Tuesday, October 31, 2017


Mark 4:24-25

“Pay attention to what you hear.
In the measure you give, so shall you receive,
and still more will be given to you.
For to the one who produces
something, more will be given;
and from him who does not produce anything,
even what he has
will be taken away from him.”

---- My Own,
I have said this often and I have said it in different ways but it all means the same thing. I give everyone talents in different measure; to the one who strives diligently to use these gifts for the purpose for which they were given will be given more for they have proven to be worthy. Every good and perfect gift has been given to you through Me by My Father in heaven. He desires that His children collaborate with Him, with Me, and with the Holy Spirit to establish His Kingdom on earth, in the hearts of all who believe, so the divine purpose in creating the world and all in it will be realized. 

However, to the one who is lazy, unwilling to realize the purpose for which they were created, or uses the gifts and talents given selfishly, such a person will be stripped of everything. You have been given everything - nothing has been held back from God's children, give as you have received freely, selflessly, and without counting the cost and you will receive in double measure. God loves a generous and cheerful giver.

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