Thursday, June 10, 2021


AMOS 5:14

Seek good and not evil,
that you may live;
and so the Lord, the God of hosts, will be with you,
just as you have said.

---- Mine,

Every day sets before you choices that will bring you either life or death blessings or a curse. You can choose to walk in the way of truth and holiness, in the way of perfection, in the way that brings peace and consolation, or you can choose to walk in the way of the world and lose your soul in the passing pleasures that the world offers. One leads to life the other to death. On the road leading to life, you will walk with the angels and have Me as your Friend, Companion, and Spouse, and no matter how difficult or narrow the way you will experience the peace that only I can give. Do not be ruled by your passions or by the dictates of the world but by the command to love and you will have peace that surpasses human understanding. Be of good cheer I have overcome the world.

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