The young lions suffer want and hunger,
but those who seek the Lord lack no good thing.
---- mine,
Ask, seek, find - no good thing is withheld from those who truly seek Me, seek to discern My will and do it no matter what sacrifice it involves. When those who understand their nothingness before God, plead before Me night and day for help without which they will surely perish, I will hear and grant all that is needful and they will be comforted, and satisfied. From My Heart flows unending streams of grace and from My open Hands you receive every good and perfect gift of the Holy Spirit. Confess that without Me you can do nothing, Come to Me as a child and ask for all you need with confidence, and I will supply you with every good and perfect gift. What do you ask for this Lent, ---- my own? What is the deepest need of your soul? Ask and I will give you the Kingdom of God for your inheritance. Learn from Me I AM meek and humble of heart. Imitate Me, follow Me and you will share in the glory, victory and power of My Resurrection. But first, you must walk with Me the way of sorrow in this valley of tears, but be of good cheer for you will not walk alone. I will accompany you, My Mother will accompany you, your Guardian Angel will accompany you and so will all the angels and saints. Resolve to keep your gaze fixed on Me at all times and follow Me and you will receive life in abundance.
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