Thursday, January 9, 2025

DANIEL 14:38 (2025)

DANIEL 14:38 

"You have remembered me, O God,
and have not forsaken those who love you."

---- mine,

You are always before Me. I see you. I stoop low over you. My gaze is always on you. There never is a moment when I AM not aware of you. You are always in My sight and everything you are everything, you hope to be, all that your heart desires, all that your soul longs for, every prayer both prayed aloud or that remains wordless but are prayed in your soul I know, I hear, and this is what I desire you to do today. Have faith! Believe that all that you ask for in prayer I will hear and answer. Never has it been said and never will it be said that I AM deaf to the cries of those who belong to Me and you belong to Me. You are Mine. I have been with you from the moment you were conceived. I watched you grow. I was present when you were born and I have never left you for a moment because you are bound to Me with cords that can never be broken. Be not afraid, ---- my own, I know all, I see all, be comforted and do not allow sadness to overshadow, you do not let your heart be troubled for I AM God and My Word is true yesterday today, and always.

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