Monday, March 17, 2025

RUTH 3: 11A (2025)

RUTH 3: 11A

Have no fear, my daughter, I will do for you all that you ask.

---- mine,

I have claimed you for Myself, You are Mine in time and eternity. I lay down My Life for you, I lay it down willingly to set you free. I paid your ransom, had I not, you would have lived and died in slavery to the evil one. Living and dying a slave to sin, you would have died in your sins. But God so loved you that He sent Me, His only Son, to pay the price of your redemption. Never forget that your life has been paid for at the cost of the life of the Sinless One. He who knew no sin became sin for you so you would not have to taste death but receive life in its fullness and become the righteousness of God. Pray, hope, and do not be anxious about anything. Look at the birds in the air and the flowers in the field, My Father cares for them all. Not a sparrow falls to the ground without My knowing it, and you, ---- my own, are worth more than many sparrows. I love you with an everlasting love. I call you Mine, I have carved your name on the palms of My Hands. Can't you read it in the scars made by the nails? By My wounds you are healed, you are forgiven, you are made whole, you are free, you are now a child of God and a citizen of Heaven. As a member of My Church, you are My Bride. Fear nothing, no one can snatch you from Me, not you nor anyone who is Mine. Have faith and pray with confidence. All is well for God is good and He never forsakes His own.

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