Monday, October 10, 2016


Jeremiah 31:3 

I have loved you with a love everlasting, so I have kept for you my mercy.

---- My own, through all that you go through in life through the joys and sorrows, through the trials and temptations which have taken you to the brink and caused you to stumble, it is I who have prevented you from falling headlong over the precipice. My love for you is eternal. It is not given to you because of who you are but because of who I AM. 

I have called you by name you belong to Me. I will walk with you all your days, I will never let go of you. Should you stumble I will prevent you from falling. I will grant you grace sufficient for each day and I will be a blessing to you, in turn, I desire that you be a blessing to those you encounter each day. Just as I have sworn to show mercy to you so must you in turn show mercy. This is not a suggestion, I demand it for mercy will only be shown to those who in turn are merciful.

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