Sunday, September 11, 2016


Esther 15:9b

I am your brother. Take heart.

 I am your Brother, I am your Friend, I am your soul's beloved---- Mine. Whichever way desire to express it, this is the truth. I am all things to you and you belong to Me. You are Mine. Before We laid the foundations of the world, I knew you and I loved you. Think of all the times when you have not been all that I desired you to be and have sympathy when sometimes people fail. Nothing matters more than this My Own, I am your Brother; be strong, stay confident, be assured that you have My love, My life and My protection. Rise above all that is weighing you down and look at Me and be strong and radiant in My light that shines on you and imbues you with my peace and My Presence. Seek Me and you will find me in every circumstance of your life for I am with you always, always. Take heart --- Mine. Take heart.

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