Sunday, January 19, 2025

PSALM 138:6-8 (2025)

PSALM 138:6-8

6 From above, Yahweh watches over the lowly; from afar, he marks down the haughty.7 If I walk in the midst of trouble, you give me life. With outstretched arm, you save me from the wrath of my foes, with your right hand, you deliver me. 8 How Yahweh cares for me! Your kindness, O Yahweh, endures forever. Forsake not the work of your hands.

---- mine,

Once again I speak to you through these words. I want you to understand what I say to you through them. I am always, always close to the meek, the humble, the little ones, the anawim of Yahweh. These are the ones that are nearest and dearest to Me for they are aware that without Me they are nothing and this knowledge makes them keenly aware that they need to cling to Me if they are to be saved. But I despise the proud, the haughty, the boastful, those who set themselves up as though they are above the law of God, I stay aloof from them for they are anathema to Me. But You, ---- my own, you know that I walk with you in the storm, you are aware that even though the winds toss the boat of your life until you believe you will drown I will never abandon you. Even when you wonder if I AM asleep you stay close to Me trusting that My Presence in your life is enough to steer you safely through the turbulent storms of life. I AM with you, I hear your sighs, I see your tears I have collected every one of them in My Heart. Yes, I will wipe away all your tears because you trust Me, you cling to Me, you know that I AM your help there is no other. Because you have placed all your hope in Me I assure you that I will never forsake you nor will I forsake those for whom you pray with sighs, heartbreak, heartache, and a flood of tears. I AM God and I keep all My promises.

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