Sunday, December 11, 2016


Matthew 17:5 & 7

.....a voice from the cloud said, "This is my Son, the Beloved, my Chosen One. Listen to him."

Jesus came, touched them and said, "Stand up, do not be afraid."

---- Mine, to know true joy in this life is to know Me, love Me, serve Me, be attentive to My words, ponder on them, allow them to give you light, wisdom, understanding and knowledge. to know Me is to love Me, to love Me is to obey Me, and when you obey Me you obey My Father and the Holy Spirit. He is the One who is your Guide, your Helper, the Paraclete; it is He who will say to you, "This is the way, walk in it." 

There is no greater love than this, ---- My Own, than that which the Father has shown you in creating you and in ensuring that you will be with us eternally. This is why He sent Me into the world. I have shown you the Way, I have revealed the Truth and I give you Life. Nothing is hidden from those who belong to Me. This is why I say to you today, "Do not be afraid. Walk with the confidence of a child whose hand is held firmly in Mine. Walk in freedom of fear as a child of the Most High."

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