Tuesday, October 31, 2017


Mark 4:24-25

“Pay attention to what you hear.
In the measure you give, so shall you receive,
and still more will be given to you.
For to the one who produces
something, more will be given;
and from him who does not produce anything,
even what he has
will be taken away from him.”

---- My Own,
I have said this often and I have said it in different ways but it all means the same thing. I give everyone talents in different measure; to the one who strives diligently to use these gifts for the purpose for which they were given will be given more for they have proven to be worthy. Every good and perfect gift has been given to you through Me by My Father in heaven. He desires that His children collaborate with Him, with Me, and with the Holy Spirit to establish His Kingdom on earth, in the hearts of all who believe, so the divine purpose in creating the world and all in it will be realized. 

However, to the one who is lazy, unwilling to realize the purpose for which they were created, or uses the gifts and talents given selfishly, such a person will be stripped of everything. You have been given everything - nothing has been held back from God's children, give as you have received freely, selflessly, and without counting the cost and you will receive in double measure. God loves a generous and cheerful giver.

Monday, October 30, 2017


Matthew 5:13A, 14A, 16

You are the salt of the earth.
You are the light of the world.
Your light must shine before others,
so that they may see the good you do
and praise your Father in heaven.

---- Mine,

There is no such thing as a witness who is silent in the face of wrong. Discipleship is not a popularity contest it is the opposite. To truly be My disciple you must always and everywhere stand up for the truth no matter to whom you are called to stand up to. How can you be either salt or light when you refuse to point out when someone is uncharitable when speaking of another? Ask for wisdom and it will be given to you. Ask for the words to speak gently, kindly, but firmly. If the one who speaks rashly is not corrected then error will continue to be sown and you will have failed in your mission. There is no such thing as compromise when it comes to the sin. Holiness and perfection is what every one who is a member of My Body must strive after. There must be no fear of offending another when it comes to speaking the truth in love.

Sunday, October 29, 2017


Luke 5:2

“Put out into deep water 
and lower your nets for a catch.” 

---- Mine,

Pay attention to all that I say to you today. Leave the safety of the shore, trust Me, and go into deep water and there you will find a good catch. There are many in the world who are far away from where you live in comfort and ignorance of the world that has wandered far from Me. I came for the lost sheep, I came to minister to the sick, the outcast, the abandoned of the world.  Remember whatever you do for the least of My little ones I consider done to Me. Go out into unfamiliar territory, leave the comfort of the safe, the familiar, the known, and go onward, further and farther than you've ever gone before and know that I am with you every step of the way. 

Saturday, October 28, 2017


Isaiah 40:11

Like a shepherd he tends his flock: 

he gathers the lambs in his arms, 
he carries them in his bosom, 
gently leading those that are with young.

---- Mine,

I am the Good Shepherd, I know My sheep and they know Me. They recognize the sound of My voice no matter how loud the the din around them. They look to Me in times of distress confident that I will tend to them. When they are afraid they run to me for they know that I will protect them. I will always keep them safe from the terrors of the night and from the enemy that pursues them. I feed them, I quench their thirst, when they are weak I carry them. Those that need special care I lead gently. I do not place unnecessary burdens on those I love. I am the Good Shepherd I lay down My life for My own. My sheep know Me and follow Me, they belong to Me and I shall not lose even one of those that are Mine.

Friday, October 27, 2017


Luke 8:21

"My mother and my brothers
are those who hear the word of God
and do it."

---- Mine,

Anyone who desires to have a close, personal relationship with Me as that of a mother, a brother, or sister, must know Me; the Eternal Word of God, incarnate of the Virgin through the overshadowing of God and the power of the Holy Spirit. A member of the family of God is constantly attuned to My voice and having heard the Word of God will do it always, not just when it is convenient but in season and out of season no matter what the consequences may be. The one who hears My Word and lives it is recognized as belonging to the family of God.

Thursday, October 26, 2017


Psalm 105:41

He opened the rock, and water gushed out,
flowing like a river through the desert.

