Tuesday, August 16, 2016


Matthew 13:16

Blessed are your eyes because they see, and your ears, because they hear.

---- Mine, it pleases me that you hunger and thirst after Me. That you listen for My Voice and you desire to see Me. You do hear Me when You listen with attention and you are moved when what you hear touches a chord in your soul. You experience my living Presence during those moments when you come before Me in the adoration chapel or when you receive Me each day in the Holy Eucharist. Nothing pleases and delights Me more than when you close yourself to the world and for a brief moment you become aware of the pure joy of us being one; when for a moment you become what you have received. Remember that sin, grave sin; grave, deliberate, sin will cause your ears to become deaf and your eyes blind to Beauty, Truth,  Life and above all Love. Be on your guard. Stay vigilant. You are aware that you are frail, weak, fragile this is why you must always remain grafted in Me.

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