Saturday, February 8, 2025

WISDOM 15:2 (2025)


For even if we sin we are yours, knowing your power;
but we will not sin, because we know that you acknowledge us as yours.

---- mine,

All have sinned and anyone who claims to have not is a liar. You too sin and all the time you know it and I know it. You fall short of My glory many times a day for you are a child born in original sin. I know how frail you are, how weak, how easy it is for you to take the easy route, the comfortable way. I know that you lack discipline and given a choice would choose a life of ease. Yet I also know the desires of your heart. You know that you now belong to the family of God, you want to walk on the side of the angels and the saints and you also know that without My help you will fail miserably. This is why I look at you with great tenderness, pity, and compassion and I walk with you. I have put My own Spirit in you. I make available infinite grace in the Sacraments I instituted. In the Sacrament of Reconciliation, no matter how badly you fall short, how gravely you have sinned, and no matter how often, when you approach the Throne of My Mercy which is My Sacred Heart with a contrite heart and a repentant spirit, with a firm resolve to sin no more, I will welcome you, I will wash away all your sins, I will restore your soul to its former beauty and purity and I will always forgive. Do not lose heart. Have courage. Be of good cheer ----- my own, too great a price was paid for your salvation for Me or My Father to turn away from you. I will always forgive because you are Mine irrevocably in time and in eternity.

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