Thursday, August 25, 2016


Ecclesiastes 3:11
He made everything fitting its time, but he also set eternity in their hearts.
---- Mine, every thing that is created on earth has a life span all things exist for a moment in time. All living things come to being, grow and mature  and are expected to fulfill the purpose for which they were created. They age eventually and their life will cease and go back to the earth as dust. But God has placed in every man, woman and child eternity in the soul that He created and placed in every human person. This is because God loves you so much He could not stand the thought of you being lost forever as if you had never been. The Father, the Holy Spirit and I work together in helping you claim the destiny for which you were created. Happiness here on earth lies in knowing, loving and serving God and each other and  the hope of eternal bliss when you come to us, to claim the inheritance that was won for you on the Cross. You belong to Me, You belong to God, You have a wonderful  present and you have the joyful hope that when this present life comes to an end, I will come to take you to enjoy the ecstatic union  that you experience for just a while each morning in every Eucharistic. Now you experience for a moment then you will possess the fullness of joy in unending union with Me eternally.

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