Friday, September 9, 2016


Sirach 40:26b-27

You cannot suffer loss when you fear the Lord, 
with it you have all the support you need.
The fear of the Lord is like a garden of blessings;
it clothes a person better than any glory.

----My Own, having Me, you have all things for I am sufficient for you. Know this with deep conviction so nothing will disturb you, nothing will sadden you nothing will dishearten you, nothing will make you tremble with fear, for I am on your side. I wage battle on your behalf, I have struck a blow to the enemy and evil can do nothing to claim what is Mine. 

Do I not assure you constantly that you are Mine? You belong to Me. The waters of baptism have grafted you to Me and now you are part of Me. Do not be so full of self-consequence that you take offense where none was meant. Be more magnanimous and generous than that. Bask in My love and let go of every desire for human appreciation. What matters if you gain the acclaim of the world but you lose your peace of soul? Keep your gaze on Me as my gaze is unwaveringly on you. Love Me and you will discover that nothing matters for in loving Me you possess every joy, and peace is the fruit of that love.

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