Friday, October 14, 2016


Song of Songs 8:6-7

Set me as a seal on your heart,
set me as a seal on your arm.
For love is strong as death;
its jealousy lasting as the power of death,
it burns like a blazing fire,
it blazes like a mighty flame.
No flood can extinguish love
nor river submerge it.
If a man were to buy love
with all the wealth of his house,
contempt is all he would purchase.

---- My Own, when I ask you to set Me to set me as a seal upon your heart and on your arm do you understand what I mean? What is it that I a asking you to do? I love you with an unparalleled love. I love you as no other has or will love you and as your soul's beloved, as the Lover of your soul, I cannot bear anyone or anything take the place that you have willingly granted Me. I want to seal your heart from other lesser loves that could lead you away from Me. My seal on you soul none can see. But My Seal on your arm is a visible proclamation to everyone in heaven and on earth that You are Mine and I will permit no one and nothing to take you away from Me. 

My love is a blazing torrent, it is an unquenchable fire that will never go out. I want its mighty power to hold You as My willing captive, submissive to My will for you and eager to let Me lead you where I will. Love Me ---- My Own, love Me more each day, desire Me more each day, let nothing I ask of you be too difficult for you to concede and say yes. Let Me look at you and be consoled by your love for I still thirst with agony for the souls that I have redeemed but who care nothing for Me. Stay faithful. Stay true. 

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