Saturday, December 7, 2024

PSALM 107:29-31 (2024)

PSALM 107:29-31

He stilled the storm to a gentle breeze 
and hushed the billows, to silent waves. 
How glad they were! 
He brought them safe and sound 
to the port where they were bound. 
Let them thank Yahweh for his love 
and wondrous deeds for humans.

---- mine,

I AM always with you, I Am always beside you calming the storms that arise and quelling the waves, calming the wind, and commanding the elements to be still. Fear nothing ---- my own.  Fear, worry, and anxiety are useless all you need is faith in My Word the greater your faith the more powerfully I can work mighty miracles in your life and in the lives of those you plead for night and day. Give thanks always and in all circumstances. Do not judge anything as good or bad but accept all from My hands. All things work for good, for I can draw good from even the most distressing circumstances. Be at peace and know that I AM God and that nothing is impossible for Me. Be of good cheer ---- my own, salvation is at hand. Watch for the wonderful new things that I AM about to do. I AM God there is no other.

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