Thursday, April 6, 2017


Proverbs 30:4-5

Who has ascended the heavens and descended? 
Who has gathered the wind in his hands? 
Who has encircled the waters with his cloak? 
Who has established the limits of the earth? 
What is his name or the name of his son?
Do you know?  

Every word of God is true, 
he is a shield in whom man can find refuge. 

---- Mine, know this in the deepest part of your soul where I make My home, that I am the living God who is, who was, and is to come, there is no other. At My Word, through the power of the Holy Spirit, according to the will of the Father, all is made possible. The world and all that lives, moves and breathes, all that is visible and invisible, all that God ordains is ruled by the will of the Father; should God take His breath away, the breath of His Spirit,  the Word would no longer uphold the world for without Gods will, without the Spirits breath the Ruah of God, and without the power of the Word of God, all would cease to be, all would return to nothing, to void, to darkness. You are because God desires you to be in time and in eternity.

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