, I have overcome the world and the powers of darkness forever. You and your loved ones have received a share in My victory. You are not orphans but children of the family of God. You are my sisters and brothers, sons and daughters of My Father. The Spirit of God has descended on you and made you irrevocably Mine and I will not lose a single one who is My own, those called by My Name, those who are the sheep of My flock. Fear nothing, be dismayed about nothing. Weeping lasts through the night but joy comes in the morning and your morning has arrived. Watch with great and joyful expectation at all that I AM about to do for you and those you love. Be still and know that I AM God and I keep My Word. 

Thursday, November 28, 2024

ISAIAH 49:25 (2024)

ISAIAH 49:22, 25


Thus says the Lord God:
I will soon lift up my hand to the nations, and raise my signal to the peoples; and
they shall bring your sons in their bosom, and your daughters shall be carried on their shoulders.
But thus says the Lord:
Even the captives of the mighty shall be taken, and the prey of the tyrant be rescued; for
I will contend with those who contend with you, and I will save your children.

---- mine,

 I know you are weak, I know that you need constant reassurance and I gladly give it to you. All that I have promised you for so long, I will do. Do not be afraid for your children I AM faithful and I always keep MY WORD. I will reveal Myself to them, I will never stop wooing them tenderly and relentlessly, and in the end, they will return with broken hearts and contrite spirits. I will restore them and I will bring healing in every way that they need to be healed. I will pour My blessing on them, fill them with My Spirit and they will rejoice and praise My Name just as they did when they were very young. Be not afraid ---- my own, it pleases My Father greatly to give the Kingdom to the children He loves the children that My Blood has ransomed. Be of good cheer I have overcome the world.

Wednesday, November 27, 2024

ISAIAH 61:10 (2024)

ISAIAH 61:10

I will greatly rejoice in the Lord,
my whole being shall exult in my God;
for he has clothed me with the garments of salvation,
he has covered me with the robe of righteousness,
as a bridegroom decks himself with a garland,
and as a bride adorns herself with her jewels.

---- mine,

I have heard your sighs, I have heard you cry out to Me in the night, I have seen your distress. I have heard, I have seen, I know, and I have answered. All that I have assured you I will do, I will do. Understand this and let your heart be comforted - all that you have asked for and pleaded with Me night and day is what I and My Father desire to give. The Holy Spirit will make it all possible.  They will return to the Sacraments after a good and holy Sacramental Confession, the forgiveness of all their sins, and restoration to their rightful place as children of God. Conversion, restoration, wholeness, and healing in heart, mind, soul, body, and spirit according to the will, heart, and mind of God. I will cover them with the jewels of virtues, I will crown them with blessings and they will rejoice as a bride and bridegroom rejoice at their wedding. Watch as the blessings of the Lord unfold and give thanks aloud and in silence. Offer to the Lord exultant praise for He has rescued your loved ones and has returned them to the fold. 

Tuesday, November 26, 2024

JOB 31:33-34 (2024)

JOB 31:33-34

Have I, out of human weakness, hidden my sins 
and concealed guilt in my heart,
keeping silent by myself, 
because I feared the crowd and their contempt?

---- mine,

I instituted the Sacrament of Reconciliation because neither the human heart nor the immortal soul can bear the burden of guilt. Guilt manifests itself in many destructive ways. The more you hide your sins, the more you try to cover your conscience, the more you lie to yourself that your transgressions do not displease God, hurt your neighbor, and wound yourself the more you will grow hardened by sin and dead in conscience. The greater the guilt, the graver the sin, the greater the need to confess and set yourself free from becoming enslaved to the power of darkness. Do not delay. Come to Me, meet Me in the person of the priest in confession become like a child, and unburden yourself to Me with simplicity and humility and I will forgive you and set you free. Come often and unburden yourself and receive the freedom that belongs to a daughter of the Most High.

Monday, November 25, 2024

MATTHEW 11:15 (2024)


Let anyone with ears listen!

---- mine,

Do you listen and having heard do you obey? You are deaf and blind, you neither hear nor see, I speak to you constantly. If you would but shut out the din of the world, the clamor of your selfish desires, the feverish gaze seeking things that cannot satisfy but instead keep you from coming into a close and deep relationship with Me. Listen! Really listen and you will hear Me in the silence. I speak to you constantly in everything around you. In the people you meet, in the beauty of nature, in the sounds of nature. I Am speaking to you constantly, seeking you tenderly, speaking consolingly, calling you gently, comforting you, saving you, helping you but you are so caught up in your own thoughts, emotions, fears, distress, and anxiety that you spend all your time complaining that I do not answer you. You know it isn't true for I AM constantly at work to bring about all that is good and needful, all that will make you more like Me. Take the time to listen ---- my own and you will not only hear Me you will see Me you will touch Me because I AM always with you. Remain in Me and as I remain in you.

