Thursday, February 28, 2019


Psalm 107:29-30

He stilled the storm to a gentle breeze
and hushed the billows to silent waves.
How glad they were! 
He brought them safe and sound
to the port where they were bound.

---- Mine,

Be not afraid no matter how high the waves are or how stormy the wind. I AM with you and no harm shall come to you. Have courage even when you are in the eye of the storm for I have vowed that I will be with you always. Trust Me! I will see you through all the storms and I will bring you safely home at last. Where I AM you will always be. I AM God who has made a solemn Covenant with you. You are Mine.

Tuesday, February 26, 2019


 Hosea 2:20-21

I will wipe out the sword and war in the land; 
I will make people rest safe and secure. 

You will be my spouse forever, 
betrothed in justice and integrity; 
we will be united in love and tenderness. 

---- Mine,

I know it seems like an impossible dream to live in a world without corruption, war, hate, and evil but a time will come when the lion will lie down with the lamb and there will be peace. Pray for it, work for it, and let peace begin to reign in you first. I AM the Prince of Peace and peace is My gift to all who are espoused to Me. 

Monday, February 25, 2019


Ezekiel 16:60

But I will remember my covenant with you in the days of your youth and will make in your favor an eternal covenant.

---- Mine, 

Never doubt for a moment how precious you are in My sight. You have been Mine always. Trust Me to care for you. Have faith that all will be well in the end. Have I not been faithful? Have I not cared for you most tenderly to this day? Why then are you anxious? How often your fears were for nothing because everything turned out right in the end. This too, I assure you, will be alright. Believe and do not doubt. For I AM God and I AM faithful to the end.

Sunday, February 24, 2019


Daniel 14:38B

You have remembered me, O God,
and have not forsaken those who love you.

No, ---- Mine,

I will never forsake you for I have forged an eternal Covenant of Love with you. I have declared you are Mine always. I have you always before Me. I hear your sighs, I know all that troubles you. I know your weaknesses and your strengths. I know that you have a great capacity for love and joy. I also know all your faults. But do not be discouraged. I the Lord, your God, have poured My Spirit into you for you are Mine. Look to Me for help, strength, and courage always; I will never leave you, I will never forsake you. You belong to Me.

Saturday, February 23, 2019


Jeremiah 18:6B

As clay in the potter's hand so are you in my hands.

---- Mine,

You belong to Me and I will do with you as I will. I will make you, mould you, break you if and when necessary and I will shape you and model you in the image that I desire. Trust Me and yield your whole being to Me and I will fashion you as you were intended to be from the dawn of creation. Surrender your whole life to Me, yield your spirit to Mine and let Me make of you anything that I desire.

Friday, February 22, 2019


Isaiah 48:17

I, the Lord, your God, teach you what is best for you; 
I lead you in the way that you must go.

---- Mine,

I AM the Way, the Truth, and the Life no one comes to the Father except by Me. This is why you must be as a lamb that is attuned to the voice of the shepherd. I AM the Good Shepherd, my sheep know my voice and are guided and led by it. Be attentive to the inspiration of My Spirit who lives in you and obey Him.

Thursday, February 21, 2019


Psalm 46:11

Be still, know that I am God.
I am exalted among the nations,
exalted over the earth!

---- Mine,

It is in the quiet of your spirit that you will experience Me and know that I truly am within you. Anytime you withdraw into the temple of your soul I AM there. Take time often during the day to come to Me, to talk to Me, to tell Me all that is happening in your life. Share your joys and troubles with Me. I long to hear from you and I want you to know that I AM your truest Friend. Yes, it is true that I AM the Lord, your God, the King of Kings, the Lord of Lords, the Savior of the world, and Lord of the universe. At the Father's pleasure, there is no greater Name than Mine, but never forget that I AM also your Beloved and the Bridegroom of your soul. You are Mine as I AM yours, always.

Wednesday, February 20, 2019


Mark 9:7C, 23B

"This is my Son, the Beloved; listen to him."

"Why do you say: 'If you can?' All things are possible for the one who believes."

