Monday, October 30, 2017


Matthew 5:13A, 14A, 16

You are the salt of the earth.
You are the light of the world.
Your light must shine before others,
so that they may see the good you do
and praise your Father in heaven.

---- Mine,

There is no such thing as a witness who is silent in the face of wrong. Discipleship is not a popularity contest it is the opposite. To truly be My disciple you must always and everywhere stand up for the truth no matter to whom you are called to stand up to. How can you be either salt or light when you refuse to point out when someone is uncharitable when speaking of another? Ask for wisdom and it will be given to you. Ask for the words to speak gently, kindly, but firmly. If the one who speaks rashly is not corrected then error will continue to be sown and you will have failed in your mission. There is no such thing as compromise when it comes to the sin. Holiness and perfection is what every one who is a member of My Body must strive after. There must be no fear of offending another when it comes to speaking the truth in love.

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