Tuesday, March 11, 2025

RUTH 3:8-9 (2025)

RUTH 3:8-9

At midnight the man awoke when he turned over and felt someone lying at his feet. He got up and was startled to find a woman there.
“Who are you?” he asked. The answer came, “I am Ruth, your servant. Spread the corner of your cloak over me for you are a kinsman who has right of redemption over me.”

---- mine,

Unlike Boaz, I know who you are, I know your name, I see you day and night prostrate at My feet, and this day, I wish to assure you again as I have done innumerable times in the past, that I know you and I love you. I have heard your prayers, I know all the desires of your heart, I have seen your pain, and your tears, I have heard your sighs and I am aware of all the longings of your heart. I AM your Kinsman, I AM your Brother, I AM your Beloved, I AM your Spouse, and I have not only spread My mantle of protection over you and all those you love, but I have redeemed you with My Life. Be not afraid, ---- my own,  continue to remain with Me I and in Me. I have drawn you close to My Heart and I have drawn those you love as well. Be not afraid, at a time of My choosing I will heal, save and restore I AM God and keep every one of My promises.

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