---- Mine,

There are all Commandments that all who call themselves Christians must obey. And then are the little, personal  things that the Father, the Spirit, and I invite you to obey. These are invitations, they are a call to holiness and perfection. It is these little acts of obedience daily, every waking hour, when you are asked to set aside your own wishes and to do what is pleasing to us. This requires humility, but also great love. Finally, trust Me and trust that all you ask for in prayer, it delights My Father to grant you, simply because you are Mine.

Tuesday, February 19, 2019


Ezekiel 39:28-29

They will know that I am the Lord their God when, after their exile among the nations, I bring them together in their own land and leave no one behind.
Never again shall I hide my face from them; because I shall pour out my spirit on Israel—word of God.

---- Mine,

I have made an eternal Covenant with those who believe in Me. All who know Me, I will take by the hand and lead them to the Kingdom of My Father. Do not be anxious, or worried, or afraid, there is no place for any of these when you have Me for your Friend, your Beloved, your Spouse, your Lord and your God. Walk with confidence knowing that you belong to the family of God and that He is your Father, your Abba. The Holy Spirit is your ever-present Helper, Paraclete, and Guide.  Remain in Me, remain in My love, and I will I remain in you.

Monday, February 18, 2019


Isaiah 48:17B

I, the Lord, your God, teach you what is best for you;
I lead you in the way that you must go.

---- Mine,

Train your ear to listen and recognize the sound of My voice. I speak to you constantly through the gentle inspiration you receive from My Holy Spirit, through My Word, through people around you. Pay attention and listen. Pray constantly. Quiet your spirit and you will soon know when it is I who speak to you. Seek to withdraw into the secret room within your soul and there you will find Me. Come to Me when you need rest, when you need comfort, when the world gets too much for you. Withdraw into the secret chamber within you and find Me there waiting for you.

Sunday, February 17, 2019


Psalm 46:11A, Psalm 37:7A

Be still, know that I am God.

Keep calm before theLord, 
wait for him in patience.

--- Mine,

Be still and calm even when the waters surge around you and the storm overwhelms you because I AM with you in the eye of the storm. Do not lose confidence in Me. I AM the Lord your God, there is no other. I AM Emmanuel, the God who is the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end. I AM first last, forever. And I AM your Beloved. No power on earth or in the underworld can wrest you from Me for I have declared that you are Mine in time and in eternity. My Covenant of Love with you is everlasting. Be still and know with conviction in your whole being, that I, the Lord, am your God and I AM with you in time and in eternity.

Saturday, February 16, 2019


Ezekiel 37:26-27

I shall establish a Covenant of peace with them, 
an everlasting Covenant. 
I shall settle them; and they will increase; 
and I shall put my Sanctuary in their midst forever. 
I shall make my home at their side; 
I shall be their God and they will be my people.

---- Mine,

This is what I assure you always; that I have made a Covenant of Love with you, a Covenant that is eternal. I have made My home in your heart. I live in you and in those you love. I have established My reign in your heart and in your family because you have given Me rule over you and yours. Yes, I AM your God and you are the people who belong to Me forever.

Friday, February 15, 2019


Job 11:17-19

Your life will be brighter than noonday 
and its darkness like the morning.
You will be comforted, for there is hope; 
you will be protected when you sleep.
You will lie down with no one to fear; 
many will come to court your favor.

---- My Own,

Do not be doubtful of the words I speak to you today. Yes, they are for you. Have I not made a Covenant of Love with you? Do you not belong to Me? Are you not My Own little nothing? I am Your Light that is brighter than the noonday sun and this light shines in you. Darkness is no longer darkness for I AM with you. I watch over you and no harm will ever come to you. Awake or asleep you can be at peace for I AM your Rock and your Refuge. I have raised you up and made a place of rest for you in my Heart. Trust Me!

Wednesday, February 13, 2019


 Psalm 32:8

I will teach you,
I will show you the way to follow,
I will watch over you and give you counsel.

---- Mine,

I AM your Teacher, Your Brother, your Master, your Friend, and your Spouse. I have made a Covenant of Love with you that is everlasting. I have sworn an oath and I shall be faithful to you always. You, in turn, must remain faithful . Walk in the Way that I will point out to you. Listen to Me and be guided by My Word. I will always be with you to guide your feet and light your path with the power of My Word and My Spirit.

