Thursday, April 30, 2020


PSALM 130:5-6

I wait for the Lord, my soul waits,
and in his word I hope;
my soul waits for the Lord
more than those who watch for the morning,
more than those who watch for the morning.

---- Mine,

Hope in My Word and it will be a lamp to your feet and a light to your path. Seek Me and will find Me, desire Me and you will receive Me. I never disappoint those I love who love Me in return.

Wednesday, April 29, 2020


LUKE 21:3-4

“Truly, I tell you,
this poor widow put in more than all of them.
For all of them gave an offering
from their plenty;
but she, out of her poverty,
gave all she had to live on.”

---- Mine,

Yes, I know that when you have given, and you have given to many, it has always been out of your plenty. You have always found it hard and often make no serious attempt, to give out of your poverty, your nothingness, of yourself. You have not given of your poverty because it is from poverty one truly gives from the Spirit of God who lives in you. You are unwilling to give from your poverty because it costs most when you give from your nothingness. This is why, your giving until now, has been from your plenty and not your poverty.

Tuesday, April 28, 2020


MARK 9:35

If someone wants to be first, 
let him be last of all
and servant of all.

---- Mine,

Everyone is called to serve in one way or another. The question is who do you serve? Who or what is it that makes demands on you, your time and resources, your talents? Do you serve willingly or reluctantly? Do you serve selfishly or selflessly? If you desire to know what a true servant is like lift your gaze to a Crucifix, there is your answer. True service is laying down one's life constantly, from moment to moment. Quietly, humbly, obediently, joyfully, and above all lovingly.

Monday, April 27, 2020


LUKE 10:41-42

“Martha, Martha, you worry and are troubled
about many things, whereas only one thing is needed. 
Mary has chosen the better part, 
and it will not be taken away from her.”

---- Mine,

Choose the better part and it will not be taken from you. All things pass but love remains. Increase in faith, be steadfast in hope, and let My love which is poured into your heart spillover from you to everyone you encounter. As I love you so must you love with a love that is prepared to die to self. Love that seeks the good of the other always is akin to My love. Service without love is an arid duty but service with love is a source of perennial joy.

Sunday, April 26, 2020



For where your heart is,
there also your treasure will be.

---- Mine,

Who or what is the treasure that you have placed before Me? To whom have you given primacy of place in your life? Search your heart and examine your conscience is there a greater love for creature or thing that has absorbed you, who you have sought before seeking Me, who you have put on a pedestal and given honor to over Me? Who have you loved and cared for with greater fervor than Me? Anyone who loves father or mother, brother or sister more than me is not worthy of Me.

Saturday, April 25, 2020


LUKE 7:22-23

“Go back and tell John what you have seen and heard:
the blind see again, the lame walk, 
lepers are made clean, the deaf hear, 
the dead are raised to life, 
and the poor are given good news.
Now, listen: Fortunate are those who meet me, 
and are not offended by me.”

---- Mine,

The remedy for the world's ills has already been provided by My Father, yet many continue to reject Me. Many have made My Name an offence and those who utter it suffer persecution and worse for it terrifies those who are evil. My enemies are far more aware of the power of My Name than My friends. This is why I say, blessed are those who encounter Me and believe, for those who reject Me will find to their dismay, that there is no name given under heaven by which they can be saved.

Friday, April 24, 2020


MARK 5:36b

Do not fear, just believe.

---- Mine,

To believe requires faith. Faith moves mountains. The first step towards growing in faith is to believe that all things are possible with God. Cast aside your doubts - you can do nothing on your own but with Me, you can do all things. Remain in Me and let My word remain in you; doubt no longer, fear no longer, just believe that all you have asked for in faith you have received. It takes courage to believe but if you rely on My Word then you can put out into the deep, let down your nets, and receive all that I desire to give. Be not afraid! I AM with you always.

Thursday, April 23, 2020


PSALM 46:11A

Be still,
know that I am God.

---- Mine,

Not in the clamor of the world, nor in the clamor of the demands of your flesh, nor in the cacophony of sound shrieking around you will you ever find Me; let alone have a meaningful relationship with Me, your Lord and your God. You need to still all the voices within you demanding to be satisfied. You need to withdraw into that sacred space within you where My Holy Spirit abides. In silence, you will look honestly at yourself and recognize you need Me. 

You will seek Me and find Me and I will minister to you. My grace and love will flood your soul and overflow. In the stillness and quiet of your soul, you will meet Me face to face and you will know  that I AM with you and have been with you and will be with you always till the end of time

Wednesday, April 22, 2020


MATTHEW 6:6 & 8B

When you pray, go into your room,
close the door, and pray to your Father
who is with you in secret;
and your Father who sees what is kept
secret will reward you. 

Your Father knows what you need, 
even before you ask him.

---- Mine,

Never has there been so many opportunities to pray as in the present time. You have no more excuses. You are no longer rushing from one place to the next trying to cram the hours with busyness. If you have still not found time to go into the sanctuary of your soul and pray then when? Now is the acceptable time - don't squander these precious days with mind-numbing and soul-destroying frivolities. Your Father is waiting for you as am I, your Lord.