---- Mine,

There is no one like Me I am the Lord your God who saves you. I am the Rock that was struck and from Me flows streams of living water. Water to refresh you, water to cleanse you, water to quench your thirst. In the dry, desert, of life where you could perish by the wayside were it not for Me, I am ever present with you.  I have made a covenant with you one that will never  be forgotten. I am God and I do not  alter I am the same yesterday, today and forever. 

Come to Me ---- My Own and find in Me strength and refreshment for your soul. Remain in Me as I remain in you always.

Wednesday, October 25, 2017


MARK 11:24-26

I tell you, whatever you ask in prayer,
believe that you have received it, 
and it shall be done for you. 
And when you stand to pray, 
if you have anything against anyone, 
forgive, so that your heavenly Father 
may also forgive your sins.

---- Mine,
Believe Me when I tell you today that whatever you have ever asked of Me in pray I have given it to you. Cast your memory to the past and try to recall one instance when I have not answered when you called Me, when I have not done what you asked of Me. I keep My Word. I keep My covenant with you. I assure you today once again that My hand of protection will always be over you and those who are yours even to the hundredth generation. 

I am God and not man. I am the same yesterday, today, and forever. Forgive and you shall be forgiven; it is only if you withhold forgiveness from anyone that I will not be able to grant you what I have assured you I will. Love as I love. Live in peace with those around you. Do not let pride or self-will become stumbling blocks on the Way to where I desire you to lead you, home, to My Father's house.

Tuesday, October 24, 2017


Acts 2:38-39

“Each of you must repent 
and be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ, 
so that your sins may be forgiven. 
Then, you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.
For the promise of God was made to you 
and your children, 
and to all those from afar, 
whom our God may call.”

---- Mine,
This is My Father's call to all who desire to inherit His Kingdom. This has been His plan since the foundation of the world. The Gift of the Holy Spirit can be yours only if you have been baptized in My Name. There can be no baptism until there is repentance and renunciation of sin for where there is sin there can be no God. He dwells in pure light and in Him there is no darkness. Were it not for those who received my commission to go out into the world and spread the Good News seriously, you would be living in ignorance of the Truth which saves. God's promise of salvation in and through Me was possible only because of the fire of evangelization was ignited by holy men and women who left the comfort of home and country to preach the Gospel making for God a people from among pagan nations. 

You too ---- Mine, are called to set the world on fire with the Truth of the Gospel so that all may be saved and come to know the Father and the Son whom He sent, and that all may receive the Holy Spirit who is the Spirit of the Father and the Son and who dwells in the heart of all who believe. 

Monday, October 23, 2017


Psalm 46:11

Be still, know that I am God.
I am exalted among the nations,
exalted over the earth!

---- My Own,

Enter into the silence of your inner being where I dwell, allow that silence to wash over you, to permeate you. Come alive to My Presence in you. Become aware of Me, your God and your King, the Savior of the world, the Breath of Life, Lord and Master, and Creator of all. This is the truth  that I the Lord of Lords and King of Kings, the Savior and ruler of the earth, the heavens and all that is, was, and ever shall, be desires that you still all the tumult of your inner being and experience the  presence of God making himself available to you. God who desires a relationship with you, desires intimacy with you greater than any other human relationship you may have. I the Lord of lords, Master of earth and the heavens; desires that you be still and know with every fiber of your being that I am God and I love you.

Sunday, October 22, 2017


Acts 2:18

In those days I will pour out my Spirit 
even on my servants, both men and women,
and they will be prophets.

---- Mine,

You are living in the age of the Holy Spirit. To you has been give the privilege to see and know God, to know Me, and to be filled by My Holy Spirit, because you are an anointed member of My Body.   because You are baptized and are privileged to share in My mission as priest, prophet and king. You are privileged to know God in a way that was not possible before My incarnation. Faith in Me saves.  I am the fulfillment of the Father's love for you and for all who believe. 