Tuesday, February 12, 2019


Zephaniah 3:15C, 16B-17

Yahweh, the King of Israel is with you; 
do not fear any misfortune. 
Do not be afraid nor let your hands tremble,
for Yahweh your God is within you, 
Yahweh, saving warrior. 
He will jump for joy on seeing you, 
for he has revived his love. 
For you he will cry out with joy, 
as you do in the days of the feast.

---- Mine,

I AM your Lord and your God and I love you. I lay down My Life for you so you may live and that you may be Mine in time and eternity. I rejoice in you. I revel in your love for Me. Remain faithful for I AM faithful. I will never leave you nor will I forsake you. I live in you and I have entwined your life with Mine. My Spirit makes His home in you and My Father is your Father too. All I have I gladly share with you because you are precious in My sight. Remain in My love.

Monday, February 11, 2019


Proverbs 2:5-6

Trust in the Lord with all your heart;
do not rely on your own insight.
Let his presence pervade all your ways
and he will protect your foot from the snare.

---- Mine,

Remember that it is the God of love who created you that knows you best, even better than you know yourself. This is why you must trust the Father in all things. Lean on Me, be strengthened by Me, and let My Holy Spirit truly be your Helper and your Paraclete. Only then will you be able to withstand the wiles of the Enemy. Put all your hope and trust in Me; I will keep you safe.

Sunday, February 10, 2019


Proverbs 16:20

He who listens to the word finds happiness;
blessed is he who trusts in the Lord.

---- Mine,

Listen to My Word, for I AM the Eternal Word of the Father. Let My word find a home in your heart and let it guide all your actions and your will. Let MY word be food and drink to you as the Father's word was food and drink to Me. Listen to My word before you act and you will live in peace. Let My word be a lamp to your feet and a light to your path; meditate on it night and day and you will find peace and rest for your soul.

Saturday, February 9, 2019


Isaiah 46:3C-4

I have cared for since you were conceived, 
and carried since you were born. 
Even to your old age, I am he 
and I will sustain you 
even when your hair turns gray. 
It is I who have done this, 
and who bear the burdens, 
I will sustain and save you.

---- Mine,

Never for an instant must you doubt how much I love you, care for you, watch over you and sustain you. It is My Spirit that keeps you alive. If I take away My Breath you will cease to be. I have carried you when you had no strength of your own. I wiped away your tears. I comforted and consoled you in times of grief. I feed and nourish you. I provide all you need. I rejoice when you are joyful. I grieve when you turn away from Me. Remain faithful to the end, ---- Mine, just as I am faithful and will be always. Remain always in My Love.

Friday, February 8, 2019


Ezekiel 18:4A

All life is in my hands,
the life of the parent
and the life of the child are mine

---- Mine,

Do not fret, be troubled, or anxious about anything but always with prayers, supplications, and thanksgiving make all your needs known to be Me. I assure you that My ear is always stooped low to listen to your softest sigh. Nothing delights Me more than to give you all you ask for; not just for yourself but for those who are closest to your heart and all whom you pray for. It delights My Father to give His gifts lavishly to all who turn to Him and ask with childlike simplicity, trusting that He will not turn away any of His children, but will grant to all from the infinite treasures of His mercy and love. Do not fret, ---- Mine, it pleases us to give you all you ask for in prayer.

Thursday, February 7, 2019


Job 22:27-28

You will pray to him and he will hear, 
and you will fulfil your vows.
You will succeed in your decision, 
and light will shine upon your way.

---- Mine,

I hear every sigh. I know all the desires of your heart. I am aware of each one of your weaknesses; yet, I want you to come to Me and tell Me everything. Tell me all that troubles you, your fears, your disappointments, your hopes, your dreams. Confide in Me, I am interested in all the details of your life even those you think are insignificant. It pleases Me when you approach Me with childlike simplicity. Come rest on My breast and find in me the fulfilment of every desire.