Tuesday, April 21, 2020


MATTHEW 7:19-29

Any tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and
thrown into the fire. So then, you will know them by their fruit.

---- Mine,

Pay attention to what I say to you today. You will be known by the fruit you bear. Your words and your actions have consequences. What is within you, your true self, that which you believe is hidden from the world, is visible to Me. You may blind the world with false piety, a false veneer of goodness but I see everything. Faith in Me is My gift to you freely given, the return you make for this gift is good fruit, fruit that will last not rot. 

Monday, April 20, 2020


John 10:7

Very truly I tell you, I am the gate for the sheep.

---- Mine,

There is no way to enter the Kingdom of God except through Me. I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life; it is through Me alone that you will receive fullness of joy and the peace that the world cannot give. Come to Me and learn from Me for I am meek and gentle of heart and you will find rest for your weary soul.

Sunday, April 19, 2020


Mark 9:35B & 37

If someone wants to be first, let him be last of all and servant of all.
Whoever welcomes a child such as this in my name, welcomes me; and whoever welcomes me, welcomes the one who sent me.

---- Mine,

Everyone is jostling for first place and will do anything to get there. There is no integrity, no sacrifice. There is no empathy for those who need to be served because there is no one willing to serve.

And what about welcoming a child let alone children? The earth is soaked in the blood of my little ones who have been rejected in the womb. Their blood cries out to My Father for vengeance. Every child rejected by the world is a personal rejection of Me and of My Father in heaven.   

Saturday, April 18, 2020


John 16:33

I have told you all this, so that in me you may have peace. You will have trouble in the world; but courage! I have overcome the world.

---- Mine,

Be not afraid even when the storms of life overwhelm you and the winds howl around you. I assure you that no harm will come to you. Evil will not touch you for you belong to Me. Have faith. This tempest will pass, the wind will die down and there will be peace.

Friday, April 17, 2020


DANIEL 12:10

Many shall be purified, cleansed, and refined, but the wicked shall continue to act wickedly. None of the wicked shall understand, but those who are wise shall understand.

---- Mine,

Often in times of tribulation, there are many who lift their hearts and minds to Me and as they grow in virtue they experience joy in the midst of sorrow. But there are also very many more who enter even deeper into the darkness and continue even more desperately, to fill the emptiness in their heart by wallowing in the muck and satisfying their hunger with the slop meant for swine.

Thursday, April 16, 2020


PSALM 107:20

He sent forth his word and healed them,
and rescued them from destruction.

---- Mine,

I AM the Way, the Truth, and the Life, no one can come to the Father except by Me. Call on Me and I will answer you. Seek Me in prayer, in silence, in the midst of your worry, troubles, and trials and you will find Me. Do not dwell on your present circumstances rather count your blessings. Look for Me and you will find Me. Have I not promised you that I will never leave you, never forsake you? Believe Me and believe in My Word but when this present trouble is passed will you be found to be wheat among the chaff or chaff among the wheat? 

Wednesday, April 15, 2020


LUKE 11:9-10

Ask, and it will be given to you;
seek, and you will find;
knock, and it will be opened to you.
For the one who asks receives,
and the one who searches finds,
and to him who knocks
the door will be opened.

---- Mine,

When you ask in prayer ask for the things that the Father will delight in giving you. Set aside material things for your Father knows what you need rather, when you come to Him in prayer, ask for the graces that will enable you to draw near to Him. Ask for the gift of the Holy Spirit who will grant you all you need to live a life of abundant joy always.

Tuesday, April 14, 2020


JOB 28:23

God alone knows the way to wisdom,
his eye enters its dwelling place.

---- Mine,

I am the Way the Truth and the Life no one can come to the Father except through Me. Hunger and thirst for Me. Eat My Flesh and drink My Blood. Come and drink your fill from the Life-giving Water that flows from Me and I will abide in you and you in Me. 

Monday, April 13, 2020



The people who walk in darkness have seen a great light. A light has shone on those who live in the land of the shadow of darkness.

---- Mine,

No matter how grim the present circumstances may seem do not let fear stalk you and get a grip of you. You are a child of the light and I assure you that the darkness can never overcome My Light that is in you and in the world. The children of the Light walk in love not fear for there is no room for fear in love.

Sunday, April 12, 2020


LUKE 9:35

This is my Son,
my Chosen one,
listen to him.

---- Mine,

True peace, true joy, true hope, and above all else, true love can be found in its fullness only in My Son. Have you not found that nothing satisfies when you have it apart from Him? I have given Him to you and to the world because He is the expression of My love made visible and tangible. This is why I say to you, "Listen to Him." Remember always, love is never about yourself, it is always about the other.

Saturday, April 11, 2020



Stay awake, then,
for you do not know
on what day
your Lord will come.

---- My own,

You've been asleep far too long, the world has been asleep far too long, now you as well as the world have been roused from a deep slumber. All are wide awake. There is great uncertainty, fear, anxiety, desperation, sadness, moaning at the tribulation that has come like a thief in the night. It has struck those dwelling in palaces and those in their more modest dwellings. Be not afraid little flock. Stay awake and pray. This hour too will pass. But how will it leave you? Resolute and unwavering in faith, hope, and love? 