Sunday, November 24, 2024

JEREMIAH 33:3,15-16 (2024)

JEREMIAH 33:3,15-16

Call to me and I will answer you, 
and will tell you great and hidden things that you have not known.
In those days and at that time I will cause a righteous Branch to spring up for David, and he shall execute justice and righteousness in the land. 
In those days Judah will be saved and Jerusalem will live in safety. 
And this is the name by which it will be called:
‘The Lord is our righteousness.’

---- mine,

I AM here closer to you than your heartbeat. I AM with you I hear you I always hear you. I see you for My eyes are always on you. I AM your help, your strength, and your deliverer. I AM your provider, I AM your Redeemer your Savior, your Brother, and your Friend. I AM the Bridegroom of your soul. You are espoused to Me and I assure you as I have done so often that I will never leave, never forsake, never abandon you. I have saved you. All that I have said I will do. Do not be afraid, do not be dismayed, do not be discouraged. I AM God and My Word is truth. As for you, ---- my own, remain in Me, remain in My love. Glorify Me with every breath you breathe and remember that no power can separate you from My love.

Saturday, November 23, 2024

ESTHER 5:3 (2024)


The king said to her, ‘What is it, Queen Esther? What is your request? It shall be given you, even to the half of my kingdom.’

---- mine,

My Mother is Queen of Heaven and Earth and all she asks I grant her just as I did at the Wedding Feast in Cana. My hour that My Father had ordained for Me to manifest who I was had not arrived yet, at her request, to comfort her tender heart that cannot bear to see any of her children sorrowful and in distress, I performed My first miracle. Do not hesitate to run to her, bury your face in her maternal arms, and make known all that you need for your family, and she will come to Me and plead your cause with Me and I will grant, through her intercession, all that you ask for. It delights us, My Father and I, who have endowed her with ever grace, virtue, and blessing, she, who is espoused to the Holy Spirit to make her mediatrix of all graces for she in turn delights in granting those who turn confidently to her and ask for her help. Every title the Church gives her is less than she deserves, no amount of praise of her beauty, goodness, and virtue can be too extravagant for she is the highest, purest, and most noble and perfect of all creation. Run to her, confide in her, plead with her, never stop beseeching and imploring her and she will obtain all that you ask for according to My will. Bear in mind that I deny her nothing.

Friday, November 22, 2024

SONG OF SONGS 2:16-17 (2024)


My lover is mine and I am his;
He shepherds his flock among the lilies,
Before the dusk blows and the shadows flee,
Return, my lover, be like a gazelle
Or a young stag on the rugged hills.

---- mine,

Know that I AM God and I love you. Let this truth give your heart peace. Take courage for I, the Lord your God, have sought, found, and taken you to be My own. Walk with Me and remove from your heart all desire for things that would hinder you from belonging wholly to Me. In Me is life, joy, and peace in Me, you will draw near to the Kingdom of God for I AM the Gate that leads to union with God. Walk with Me, live in Me, remain in Me. As long as you are with Me you will find that though the path is narrow and difficult, the cross is heavy and you are weary, because I Am with You to help you,, the yoke will be sweet, and the burden light. Even though the path is rough it will not seem too difficult for My grace and presence will be sufficient to carry you and bring you to paths that are level and smooth. Stay with Me and I will carry you home to Myself to remain with Me forever.

Thursday, November 21, 2024

TOBIT 8:15-16

 TOBIT 8:15-16

“May you be blessed, O Lord,
with all pure and holy blessings.
May the saints and all your creatures bless you.
May all the angels and the elect bless you forever.
May you be blessed for having filled me with joy.
What I feared has not happened,
but you have treated us with great kindness.

---- mine,

This is how you will praise and give thanks when I answer your prayers. You will no longer sigh, weep, and mourn for the day of rejoicing is coming. Do not lose heart, do not allow your spirit to be cast down, and let hope spring anew for I AM God and all that I have said I will do. Do not be discouraged because what I promised has not yet come to pass. Have faith when the time is right I will do all that I have assured you I will do until then pray with confidence and with expectation. The day of deliverance is at hand. Pray, hope, and fix your gaze on Me. I always keep My promises.