Wednesday, February 6, 2019


Song of Songs 2:10B, 11-14

“Arise, my love, my beautiful one!
Come, the winter is gone, the rains are over. 

Flowers have appeared on earth; 
the season of singing has come; 
the cooing of doves is heard. 
The fig tree forms its early fruit, 
the vines in blossom are fragrant. 
Arise, my beautiful one, 
come with me, my love, come. 
O my dove in the rocky cleft, 
in the secret places of the cliff, 
let me see your face, 
let me hear your voice. 
Your face—how lovely! Your voice—how sweet!”

---- Mine,

Never doubt the tenderness of my love for you. Come to Me. Find in Me your refuge and your hiding place. Speak My Name in the silence of your soul and you will find Me there always. I long to spend time with you to hear you speak of your love for Me. Come often. I am lonely. I hunger and thirst for your love. 

Tuesday, February 5, 2019


Psalm 37:4, 7, 37

Make Yahweh your delight; 
and he will grant your heart’s desire.

Keep calm before Yahweh, 
wait for him in patience;

Mark the blameless, 
watch the upright; 
and you will see that there is a future 
for the person of peace.

---- Mine,

These are My promises to you this day. Receive them in faith. Believe, hope, and place all your trust in Me all the days that are granted to you by My Father and you will experience My joy and My peace always.

Monday, February 4, 2019


Luke 7:44-47, 48

“Do you see this woman? 
You gave me no water for my feet 
when I entered your house; 
but she has washed my feet with her tears 
and dried them with her hair. 
You didn’t welcome me with a kiss; 
but she has not stopped kissing my feet 
since she came in. 
You provided no oil for my head; 
but she has poured perfume on my feet. 
This is why, I tell you, her sins, her many sins, 
are forgiven, because of her great love.

“Your sins are forgiven.”

---- Mine,

Today I want you to reflect on these verses. Enter into a personal relationship with Me based on perfect faith and trust. Do not let the past enslave you no matter how good it was and all the blessings you enjoyed. It is the past. You are now on the threshold of another new beginning, a fresh phase in your life, look forward with expectant faith. Live in peace in the present moment knowing that I AM your Brother, your Spouse, and your Friend. Be still and enter into My peace and you will find rest for your soul.

Sunday, February 3, 2019


Matthew 6:34

“Do not worry about tomorrow for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.”

---- Mine,

Worry, fear, anxiety, all these emotions have a negative impact on the spirit and they reveal a lack of trust, hope and faith in Me. All you have is the present. Take care of your present moment. Pray and cooperate with the grace that is given to you each day, do what you know to be God’s will in every situation that is placed before you. Leave the rest to Me. You cannot change your past and you have no control over the future stop worrying about what you cannot change or influence. Live in the present moment and trust in your Father’s love for you.

Saturday, February 2, 2019


Isaiah 48:17 & 21

Thus says the Lord, your Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel; I the Lord, your God teach you what is best for you; I lead you in the way that you must go.

Those he led through the desert were never thirsty. He made water flow for them from the rock; he split the rock and water gushed out.

---- Mine,

I have said it so often before and I say it to you, again and again, follow Me, listen to My Voice, let Me lead and guide you in the way that you should go because I AM the Lord Your God. I will lead you safely home to the place that has been prepared for you from all eternity.

I AM the Rock. I was struck and split open by the lance and the Blood and Water that gushed forth from My Side washes you, cleanses you, refreshes you, sustains you, and makes you whole. Drink of the Living Water flowing from Me and you will never be thirsty again.

Friday, February 1, 2019


Matthew 7:7

Ask and you will receive.
seek and you will find;
knock and the door will be opened.

---- Mine,

Never tire of asking, seeking, and knocking it reveals a childlike simplicity. Do not take no for an answer. If that which you ask, and seek for is good for you, Your heavenly Father will not deny them to you. What is it you ask for? What are you seeking? and when you knock is it with faith in My Love and My Word? If you ask for good things that will help you and those you intercede for, My Father will not deny you these. Pray constantly, serve joyfully, and love wholeheartedly, without distinction. Remember, the measure you use will be the measure that will be used for you.