Monday, January 29, 2018


Matthew 10:19-20

But when you are arrested, do not worry about what you are to say,or how you are to say it; when the hour
comes, you will be given what you are to say. For it will not be you who speak, but the Spirit of your Father,

speaking through you.

---- Mine,

Do not be anxious about anything. How often must I assure you that you need fear nothing? I am with you, My Spirit  makes His dwelling place in you. When you walk , you walk under the protection of My angels. Do not be anxious about anything for I assure you that the Spirit of the Most High is with you. He guards your ways, He inspires you, He moves your soul to yearn for the things of God and above all for God Himself. Yield to My Spirit, be still under His influence, humble yourself before Him and surrender your whole being to Him. Let every thought, every word, every desire, be prompted by Him and you will know joy in this life that never ends.

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