Saturday, March 15, 2025

2 MACCABEES 15:21, 23, 27 (2025)

2 MACCABEES 15:21, 23, 27

21 Maccabeus, observing the masses that were in front of him and the varied supply of arms and the savagery of the elephants, stretched out his hands towards heaven and called upon the Lord who works wonders; for he knew that it is not by arms, but as the Lord decides, that he gains the victory for those who deserve it. 
23 So now, O Sovereign of the heavens, send a good angel to spread terror and trembling before us. 
27 So, fighting with their hands and praying to God in their hearts, they laid low at least thirty-five thousand, and were greatly gladdened by God’s manifestation.

---- mine,

Victory will always be yours when you surrender and submit humbly to My will in all things, trusting that I, the Lord your God, will battle mightily for you and remain beside you when you do. Trust in Me and victory will be yours for I have commanded my angels to go before you and keep you safe from the terrors the enemy has devised against you. I AM the Lord your God is anything too difficult for Me? You who have put your hand to the plough must labor hard doing all that I command you despite the cost and while you fight raise your heart and mind to Me, call My Name and let prayer, praise, thanksgiving and supplication rise up to Me unceasingly. Do this and I will ensure that in the end you will be victorious. I will help you weed out every weakness that makes you susceptible to the snares that the evil one lays out for you. Have faith, the battle is won and victory belongs to you if you fight the good fight to the end. 

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