Tuesday, January 23, 2018


Jeremiah 33:2-3

He who made the earth, who fashioned
and established it, he whose Name is Yahweh
is speaking to you, 
“Call me and I shall answer. 
I will reveal to you great and

mysterious things you have not known.”

---- Mine,
it is I, through the power of My Spirit who holds  all things together. I am the Eternal Word which issues forth from the Creator, My Father. Incarnate in the womb of the handmaid, chosen by God, and in accordance with the will of Him who created all people, I redeemed the world. It is the work of the Holy Spirit to unceasingly sanctify it. 

I am the God who calls you by name. Who has your name carved on the palm of My hand, who constantly speaks to you and assures you not to be afraid to call Me. Call Me and I assure you that I will hear and answer you. I will hasten to your side. I who stoop over you tenderly and gaze at you unceasingly, love you with an everlasting love. Purchased at a price you can never repay, I ask only this, that you love me with all the fervor of your being. The world continues to reject Me but to you who know Me I say, call on Me, ask and I will reveal to you the wisdom of God and you will be able to grasp the mysteries that those blinded by the the world never will.

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