It is a good thing to accompany prayer with fasting, almsgiving and justice. It is better to do a little with honor than much with injustice.
It is better to give alms than to treasure up gold.
Almsgiving preserves from death; it purifies from all sin.
Those people who give alms and act justly will have a long life,
but sinners only harm themselves.
---- mine,
During this Lenten season, this is a good reminder to keep always before you. Nothing pleases Me more than generous giving with open hands, open heart, and a loving and generous spirit. Give as you have been given freely, without pausing to think of yourself, give as the Lord has given you. The Lord loves a generous giver. Freely you have received freely give. Do not worry about whether or not you will have enough for yourself tomorrow, give what you have today to someone whose need is greater than your own, and the needs of tomorrow will be taken care of. Give with faith, without hope of reward. Give in secret for all you do in secret is seen by My Father in Heaven and He will reward you. Almsgiving like love covers a multitude of sins. Accompany prayer with fasting. It is good to give up the legitimate pleasures your body delights in, and you will learn to discipline yourself in other areas in your life. Gain mastery over your tongue in speech, eating and drinking, and you will have mastery over your other sinful inclinations. Ask and the Holy Spirit will give you all the help and grace you need to live a holy life. Have no fear about anything, ---- my own, but continue to pray, praise, give thanks, and worship Me constantly, meditating on the price that the love of God paid for your redemption.
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