Tuesday, March 18, 2025

ISAIAH 35:5-10 (2025)

ISAIAH 35:5-10

Then the eyes of the blind shall be opened,
and the ears of the deaf unstopped;
then the lame shall leap like a deer,
and the tongue of the speechless sing for joy.
For waters shall break forth in the wilderness,
and streams in the desert;
the burning sand shall become a pool,
and the thirsty ground springs of water;
the haunt of jackals shall become a swamp,
the grass shall become reeds and rushes.

A highway shall be there,
and it shall be called the Holy Way;
the unclean shall not travel on it,
but it shall be for God’s people;
no traveller, not even fools, shall go astray.
No lion shall be there,
nor shall any ravenous beast come up on it;
they shall not be found there,
but the redeemed shall walk there.
And the ransomed of the Lord shall return,
and come to Zion with singing;
everlasting joy shall be upon their heads;
they shall obtain joy and gladness,
and sorrow and sighing shall flee away.

---- mine,

Every prayer you have ever prayed for those you love, those you anguish over, those for whom you have sighed, shed many tears, and spent sleepless nights, and anxious days. They are close to your heart and their troubles have brought before Me with faith and confidence. They are seeing dark and sorrowful days and because of them, you come to Me on your knees with much lamentation and great sorrow. And as always, ---- my own, I assure you once again and I always will, that their days of wandering the wilderness will end. I have called them by name just as I have called you by name. 

Do not forget the length of time it took you to stop, listen, to My voice, and know that I would not give up on you no matter how far you ran from Me or hid from Me. I pursued you relentlessly until grace finally penetrated and from then on you have allowed Me to bring you little by little closer and closer to Me. I opened your eyes, and your ears, I have strengthened your weary limbs, I have rescued you over and over again, I took you by the hand and led you, I gave you my arm to lean on, My shoulder to weep on, I forgave all your sins and transgressions. I will do the same for those for whom you cry out to Me day after day.

Just as I pursued you I pursue them tirelessly, relentlessly, tenderly, and with compassion. There is nothing that My Father, I, the Holy Spirit, with all of the saints and angels in heaven desire more than to welcome the prodigal child home. Heaven rejoices at the return of the one who was lost and is found and there is great rejoicing over every sinner who comes home into the waiting arms of an infinitely loving and patient God. 

Fear not, ---- My own, continue to pray, to fast, and give alms with the confidence of a child, and in the end, your heart will rejoice and be glad for all My sheep will return to My fold. This is the will of My Father and yours. As He wills so it will be. 


Thanks be to God.

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