Tuesday, June 8, 2021

WORD OF GOD - PS 94:18-19

PSALM 94:18-19

When I thought, ‘My foot is slipping’,
your steadfast love, O Lord, held me up.
When the cares of my heart are many,
your consolations cheer my soul.

---- Mine,

Keep this in mind always human love cannot compare with the love of God. No matter how greatly you love and are loved in return by those nearest and deares
t to your heart it pales in comparison to the love the Father, the Spirit, and I have for you. Strive to love as I love, place My will above your own and keep this truth ever before you, no human love no matter how tender, how great, how passionate, and selfless, it pales before God's love for you. Seek to love God as you ought and you will find that you are not so easily grieved by the lack of human response to your love for them. Keep My love ever before your eyes, let it be the fire that burns in your soul, let its light illumine your steps, and permit the light and heat of My love for you to light the way for another and warm their souls as well. Remain in my love and let your whole being be imbued by it and you will care less for the love of humans. Selfless love is its own reward.

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