Tuesday, September 4, 2018


Matthew 13:16

Blessed are your eyes
because they see,
and your ears,
because they hear.

---- Mine,

Those who belong to Me as you do have been given the gift of hearing and of sight to see and hear about the Kingdom of God and to understand. Then, what do I say to you and those like you veer from the path of holiness despite the grace that is poured into your heart? I say, "Do not be discouraged let your sorrow lead to a contrite heart and a repentant spirit. Confess your sins, and sin no more."

Remember, that no sin is so great it cannot be washed away forever in the ocean of My mercy. I love you. You are Mine. Pray and be on your guard for the devourer prowls unceasingly; seeking the ruin of souls who do not watch and pray.

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