Friday, April 10, 2020


LUKE 13:35-36

Be ready, dressed for service,
and keep your lamps lit, like people
waiting for their master to return from
the wedding. As soon as he comes
and knocks, they will open the door
to him.

---- Mine,

Wake up! The hour is here. Clothe yourself in the garment of righteousness and virtue. Trim your lamp and keep it lit with the fire of divine love. Wait in readiness, eager to open the door to Your Master, Savior, Brother, Bridegroom, and Friend. 

Thursday, April 9, 2020



You are the salt of the earth.
But if salt has lost its strength,
how can it be made salty again?
It has become useless. 
It can only be thrown away
and people will trample on it.

---- Mine,

You were created to glorify God with your life just as every human being who has ever been born. Don't you know that you give Me glory when you abide in My love and obey My commandments? Return to Me with all your heart and I will give you a new heart and a new spirit. Repent before it is too late. Repent before the hour of Mercy ends and the hour of judgment begins.

Wednesday, April 8, 2020


MARK 13:32

And what I say to you, I say to all; watch.

---- Mine,

The time for slumber, for lethargy, for sloth, for indifference is over. Wake up. The hour is almost here. Pray. While you pray, forgive the wrongs that have been done to you and make reparation for the wrongs you have done. Raise your whole soul and being to God and plead for mercy while there is yet time.

Tuesday, April 7, 2020


JOB 42:9C-10

The Lord accepted Job's intercession.
After Job had prayed for his friends,
the Lord restored his fortunes, giving him
twice as much as he had before.

---- Mine,

As you enter the final days of this holy season continue to pray, to fast, and to have a heart for the poor. You may be confined physically but your spirit can soar untrammeled by the things that once kept you too busy for the things that give life. Pray as you never prayed before not so much for yourself but for others. 

Never have you been closer to Me than at this time of grace for in the midst of suffering you are closely united to Me. Pray without ceasing and I will answer you and bless you. Behold the time has come to make all things new. 

Monday, April 6, 2020



"Why are you sad? You don't look sick,
is there something that bothers you?

---- My Own,

Recall My words, "If your child asks for a fish, will you give him a snake instead? And if your child asks for an egg, will you give him a scorpion? If you sinful people know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to those who ask him.”  Why then are you so sad and anxious? Do you not desire eternal life? Don't you know that you are only a pilgrim here on earth? All suffering, ALL SUFFERING, when united to the Cross has the power to redeem and make new. BE NOT AFRAID! This too will pass.

Sunday, April 5, 2020


LUKE 12:22-23

“I tell you not to worry about your life:
What are we to eat? or about your
body: What are we to wear?
For life is more than food,
and the body more than clothing.

---- Mine,

It is to the meek, the childlike, and the humble of heart that the Kingdom of heaven belongs. Unless you become like a child you cannot enter the Kingdom of God. Children are not anxious, they trust their father and mother. Cast your burdens on to Me and trust Me when I say, "I've got this." Have I not taught you to call God, Dad?

Saturday, April 4, 2020



I will leave within you a poor and meek people
who will seek refuge in God.

---- Mine,

Too long have you wandered away from Me and the further you strayed the more deaf and blind you became. You wandered in a barren and desert land, you sought to have your fill from the trough of swine. Now the time has come to winnow the chaff from the grain and after you have been forged in the crucible of suffering you will return in humility to seek and find refuge in Me. 

Friday, April 3, 2020



At about three o’clock, Jesus cried out
in a loud voice, “Eloi, Eloi, lamma
sabbacthani?” which means: My God,
my God, why have you forsaken me?

---- Mine,

I understand your pain and your distress bordering on despair. I too have experienced anxiety, anguish, and loneliness. This is why My Father sent Me and My cry of rejection from the Cross reverberates around the world, I cry to you, "Why have you forsaken me?" Return to Me. Offer Me your contrite heart and humble spirit and I will heal you and comfort you for you are Mine. 

Thursday, April 2, 2020


Micah 4:1-2

In the last days, the mountain of Yahweh’s house shall be set over the highest mountains and will tower over the hills. All the nations will stream to it, saying, “Come, let us go to the mountain of Yahweh, to the house of the God of Jacob; so he may teach us his ways and we may walk in his paths. For the teaching comes from Zion, and from Jerusalem, the word of Yahweh.”

---- Mine,

The day is coming when all the baptized and many who are not will stream into the House of Lord to celebrate the Day of the Lord. It will be a day of great rejoicing when the Son of God will dwell once more among His people and peace will reign in the hearts of all who love Me.

Wednesday, April 1, 2020


 MATTHEW 9:2C & 22B

"Courage, my son! Your sins are forgiven."

"Courage, my daughter, your faith has saved you."

---- My Own,

My hands are always stretched out to you in mercy and love. Do not be afraid to approach Me. Don't you know you are Mine? I love you. Come to Me. Speak to Me. Ask for what you need, seek Me with all the fervor of your soul, knock on the door of My Heart and I will give you in full measure, shaken together, and running over.