Sunday, October 22, 2017


Acts 2:18

In those days I will pour out my Spirit 
even on my servants, both men and women,
and they will be prophets.

---- Mine,

You are living in the age of the Holy Spirit. To you has been give the privilege to see and know God, to know Me, and to be filled by My Holy Spirit, because you are an anointed member of My Body.   because You are baptized and are privileged to share in My mission as priest, prophet and king. You are privileged to know God in a way that was not possible before My incarnation. Faith in Me saves.  I am the fulfillment of the Father's love for you and for all who believe. 

You are a privileged child of God, you are heir to the Kingdom of God, and a temple of the Most Holy Spirit. Don't squander what you have received ---- My Own, for there will be a day of reckoning. You are a child of the light, walk in it, and let it shine so others too may come to know the truth and knowing it come to believe and be saved. You have received the armor of God, wear it.

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