For I desire steadfast love and not sacrifice,
the knowledge of God rather than burnt-offerings.
---- mine,
All I want is you, all I long for is to have a close relationship with you. I AM God and I AM Love and nothing less than all your love is what I long for. I desire steadfast love, not love that is lukewarm, that blows hot and cold but a love that increases the more you know Me and come into a deeper relationship with Me. If you desire to love Me as you ought then keep your eyes fixed on Me, your thoughts on Me, whatever you do, be aware of My Presence in you. You are a living tabernacle and here I have chosen to make My home. You can retreat into this holy place in your soul any time and be alone with Me and allow My love for you to fill your whole being to strengthen you, encourage you, and help you as you make your way from this life to the next. Be still and know that I AM God and that I love you. I lay down My life that you may live. What return are you making for this great sacrificial love of Mine for you? I want no part of a divided heart or a love that blows hot and cold. You can begin to live in heaven while still on earth if you live in my love and in My Presence. It is not hard to do, just close your eyes, still your senses, quiet your emotions, empty yourself of all the noise that clamors for your attention, and ask the Holy Spirit to help you enter the still, quiet place where I dwell. Here you will find Me night and day loving you and waiting for you to come to Me, worship and adore Me, and live in Me.
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