Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Preparation for the Gifts of the Sacraments of Reconciliation and The Eucharist

7th October 2011

Meeting held with catechists and Parents of children preparing to receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation and the Sacrament of Holy Communion
Dear Parents,

You are the domestic church and are responsible for bringing up your children in the faith. 

Here are some points which you must keep in mind with regard to preparing your children for this Sacrament of Sacraments.

Revere the importance of the Catechism and ensure that your children understand why it is imperative that they give importance to studying the lessons they are taught in class and to attend faithfully every Friday.

Prioritize wisely when it comes to choosing between spiritual and temporal matters.

The Eucharist is the source and summit of the Christian life so ensure your children are well prepared spiritually.

The required prayers are to be taught to the children by the parents.  The involvement of the parents is of vital importance.

The instructions are given by the teachers the actual study is done at home under the supervision of the parents.

Pray the Daily Rosary - this is an important, excellent and easy way of memorising the common prayers.

The family being the domestic church has a great influence in raising faith filled children.

Ensure that children are appropriately dressed when they come to the Celebration of the Holy Mass.  They must be neatly and modestly dressed.

Meet with the catechism teacher of your child atleast once a month to check the child's progress.

Attendance is of vital importance as classes are only  held once weekly.

Make sure that you accompany your child to the Holy Mass celebrated specially for children before the Catechism class.

Take note that special Masses will be celebrated for the children receiving First Holy Communion as follows:

15 November 2011

Eucharist for Parents and Children of Communion Class

Theme:  Sacrament  of Reconciliation

10 January 2012

Eucharist for Parents and Children of Communion Class at St. Therese Church 7.15 p.m. to 8.30 p.m. by Fr.  Francis



The Eucharist is the source and summit of the Christian life.  

Teach your children to hunger for the Eucharist.  Remember that catechesis is the sole responsibility of parents and it is your duty to hand down the faith to your children as it was faithfully handed down to you by your parents and grandparents.
Bear in mind that tremendous graces  have already been made available to you parents when you received the Sacrament of Marriage and when you brought your children to the Church to be Baptized.

Catechesis is a daily ongoing process.  It does not begin and end with the Catechism Class which is held only once a week and totally makes up only 35 hours.  

All  of us are called to help in the building of the Kingdom of God.  Don't  lose sight of this mission.  We are called to hand over the faith by word and, example through grace. As parents you can use all the celebrations and events that occur in your lives as a means to catechise your children.

Although both parents play a part in the spiritual upbringing of their children a mother's role is more hands on and is of vital importance in catechising her children.
Remember that your children are  being to prepared to receive two Sacraments

- The Sacrament of Reconciliation
- The Sacrament of Holy Communion

Ensure that your children are well prepared for both.

Live the prayers in your home.  Understand and explain in greater depth what your children are taught in class by using the resources that are readily and freely available through trusted Catholic sources on the net and through books.

Let your children see you attentive and prayerful at Holy Mass.  Once again remember it is imperative that you lead by example.

Receive the Holy Eucharist respectfully and reverently either on your tongue or your hand ensuring that you use the right method approved by the Church.

Do not make light of matters concerning the faith.  It is the moral responsibility of parents to foster vocations in the home.  Those who  serve in the Church come from families. 

Invoke the help of Mary our Mother and use  her as your model.

Take note of the changes in the New Revised Roman Missal so that you can explain the reasons for the changes to your children. We have already begun using the next texts  in the Gloria and the Nicene Creed on 7th October 2011.  The changes in its entirety will come into effect on the first Sunday in Advent.

God bless you.


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