You are a privileged child of God, you are heir to the Kingdom of God, and a temple of the Most Holy Spirit. Don't squander what you have received ---- My Own, for there will be a day of reckoning. You are a child of the light, walk in it, and let it shine so others too may come to know the truth and knowing it come to believe and be saved. You have received the armor of God, wear it.

Friday, October 20, 2017


LUKE 10:35

"Take care of him and whatever you spend on him,
I will repay when I come back."

---- Mine,
I am the Good Samaritan, you are the innkeeper, your neighbor is the man wounded by the world, robbed, beaten up, and left for dead by the wayside. He is ignored, people who pass by pretend they do not see because they are too indifferent; or too afraid to get involved for many reasons which they justify to themselves are good. However remember, I consider no reason good enough that allows you to ignore one of My Father's children and is My sister, my brother. 

You are your neighbors keeper and any kindness shown to another no matter how insignificant you may think it is, and better yet, all the immense kindness you show to one whom the world is indifferent to; the marginalized, the outcast, the forgotten, the ones the world turns a blind eye and a deaf ear too, I will consider as done to Me. And I will repay in full measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, when I return. Where I am I assure you, there you will be also ---- My own.

Thursday, October 19, 2017


LUKE 8:48

“Daughter, your faith has saved you. 
Go in peace.”

---- Mine, as I have assured you over and over again I am with you always. Keep your gaze on Me let nothing trouble you. Even though you walk in the dark valley no evil shall touch you for you walk in the light of the Sun of Justice, the Son of God. Have confidence in Me; believe  that I will  never leave you nor will I forsake you for I have counted you among My Own. You are a member of the household of God, He is Your Father, I am your Bridegroom, and the Holy Spirit makes you the dwelling place God Most High. Fear nothing those who are ignorant are fearful. Remember I have overcome the world.

Wednesday, October 18, 2017


Song of Songs 6:6-7

Set me as a seal on your heart,
set me as a seal on your arm.
For love is strong as death;
its jealousy lasting as the power of death,
it burns like a blazing fire,
it blazes like a mighty flame.
No flood can extinguish love
nor river submerge it.
If a man were to buy love
with all the wealth of his house, 

contempt is all he would purchase.

---- Mine, see My hand is stretched out to you, come take it, let Me love you for I desire to have you so closely pressed against me that you impress yourself as a seal on my heart. I want you to make it your refuge. Press against My arm and mark it with your own mark of possession. I want you to love Me so fiercely, so completely, so powerfully, with all the strength that your soul possesses that I may for a while forget how many reject Me, are indifferent to My invitation, deliberately make themselves blind to all the signs of my love, choose to be deaf to My invitation to be Mine so I can heal all division, rid the world of sorrow and pain and wipe the tears of every eye.

I do not purchase your love; to do so would be no love at all but I have wooed You by laying  down My life for you and pouring out  My love as an oblation. Love Me, ---- Mine, and console Me with your love which though as weak as a smoldering wick, or as a broken reed still consoles Me for you desire to give it poor as it is; in exchange I will love you with a love lifts that you up and carries you into the very bosom of the God of love where you will find your resting place in time and eternally.

Tuesday, October 17, 2017


Mark 11:22-25

“Have faith in God. 
Truly, I say to you, if you say to this mountain, 
‘Be taken up and cast into the sea,’ 
and have no doubt in your heart, 
but believe that what you say will happen, 
it will be done for you. 
Therefore, I tell you, 
whatever you ask in prayer, 
believe that you have received it, 
and it shall be done for you."

---- Mine, do you recall a time when what you have asked for in prayer has been denied you when it was for your good? Have I not been true to every one of My promises to you? Have I not told you that I will never leave you, I will never forsake you, and that I am always nearer to you than to yourself? If you have Me you have all things. My ear is always close to your mouth so I hear all you ask of Me. Do not doubt but believe ---- Mine, it has pleased the Father to give you  the Kingdom. You need no more than this, that the Kingdom of God is within you. 

Sunday, October 15, 2017


Matthew 13:31

Heaven and earth will pass away,
but my words will not pass away.

