Monday, February 1, 2021

WORD OF GOD - MT 26:39


 ‘My Father, if it is possible, let this cup pass from me; yet not what I want but what you want.’

---- Mine,

I knew what I was called to suffer, I knew every lash of the whip, every blasphemy, the mocking, the foul language, the betrayal, the denial, the abandonment of all, most especially the feeling of abandonment by My Father who seemed beyond My grasp. I knew the suffering that My poor Mother would have to undergo as she stood by helplessly, feeling every painful blow as if it fell on her. Yet My Father was with Me, through it all just as My Mother stood steadfastly by Me. ---- my own, I AM with you and with Me you will overcome. Pray as I did, 'Not as I will but as you will' and strength and comfort will be given to you every step of the way. It is the work of a lifetime aligning your will to Mine, make a start now. The way to redemption is suffering, the way to resurrection is death to self, the way to the Father is through Me. Remain in Me and be at peace, I have overcome the world.

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