His speech is most sweet,
and he is altogether desirable.
This is my beloved and this is my friend,
O daughters of Jerusalem.
---- mine,
In Me, you will find all that is needful for this life to prepare you for the life to come. I AM the Eternal Word of My Father, I AM the Incarnate Word of My Father, through Me in the power of the Holy Spirit all that God desires to say is said. In Me you will find the fullness of God's Truth, Wisdom, Beauty, Goodness, Power and above all Love. I AM in the Father and the Father is in Me and I have the power to draw everyone who belongs to Me into this union with God. I AM God from God, Light from Light true God from true God, in Me, ---- my own, you will find that the Word of God is sweet and a delight sweeter than honey. It is food and drink, and in Me you will find all that is delightful, tender, compassionate, merciful, and loving. God desires that in and through Me all creation come to know Him and to receive from Me the fullness of His love. Do not take your gaze away from Me but remain in Me and my love. Remain one in Me, with My Father, and you will possess the Holy Spirit who will lead you from darkness to eternal light. Have no fear except fear of sin. Sin separates, sin kills, but do not despair, no matter how gravely you sin return to Me with a contrite heart and a humble spirit, and I will remove all your offences and cast them behind My back never to remember them anymore. Fear nothing, ---- my own, except eternal separation from the God of love who lay down His Life that you may live. Remain in My love.