Wednesday, March 19, 2025

SIRACH 24:19-22 (2025)

SIRACH 24:19-22

‘Come to me, you who desire me,
and eat your fill of my fruits.
For the memory of me is sweeter than honey,
and the possession of me sweeter than the honeycomb.
Those who eat of me will hunger for more,
and those who drink of me will thirst for more.
Whoever obeys me will not be put to shame,
and those who work with me will not sin.’

---- mine,

All through your life My hands are stretched out to you inviting you into a closer, deeper, more intimate relationship with Me. I long to possess you so completely that there is no moment waking or sleeping when I AM not in your heart, mind, soul, body, and spirit. I want your every thought, every word, and every deed to be for My glory. I want you to love me with your whole heart, mind, soul, body, and strength. I want you to burn with love for Me, I want your whole being to be consumed by your love. I hunger and thirst for your love just as I desire you to hunger and thirst for Mine. The world is indifferent to Me, it either despises, ignores, or is ignorant of My  Gift of life, My salvation, purchased for the whole world at the cost of My humiliation, and degradation at the hands of evil. They do not know Me and they glory in their ignorance of the Truth that sets them free. This is why I beseech you to console Me with your love. Look at Me, ---- my own, on the Cross and ponder My agony, My passion on the way of sorrow on the streets of Jerusalem to the place of the skull. Ponder how the soldiers brutally and viciously goaded Me along the Way to the place where they stripped Me, naked threw Me on the wood of the Cross, and viciously struck the terrible blows that drove the large nails that pierced My hands and feet and finally piercing Me with a lance. Bleeding and dying I poured out My Life as an oblation in atoning sacrifice for the horrors that the world commits daily and are an affront to the Love of My Father and to Your Father and God. Turn your gaze on Me and comfort Me, love Me, do everything, endure everything, offer everything, for love of Me. Let My Name be constantly on your lips in tender loving bursts of praise, adoration, worship, and thanksgiving, and comfort Me. I will fill your soul with rich graces and blessings and I will bind you to Me with the most glorious chains of love and keep you bound to Me now and forever. Come, be Mine in time and in eternity.

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