---- Mine I am eternal, My Word is eternal, My love is eternal. Everything else will fade away; all that is material will rust, corrode, and spoil, but the Word of Life which is the Word of Truth is the Light that illumines the Kingdom of God which is also within you. My Word will enable you to always walk in the light that is eternal and which no one can put out.

Friday, October 13, 2017


Psalm 81:6-8

“Open wide your mouth and I will fill it, 
I relieved your shoulder from burden; 
I freed your hands. 
You called in distress, and I saved you; 
unseen, I answered you............."

---- Mine, not only in the Holy Eucharist do I fill your mouth with the Bread of Life and the Wine of Salvation, but I also fill your mouth with the sweetness of My love. Every time you read My Word, each time you wait on Me with all the fervor of your soul in prayer, I console you with the consolation that can come only from the Bridegroom of your soul. I  fill your mouth when you come to Me in your hunger and thirst with the confidence of a child, like a fledgling that knows instinctively that it will be fed when its parents are near.  Each time you called on Me, My Father, or our Holy Spirit when you felt the burden press upon you and weigh down your shoulders; we came to you and relieved you. How often even before you were visited with difficulty, we came to your help and delivered you. Be strong! Have courage! You will never be alone.

Thursday, October 12, 2017


Mark 12:34

"You are not far from the kingdom of God."

----Mine, what pleases us most is that you are trying to grow in perfection and holiness; we ask nothing more than this, the rest we will accomplish. You receive rich graces when you frequent the Sacraments, these will assist you to progress in the Way that leads to life. Fear not little one, it pleases the Father to give you the Kingdom. Continue to walk in the way of humility and willing service. Continue to do what pleases Me rather than the world and My Holy Spirit will lead you gently as the shepherd leads his sheep.  Be of good cheer, I have overcome the world. 

Wednesday, October 11, 2017


Psalm 37:4

Make the Lord your delight,
and he will grant your heart's desire.

---- Mine, you know well how much I love you how I have watched over from the moment you were conceived in your mother's womb. How I have ensured that you lived in places that were pleasant, where you were loved, protected, and cared for. All the experiences of your life proclaim My goodness, My loving kindness, My care of you from the moment you first drew breath. I desire that you in turn strive to return My love by making it your life's work to strive after those things alone that testify in turn, that I am truly your joy and your delight in all the circumstances of your life. Remember, that I love you with an everlasting love and I have claimed you as My Own before My Father in heaven. Weak and sinful as you are I delight in you. Look at Me, fix your gaze on Me, be filled and satisfied in Me.

Tuesday, October 10, 2017


John 8:34-36

“Truly, I say to you,
whoever commits sin is a slave. 
But the slave doesn’t stay in the house forever; 
the son stays forever. 
So, if the Son makes you free, 
you will be really free.

---- Mine, sin comes from a conscious decision to go against the commandment of love either to God or neighbor. Sin has no place in the life of one who is called to be a child of God and an heir to His Kingdom. Sin separates. Sin wounds. Sin causes barriers. Sin enslaves.  Anyone who sins does so by freely giving free rein to the flesh, the world, and Satan to enslave with the allure of instant gratification of the senses leading to darkness. I have come into the world to set the prisoner free. To bring light into the world so all can walk in the freedom that comes from the Son of the Most High God. God has the power to grant His children complete freedom when they walk in the Light that lights up the world. In Me there is no darkness only light and life. Sin no more and you will discover the joy of being one with Me and one in Me.

Monday, October 9, 2017


 1 Maccabees 2:61

Consider, then, that in any generation
those who trust in God are never defeated.

---- Mine, the Word became flesh, I came down from heaven because it was My Father's will to give witness to all; that no one who trusts God, who lives in the shelter of His wings, will ever be abandoned. From the first pages of Scripture to the last God the Father, I, the Son, and our Holy Spirit assure you over and over again to place all your hopes, dreams, and trust in the Lord your God and you will never be disappointed. I am your God who is with you in time and in eternity. Put your whole trust in Me even when things are at their bleakest, their darkest, when you find it difficult to trust, trust in Me still for I never fail those who lay calmly at rest in Me. The key to peace in a turbulent world is trust in Me.

