Friday, July 3, 2020

WORD OF GOD - MT 23:37-39

MATTHEW 23:37-39

Jerusalem, Jerusalem! You murder the prophets and stone those sent to you by God. How often would I have gathered your children together, just as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings; but you refused! Look! your house shall be left to you, deserted! I tell you, that you will no longer see me, until you say: Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!

---- Mine,

How often in the past you have heard Me calling you and inviting you to come to Me, to know Me, to give your life to Me, and you refused. I tried to get your attention through the joys and sorrows I sent your way. In times of joy you drifted even further away from Me. It took grief and a broken heart for you to come to Me and find rest, comfort and refuge than in Me. Stay faithful. Continue to pray not only for yourself and those you love, but for the whole world. Sometimes it takes grief and a broken heart before my children discover and understand that in Me alone life has true meaning and purpose. 

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