Sunday, February 4, 2018


1 Kings 1:5

Ask what you want me to give you.

---- Mine,

What would you like Me to give you? Ask and you will receive. Seek what it is that your heart most longs for and you will find. Knock and the door will be opened to you. What it is that you want most of all? What does your whole being long for, yearn for ---- My Own? Ask and it is yours. Who or what do you believe will satisfy every one of your heart's desires?  Is it Me you ask for? Is it Me you long for? Don't you know that even before you speak the Father knows and has granted you your heart's desire? I too want what you yearn for.  Yes, I want to be all yours as you are Mine. Love Me as I love you. I lay down My life for you so you could live in Me always.  

1 comment:

  1. I got what you mean, saved to bookmarks, excellent site.