Sunday, October 8, 2017


Mark 10:17

Just as Jesus was setting out on his journey again,
a man ran up, knelt before him and asked, 
“Good Master, what must I do to have eternal life?"

---- Mine, you who know Me, you who have been baptized into My Body and My Church which is the pillar and foundation of Truth, already know what is required to have eternal life. You must follow the Way. Before My people were called Christians they were called followers of the Way. I AM the Way, the Truth, and the Life no one comes to the Father except though Me.

If You desire eternal life then every moment of every day that you are alive strive with your whole heart, your whole soul, your whole might, to love Me above and before all things and then love your neighbor as yourself. Do this and the life you desire is yours.

Saturday, October 7, 2017


Matthew 14:30-31

“Lord, save me!” 

Jesus immediately stretched out his hand 
and took hold of him, saying, 
“Man of little faith, why did you doubt?"

Cry out to Me ---- Mine when you are in trouble and I will stretch forth my hand immediately and save you. No trouble is too great, no storm so fierce, nothing  can destroy you if you stay close to Me and have faith. I will never leave you nor forsake you. In time and in eternity you are Mine. You are Mine

Thursday, October 5, 2017


John 20:26

Despite the locked doors Jesus came and stood in their midst and said, "Peace be with you."

---- Mine, nothing can keep me out of hearts that truly desire Me. There are no barriers that can keep me separated from those who are Mine. My peace is with you always. Do not be troubled, do not be anxious about anything but with prayers and supplications make all your needs known to Me and I assure you that every prayer, every sigh, every longing of your heart, I hear and I answer. You are anointed and sealed in the Spirit who is the power of God and the love of the Most High is yours in time and in eternity.

Wednesday, October 4, 2017



How beautiful on the mountains 
are the feet of those who bring good news, 
who herald peace and happiness, 
who proclaim salvation and announce to Zion: 
“Your God is King!”

---- Mine, My own, I am the herald of the Good News that I, the Lord Your God am with You and that you are saved.

No longer does sin oppress and enslave you. No longer are you without hope. No longer are you alone, lost, and wandering in the desert without food and water to nourish your soul.

I came into the world entering it through the womb in a way that the world did not expect. This is why many reject Me for they cannot conceive of a God who is humble, a God who does the unexpected and startles the world out of its slumber, its cynicism. I am God prepared to do whatever it takes to save and redeem the sinner even if it in exchange for the life of the Son of God in the hope that when I do the utterly unfathomable by dying for You, you discover that you are raised up to a glorious new life in My Resurrection. Where My Father is there where He desires His children to be. 

Tuesday, October 3, 2017


  Matthew 14:27

"Courage! Don't be afraid. It's me!"

Courage! ---- Mine, courage! When life seems too much for you, when the cares of the world weigh you down, courage! Remember I have overcome the world. It may look to you that evil will have the last hurrah but it is not so. The Enemy, Satan, is roaring around because he is aware that he has lost. Yes there is unprecedented evil everywhere but there is also great good. There is holiness and there is the striving after holiness and perfection. I know My Own and My own know Me. They hear My voice and they follow Me. Be not afraid rather be of good cheer for I ---- Mine, have overcome the world. Believe! Stay strong! Have courage! I am here. I will always be here.

Monday, October 2, 2017


Matthew 3:17

"This is my Son, the Beloved; he is my Chosen One."

---- Mine, if you remember nothing else remember this, that my Son was sent into the world in order to redeem it. It is I who chose Him, I who sent Him to be the means by which everyone is saved. Never forget it. Look at the  price and do not turn your face away from the Sacrifice of Love that atoned for your sins and the sins of the whole world. In this is life, eternal life, that you acknowledge my Son, obey Him and give Him the place of honor in your life. He must reign in your heart as He reigns in heaven and on earth. All rule, all dominion, all power, all Kingship and Lordship is granted to Him my Son, the Beloved, My Chosen One.